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category: residue [glöplog]
Yay for environmentalist pirates.
added on the 2009-05-19 11:01:12 by doomdoom doomdoom
I see alot of nokias so I blame Finland.
Where on earth can you get that shark hat!?111ONE
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added on the 2009-05-19 12:43:34 by Optimus Optimus
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added on the 2009-05-19 13:22:52 by Rob Rob
added on the 2009-05-19 13:30:30 by Deus Deus
added on the 2009-05-19 14:04:03 by neoneye neoneye
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added on the 2009-05-19 14:34:16 by neoneye neoneye
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added on the 2009-05-19 19:10:23 by can can
ye A-style motherfocker!
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added on the 2009-05-19 22:41:57 by h4xor h4xor
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added on the 2009-05-19 23:25:32 by aftu aftu
Nice Beaver
added on the 2009-05-20 00:09:06 by h4xor h4xor
thanks, I just had it stuffed
I've been swimming in raw sewage......... and I love it.
added on the 2009-05-20 01:28:25 by Phred Phred
Jane: I've heard police work is dangerous.
Frank: It is. That's why I carry a big gun.
Jane: Aren't you afraid it might go off accidentally?
Frank: I used to have that problem.
Jane: What did you do about it?
Frank: I just think about baseball.
added on the 2009-05-20 02:33:12 by h4xor h4xor
And the best Scene from 2 1/2:

[Lt. Frank Drebin and Ed Hocken are in a sex shop making inquiries]
Busty Female Shop Assistant: Why should I tell you, copper?
Lt. Frank Drebin: Because I'm the last line of defense between sleaze like this and the decent people of this town.
[a male shop assistant appears from a storeroom]
Sex Shop Assistant: Oh, hi, Frank. Say, we got that model D83 Swedish sure-grip suck machine that you ordered.
Lt. Frank Drebin: [to the Female Assistant] It's a gift.
added on the 2009-05-20 02:39:33 by h4xor h4xor
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added on the 2009-05-20 02:52:24 by h4xor h4xor
Vincent Ludwig: Inspector Drebin, welcome.

Frank Drebin: The feeling is mutual.

Vincent Ludwig: Nice to meet you too...
*He offers Drebin some cigars*
... Cuban?

Frank Drebin: Err, no, Dutch-Irish, my father was from Wales.

On another note... is that Sharon Stone's real pussy? Fucking thing looks like a camels hoof!
added on the 2009-05-20 03:50:49 by Phred Phred
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added on the 2009-05-20 04:00:58 by Archedeus Archedeus
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Will Wright pwns.
Will Wright buys his clothes from the matrix
added on the 2009-05-20 05:43:44 by BuzzNAcid BuzzNAcid
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added on the 2009-05-20 12:04:51 by neoneye neoneye
The danish demoscene is everywhere, even in iPhone "Risk" games:

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added on the 2009-05-20 12:19:26 by gloom gloom


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