Revision 2013 - Damages
category: parties [glöplog]
Whatever you want/can :) Until the first batch (the remaining 10) run out, I'm seeing how an open-ended approach goes. However realistically it comes out to $2.86* for each. So rounding, $9.50 or €7.25 for one + shipping. Also, the "official" store doesn't (yet?) handle PayPal, so you can message me via Nectarine or something to get an e-mail address to send through PayPal to. Or just donate here and I'll figure it out. Whatever. :)
International postage used to be as low as $3, but I understand why the USPS raised it. They're not exactly making money ...
* For those wondering about those I'd bring to Revision '14, I can get a better rate. The first and Revision 13 batches were done some months apart, and both were under the economical break point for the better rate. This year, though ... :D
International postage used to be as low as $3, but I understand why the USPS raised it. They're not exactly making money ...
* For those wondering about those I'd bring to Revision '14, I can get a better rate. The first and Revision 13 batches were done some months apart, and both were under the economical break point for the better rate. This year, though ... :D
Forgot I can't edit posts ... yes, I will save one.
And I still would like to get a response on my matter:
Why the fucking hell was the floodlight turned off in the night from Saturday to Sunday, when already last year cars were broken up?
What will you do to ensure that no cars will be "harmed" during the 2014-edition of Revision?
Will the paid security be upgraded next year? (I know that you won´t know this right now, I am just asking)
Don´t wanna be a pain in the ass, but Styx telling me that even his car had been parked on the general parking-lot does not help.
Finally, I had no financial loss because of this. Insurance payed it all. But I had to drive all the way back home with a missing window, had the trouble with getting the window repaired, reporting to the police, reporting and negotiating with my insurance company...... I just don´t want that again.
Please upgrade the security.
Please leave the floodlight at the parking lot lit all night.
Thank you.
Why the fucking hell was the floodlight turned off in the night from Saturday to Sunday, when already last year cars were broken up?
What will you do to ensure that no cars will be "harmed" during the 2014-edition of Revision?
Will the paid security be upgraded next year? (I know that you won´t know this right now, I am just asking)
Don´t wanna be a pain in the ass, but Styx telling me that even his car had been parked on the general parking-lot does not help.
Finally, I had no financial loss because of this. Insurance payed it all. But I had to drive all the way back home with a missing window, had the trouble with getting the window repaired, reporting to the police, reporting and negotiating with my insurance company...... I just don´t want that again.
Please upgrade the security.
Please leave the floodlight at the parking lot lit all night.
Thank you.
Sir, the principle of hard assed bug fixing states that "Fixing bugs is only important when the value of having the bug fixed exceeds the cost of the fixing it."
You cannot, and should not, fix all bugs, because the costs would be prohibitive and not worth it; even though some users may occasionally experience crashes.
This also goes for a party like Revision, or indeed, society as a whole, where the event of having ones car broken into could be considered a bug.
That question does not compute, because not all bugs are worth fixing.
That is not an unreasonable request. IMO.
You cannot, and should not, fix all bugs, because the costs would be prohibitive and not worth it; even though some users may occasionally experience crashes.
This also goes for a party like Revision, or indeed, society as a whole, where the event of having ones car broken into could be considered a bug.
What will you do to ensure that no cars will be "harmed" during the 2014-edition of Revision?
That question does not compute, because not all bugs are worth fixing.
Please leave the floodlight at the parking lot lit all night.
That is not an unreasonable request. IMO.
Thank you, revival.
I just wanted to point out that already LAST YEAR, cars were broken into, probably because of the lack of A) light in the parking lot, B) security personnel.
Impression _I_ get (since it was _MY_ car that was broken up with stuff stolen) is that the organizers did _NOT_ react to the facts:
1. The light was turned off on the night Saturday -> Sunday
2. Security was breached "unexpectedly" due to re-scheduling one of those guys to guard some fire-escape-way or such.
IMHO, this is completely outside of
because of the simple fact: I paid an entrance fee of 60 €. There IS a paid security that guards the area including the parking lot. If they are for whatever reasons not able to guard over my car especially at night, when already it is known THAT TEH SCUM COMES OUT AT NIGHT, BREAKING UP CARS, what the fuck for are they present?
I had so many occasions when I saw security guys passing through the E-Werk, doubtly watching over us sceners.... when actually they should have been watching the fucking parking lot instead.
I AM willing to pay MORE entrance fee next year for the sake of my car being watched over 24/7. That is not the problem.
But since most of the sceners visiting Revision will NOT come by car, a general increase of the entrance fee (say, by 1€ each person) will surely not help with my concerns.
I just wanted to point out that already LAST YEAR, cars were broken into, probably because of the lack of A) light in the parking lot, B) security personnel.
