Graphicians: 256bytes pouët logo!
category: general [glöplog]

Right border wasn't the right size
Now 352x104x2 and 239 bytes!
de la creme!
I give up, this is too good

3 colors, 177 bytes
entity's.. with sig.. nice touch :)

Oldschool rocks in 250b.
great ones :)
wooh those latest logos should join the official logos :D (but maybe with an artificial zoom done in html by browsers)

back to some pixel love with a 208 bytes logo in 50x21x3
p01, that looks great!
splendid ones! :)
Some stunning images in here so far, keep it up!
nice one p01 :)
I knew p01 is a great 256b coder but it turned out that he is also a 256b gfx master. any 256b tunes p01? :)
Sorry. I am musically impaired.
But thanks for the feedback. Bring on some tiny logo art.
But thanks for the feedback. Bring on some tiny logo art.

extreme minimal for the win! 31 * 3 * 2colors = 98b

whoops.. wrong url
Another 250b one...

Cause size does matter.

Cause size does matter.
Very nice.
entity / SP: wow :D
ezaz, SP, buntess :)

OK this isn't anything special, really...
Will try to do something worthy though :)