Random "Adok/EP/Magic/Hugi please go to hell kthxbye" thread
category: general [glöplog]
Instead of throwing shit on EP, it would have been better to write tutorials for how to do that one's own. This would encourage learning and competition. By throwing their shit to the masses, Pouet put itself above the scene and degrade demo sceners to gossipy.
Finally somebody got brains in the royal family. great move magic. really.
When can we expect MagicMag #1 ? :)
When can we expect MagicMag #1 ? :)

Want a discussion... I am glad archmage and navis gave their point of view.
i don't want any discussion. neither do i want to adok/ep/magic to "go to hell kthxbye". and nobody ever forced anyone to read hugi. if you don't care, just stop reading it goddamnit.
as for ep, when there's actual stalking/death threats/forged letters involved, let the appropriate authorities handle the situation. but this thread is just a stupid flamewar.
as for ep, when there's actual stalking/death threats/forged letters involved, let the appropriate authorities handle the situation. but this thread is just a stupid flamewar.
You're ahead of me ryg.
Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit, but that thread doesn't make the scene any better IMO.
OH, but Pouet IS NOT THE SCENE, ain't it ?
Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit, but that thread doesn't make the scene any better IMO.
OH, but Pouet IS NOT THE SCENE, ain't it ?
let the appropriate authorities handle the situation
i guess the purpose is more preventive rather than reactive
ryg: captain obvious is calling... you ARE aware that things written about someone in public press can affect that person even if he's himself not reading it, yes? The advise is as useful as "put your hands in front of your eyes, so people can't see you" ;)
oxb: So you think NOT talking about it makes the scene a better place? Like "well, it's not me who got attacked by EP, why should I care as long as I'm not the victim myself". Seriously, if you think people complaining about a madman on the run is the problem instead of that madman itself, then you should consider joining the roman-catholic church, they love that concept ;)
oxb: So you think NOT talking about it makes the scene a better place? Like "well, it's not me who got attacked by EP, why should I care as long as I'm not the victim myself". Seriously, if you think people complaining about a madman on the run is the problem instead of that madman itself, then you should consider joining the roman-catholic church, they love that concept ;)
maali: right. plus the fact that border-crossing police enforcement against a stalker is pretty hard to do, and a community as ours should be able to not let come things that far.
whereas stupid finger-pointing and flaming is a proven problem-resolution tactic.
seriously, shut up already. what's happened is that your pissed-off-ness went over your "start a flamewar now" threshold, so you did. fine. but don't claim that this is solving anything, because it obviously isn't.
seriously, shut up already. what's happened is that your pissed-off-ness went over your "start a flamewar now" threshold, so you did. fine. but don't claim that this is solving anything, because it obviously isn't.
I understand perhaps why you'd want to keep it private (?), but you also have to understand that no one can really sympathise with you or agree with your cause if all you make are incredibly vague accusations of being 'attacked'.
I'm guessing most of the people opposing you here know absolutely nothing about the situation other than the scene.org email and some flame war that happened a couple of years ago. That's the kind of bullshit that happens on the internet every day and no one cares...
So if you're not going to give details, what is the point of this thread?
I'm guessing most of the people opposing you here know absolutely nothing about the situation other than the scene.org email and some flame war that happened a couple of years ago. That's the kind of bullshit that happens on the internet every day and no one cares...
So if you're not going to give details, what is the point of this thread?
ryg: Shut up yourself if you don't have anything meaningful to add, which you obviously haven't. We had that "bad scamp is bullying" part 2 pages ago.
As much as Magic/EP/Adok piss me off, Ryg, Melwyn and Archmage have a very valid point there.
But well, "a madman is on the run...". (which one was it already ?)
But well, "a madman is on the run...". (which one was it already ?)
this thread turns in a very counterproductive direction.
calling scamp a madman (and thus blowing in the same horn as adok & co.) is absolutely inappropriate.
calling scamp a madman (and thus blowing in the same horn as adok & co.) is absolutely inappropriate.
imagine how happy EP might be now.
and now, calm down and make love...er... demos!
dipswitch : who called Scamp a madman ? I certainly did not :)
I was refering of the whole madnes of this thread and its posts.
I was refering of the whole madnes of this thread and its posts.
-of +to
Scamp: It's just about what is absolutely important and what is not. What has some chances to result in something positive and what is strictly meant to be negative.
As long as those peoples you can't stand are not across your road (in scene, in life), why bother? I mean, they won't prevent you of doing what you do best. ;)
Or maybe there's facts we don't know or we shouldn't have to know and so it would make that whole public thread pointless.
As long as those peoples you can't stand are not across your road (in scene, in life), why bother? I mean, they won't prevent you of doing what you do best. ;)
Or maybe there's facts we don't know or we shouldn't have to know and so it would make that whole public thread pointless.
keops: I'll be quite honest. As far as I can tell, neither ryg, melwyn, Archmage nor you have in the past even tried to help EP's victims, to put pressure on Hugi to no longer support EP's amok runs, to isolate Adok for keep supporting that guy, or ... well, doing anything else than not wanting to have to deal or read about the problem.
Let me say this: It's rather cheap to criticize someone elses style in trying to help (and yes, it is known that my way of doing these things is extremely loud and vocal and bold) if you haven't tried anything yourself.
Seriously, some people in here have commented on my style of flaming, and have lost no single word of either support for the victims (for example in the scene.org thread) nor the actors.
I may be an extremely loud and unpleasant messenger, but that doesn't change the fact that you are shooting the messenger ;)
(And to me this is now more than enough of meta-talk, I'm not going to answer more of that scamp-criticism in this thread, please let's take this somewhere else.)
Let me say this: It's rather cheap to criticize someone elses style in trying to help (and yes, it is known that my way of doing these things is extremely loud and vocal and bold) if you haven't tried anything yourself.
Seriously, some people in here have commented on my style of flaming, and have lost no single word of either support for the victims (for example in the scene.org thread) nor the actors.
I may be an extremely loud and unpleasant messenger, but that doesn't change the fact that you are shooting the messenger ;)
(And to me this is now more than enough of meta-talk, I'm not going to answer more of that scamp-criticism in this thread, please let's take this somewhere else.)
oxb: Most of EPs victims don't wish to talk about it in public, that's why this thread is short on that information. Use the BBS search (queries listed above), or ask the ones involved privately if you care. Parts of the EP-tries-to-take-down-scene.org story is public, too, and with all of us actually posting on a scene.org server right now should already be enough to guess that I'm not taking things out of my butt ;)
This thread is public because the only way to make sure EP won't return is to make sure he doesn't get a platform offered to abuse. The only way to make sure this doesn't happen is to isolate his main supporters - now that Magic has taken the consequences, there is only Adok left. So the message to send to Adok is "nobody is going to support your lousy mag if you keep supporting amok-running people for long which obviously are trying to hurt other sceners or destroy scene-relevant resources."
This thread is public because the only way to make sure EP won't return is to make sure he doesn't get a platform offered to abuse. The only way to make sure this doesn't happen is to isolate his main supporters - now that Magic has taken the consequences, there is only Adok left. So the message to send to Adok is "nobody is going to support your lousy mag if you keep supporting amok-running people for long which obviously are trying to hurt other sceners or destroy scene-relevant resources."
Most of EPs victims don't wish to talk about it in public
Pouet Witness Protection Program. awesome.

Well that's my most successful google image search ever! I'm gonna do laps after that, basically!