Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
SKM: Wurst shoop evva. Now return to 4chan.

Good to see that propaganda never fails SKM, thank you for such an impressive demonstration of how effective it is. I have, -unlike you- spend a good amount of time studying Islam in all it's variations. According to the prophetary traditions Aisha was : 6,9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20 or 21. Why pick the lowest when all the other wifes the man was repported to have was well over 50?
If we look at the marital pattern alone, the guy was heavily into older chicks, like having a cougar fantasy thing going on, and suddenly he just "lashed one out" and married a 6 y.o to fuck, yeah makes sense. only, it doesnt, and as the age suggested for Aisha range from 6 to 21, i would say that it is telling that someone can look at the sum of marriages, and conclude that this was a child sex concubine. It says more about the mind of the propagator than his victims. And here it is again, repeated ad neaseum....well done, TPB loves you.
If we look at the marital pattern alone, the guy was heavily into older chicks, like having a cougar fantasy thing going on, and suddenly he just "lashed one out" and married a 6 y.o to fuck, yeah makes sense. only, it doesnt, and as the age suggested for Aisha range from 6 to 21, i would say that it is telling that someone can look at the sum of marriages, and conclude that this was a child sex concubine. It says more about the mind of the propagator than his victims. And here it is again, repeated ad neaseum....well done, TPB loves you.

Its posed. Its for a website that posts situations and the visitors act them out and send in photos. I'll see if I can dig up the link.
Its posed. Its for a website that posts situations and the visitors act them out and send in photos. I'll see if I can dig up the link.
According to the prophetary traditions Aisha was : 6,9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20 or 21.
Sounds like a very consistant book! ;)
Well, i can't easily find it. It was featured in one of the b3ta newsletters, though. IIRC one of the other scenarios was a waiter poking out of a waste chute with a glass of wine on a tray. Very odd.
Rob, a whole lot of them actually. No information of any such kind is found in the Quran, but rather in countless volumes of hadith, an arab word that mean stories, telltale, word of mouth etc.
stfu and post a random image already!

Broken Sword totally rocks!
Not so random image:

also BASS:

Not so random image:

also BASS:

That's a huge intestine...

make more cool demos instead of linking to 4chan shit tia
@The Goofy DJ: Beneath A Steel Sky ruled back in the past, ihave it on tyhe A1200....Revolution Software rules.
Anyway, since i fucking love Gary Numan, i scanned one mf my old (very old) musical magazines...

Anyway, since i fucking love Gary Numan, i scanned one mf my old (very old) musical magazines...

Angry, fat, ugly monkey is angry.

@SKM: I get uncomfortable with what you have sent.
I have bought a ribbon for our new demo!
ribbon \o/

ribbon \o/