Impression _I_ get (since it was _MY_ car that was broken up with stuff stolen) is that the organizers did _NOT_ react to the facts:
1. The light was turned off on the night Saturday -> Sunday
2. Security was breached "unexpectedly" due to re-scheduling one of those guys to guard some fire-escape-way or such.
IMHO, this is completely outside of
Fixing bugs is only important when the value of having the bug fixed exceeds the cost of the fixing it.
because of the simple fact: I paid an entrance fee of 60 €. There IS a paid security that guards the area including the parking lot. If they are for whatever reasons not able to guard over my car especially at night, when already it is known THAT TEH SCUM COMES OUT AT NIGHT, BREAKING UP CARS, what the fuck for are they present?
I had so many occasions when I saw security guys passing through the E-Werk, doubtly watching over us sceners.... when actually they should have been watching the fucking parking lot instead.
I AM willing to pay MORE entrance fee next year for the sake of my car being watched over 24/7. That is not the problem.
But since most of the sceners visiting Revision will NOT come by car, a general increase of the entrance fee (say, by 1€ each person) will surely not help with my concerns.
Fixing bugs is only important when the value of having the bug fixed exceeds the cost of the fixing it.
I am Jack's raging boner for Chick Palahniuk metaphors that make no sense in light of the conversation.
God, if only the conversation was over.
But since most of the sceners visiting Revision will NOT come by car, a general increase of the entrance fee (say, by 1€ each person) will surely not help with my concerns.
I don't know if I'm the only one that thinks this way or not, but if I don't see why it wouldn't. I don't think it's cool that you enjoyed the party that much less because of temporary poor security of the parking lot. It shouldn't be "somebody else's problem" just because I didn't come by car. I wouldn't want a chance of the same if I could have driven. I think you should be able to have the same peace of mind about being in the hall with everyone (if you want to be) as those who don't. If such an increase results in helping out such people out, even though I don't really know them, I'm all for that.
as those who don't drive there.*
helping out people who have a car in the lot,
helping out people who have a car in the lot,
1. The light was turned off on the night Saturday -> Sunday
the lights are controlled by the city of saarbrooklyn as far as i know - i think there is little we can do about it being switched on or off. (this is a public parking lot)
2. Security was breached "unexpectedly" due to re-scheduling one of those guys to guard some fire-escape-way or such.
quite the contrary. the security guys are outside to do "zaunwache" (stand by the fence to open it in case of emergancy) which is required by safety regulations. (yes its stupid) besides that, they are there to help us maintain drunken finns and the like and back us up incase visitors go berzerk (which, believe it or not, is necessary at times).
the lights are controlled by the city of saarbrooklyn as far as i know
That´s what I thought. Then why are the lights turned OFF the night saturday -> sunday but turned ON sunday -> monday? To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ? ;)
Shouldn´t be so hard to ask them to leave those lights on every night during Revision.
the security guys are outside to do "zaunwache"
I know. I talked to the security staff leader on saturday night. He told me that _in addition_ to the guy already guarding the fence he also had to reschedule another guy for guarding something else (another fence or fire exit or something), resulting in the fact that there was only 1 guy left that night to guard all those cars parked outside. Outcome: 2 cars broken up.
I understand that however important the task of guarding the fence is, it is still stupid enough for nobody willing to do it. In 2011 we had sceners doing that job (e.g. hardy). At least this year on sunday night they decided to guard the fence from the outside, providing a better look over the parking lot.
Shops are closed on Sunday -> no need to have the light on. Shops are normally open on Monday -> light is on. Don't assume they have a special schedule for Easter weekend.Then why are the lights turned OFF the night saturday -> sunday but turned ON sunday -> monday?
First of all - again apologies for that. It was the first time something like this happenend at Revision and it was no fun for any of us, that's for sure. To our knowledge there have been no similar incidents in 2011 or 2012. Maybe you're thinking of breakpoint - there have been similar issues in 2009 or 2010 (don't remember exactly which year it was).
The floodlights are property of the city and not controlled by us. I guess they switch it off during weekends because they don't need them. We can try to talk to them next year to leave them on but I wouldn't count on it that they actually do.
We've already upgraded the security by 2 people this year but I doubt that increasing it again will make that much of a difference. The public parking lot is HUGE and can't be patrolled by 10 security people at all times - we just can't afford that.
Also, both of the incidents seemed to be of the "hit-and-run" vandalism kind, so I doubt that we can completely avoid those. We're talking local youths here who know the terrain and smashing a window and running away takes 10-20 seconds at max.
