the spammers thread
category: residue [glöplog]
np: Allister Brimble's PSX version of the UFO: Enemy Unknown soundtrack
raina: could ya post a link to it?
np: Blibb Blobb - The Chiptune Podcast - Blibb Blobb live Metalab 2009-11-14 "Blibb Blobb - The Chiptune Podcast"
np: Blibb Blobb - The Chiptune Podcast - Blibb Blobb live Metalab 2009-11-14 "Blibb Blobb - The Chiptune Podcast"

Drax - When I Am C64
Dafunk - Tripfields
noisy but still delicious: Richard H. Kirk - Reality Net
np: powl - rudebox
Cannibal Corpse Festering in the Crypt
np: Downset - My American Prayer "Downset"
np: Downset - Holding Hands "Downset"

np: China Drum - Biscuit Barrel F.M.R
damnit guys and gals, I seriously don't know.
but I am now playing David Bowie - Life on Mars which is, IMHO, one of the best "tracks" ever.
but I am now playing David Bowie - Life on Mars which is, IMHO, one of the best "tracks" ever.
np: Kohina - Geir Tjelta - Brain Artifice - C64 (6581r4)
Underground resistance-The final frontier (there's not much on YT from these guys but this is another spam-worthy track, I guess) :-)
more delicious spam ;) instrumental and bdk - warm it up