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Random gif animation thread

category: residue [glöplog]
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added on the 2010-01-11 21:19:26 by Pandafox Pandafox
hilarious forklift film :D
added on the 2010-01-11 22:20:25 by faraday faraday
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added on the 2010-01-12 00:34:27 by hasdffff hasdffff
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i iikie
added on the 2010-01-12 02:22:21 by biasz biasz
Wow, that table thing is really unfunny. I'd love to see follow up on this where the guy in the bed beats up the other one.
added on the 2010-01-12 02:29:23 by Calexico Calexico
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added on the 2010-01-12 04:30:47 by Dano Dano
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added on the 2010-01-12 09:35:42 by Emod Emod
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I've seen my turtle doing that once! But the turtle actually dragged the bird for some 2 meters or so.
added on the 2010-01-12 22:46:41 by xernobyl xernobyl
the chair thing is much funnier than the table thing :)
added on the 2010-01-12 23:11:44 by faraday faraday
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added on the 2010-01-13 15:17:25 by notorius notorius
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Neat. Anyone knows the math equations (or the principle behind them) to generate such an image? (my guess would be fluid mechanics)
added on the 2010-01-13 18:06:16 by --- ---
it looks like a standard arctan lookup with a procedural texture.
added on the 2010-01-13 18:22:08 by Gargaj Gargaj
not sure, using atan with a texture would cause some shear and deform the circles (which are here perfect).
it will also cause circles to wrap incorrectly in some extreme points (like in the top left between the two first white circles)
added on the 2010-01-13 21:35:38 by Tigrou Tigrou
that's why i said "procedural texture" - you can easily take the distance into account and render accordingly.
added on the 2010-01-13 21:54:45 by Gargaj Gargaj
... or those circles might just be sprites.
added on the 2010-01-14 23:27:19 by mwolf78 mwolf78
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added on the 2010-01-14 23:47:53 by Emod Emod
emod: again, brilliant :D
added on the 2010-01-15 00:15:53 by Gargaj Gargaj
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added on the 2010-01-15 01:49:35 by raina raina
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added on the 2010-01-16 01:49:54 by notorius notorius
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added on the 2010-01-18 06:07:21 by notorius notorius
added on the 2010-01-18 11:47:27 by faraday faraday
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Superman debugs BASIC in a flash...
added on the 2010-01-19 14:50:04 by FunGas FunGas
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added on the 2010-01-20 01:38:37 by somnium somnium
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added on the 2010-01-20 01:40:22 by sigflup sigflup


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