Concerning "unexpected" rescheduling and (seemingly) useless scheduling of security staff as you described it: we would like to emphasise that a significant amount of time goes into the whole security planning, most of it completely hidden to our visitors. We not only have to take care of the obvious but also must fulfill rules and laws not made by ourselves. Before you ask: yes, we DO know these rules and laws in advance. Still there are "funny" official people that are bored as fuck and they pop up with random things you as an organizer have to deal with. These people are actually able to close the event down we all love so much, believe it or not. So, we don't shuffle things around simply because we want to, but because we have to. Things happen for a reason, really.
And while we reacted on that "official crap" we also reacted onto the crap that actually matters, namely the bad things that happened on the parking lot: we extended the whole security times which costed money and btw. was also a nice deal from the security company itself because actually it rendered their working times to be illegal. Fun, isn't it :-)
After this lengthy explanation, there are a couple of things YOU can do to help reducing the problem next year.
Lastly, note the following: we are aware of the fact that we are to a certain extent responsible for the safety of our visitors and their belongings. We are as well aware that things were not ideal this year, we're not trying to push that away from us.
So, we will definitely have a focus on that and will approach a solution that makes sense, which then again also means that it must make sense in terms of the correlation between (financial) effort and effect.
Let me shorten all that even more: we actually DO care about our visitors.
The floodlights are property of the city and not controlled by us. I guess they switch it off during weekends because they don't need them. We can try to talk to them next year to leave them on but I wouldn't count on it that they actually do.
We've already upgraded the security by 2 people this year but I doubt that increasing it again will make that much of a difference. The public parking lot is HUGE and can't be patrolled by 10 security people at all times - we just can't afford that.
Also, both of the incidents seemed to be of the "hit-and-run" vandalism kind, so I doubt that we can completely avoid those. We're talking local youths here who know the terrain and smashing a window and running away takes 10-20 seconds at max.
Concerning "unexpected" rescheduling and (seemingly) useless scheduling of security staff as you described it: we would like to emphasise that a significant amount of time goes into the whole security planning, most of it completely hidden to our visitors. We not only have to take care of the obvious but also must fulfill rules and laws not made by ourselves. Before you ask: yes, we DO know these rules and laws in advance. Still there are "funny" official people that are bored as fuck and they pop up with random things you as an organizer have to deal with. These people are actually able to close the event down we all love so much, believe it or not. So, we don't shuffle things around simply because we want to, but because we have to. Things happen for a reason, really.
And while we reacted on that "official crap" we also reacted onto the crap that actually matters, namely the bad things that happened on the parking lot: we extended the whole security times which costed money and btw. was also a nice deal from the security company itself because actually it rendered their working times to be illegal. Fun, isn't it :-)
After this lengthy explanation, there are a couple of things YOU can do to help reducing the problem next year.
- Park closer to the hall (if possible, we know it's hard if you're a late arriver)- there's also another parking spot adjacent to the hall, next to the Media Markt. This is way easier to patrol than a 200m parking lane. This one is often full with "racing car" kids which however might be actually more safe as they usually are just interested in their pimped cars.
- Make sure that you don't have anything in your car worth stealing and stash away stuff that might seem valuable. We've actually seen fully-lit navigation systems in the cars when we walked the parking lot ourselves. Those kind of things invite thieves and vandals. Also remove stuff that may NOT seem valuable. Many cars were filled with sleeping bags and other things.
Lastly, note the following: we are aware of the fact that we are to a certain extent responsible for the safety of our visitors and their belongings. We are as well aware that things were not ideal this year, we're not trying to push that away from us.
So, we will definitely have a focus on that and will approach a solution that makes sense, which then again also means that it must make sense in terms of the correlation between (financial) effort and effect.
Let me shorten all that even more: we actually DO care about our visitors.
hm, did my previous post just say there will be revision 2014? :-o
Thank You for the elaborate answer.

Plot twist: we actually bought stickers which are easily removable :)
Einmal mit der Flex durch den Mast, dann is der Sticker weg ;)
Plot twist: we actually bought stickers which are easily removable :)
and Prince should consider buying poster-strips :D
My name is Prince. And I am funky.
@sir: ¿huh?
i won't buy any poster strips this year as there won't be a modern gfx entry by me this time.
i won't buy any poster strips this year as there won't be a modern gfx entry by me this time.
When it comes to funk, I am a junkie.

LOL. Stickers.
If thats all you have to nag on after hosting a large party like this you really shouldnt.
Having the property vandalized and dynamite fired etc is whineable. But really, stickers? FFS? Are you getting *that* old?
If thats all you have to nag on after hosting a large party like this you really shouldnt.
Having the property vandalized and dynamite fired etc is whineable. But really, stickers? FFS? Are you getting *that* old?
I do believe ^this guy^ just volunteered to replaster and repaint after you've got all the stickers off.