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trolls of the world begone

category: general [glöplog]
created the banned user level, you can check it on last page of userlist.php

also changed account.php to no longer allow new accounts coming from banned users lastips.

L.C.F. and stealthz new accounts have survived the purge. pending behaviour.

added a few more bans to the new accounts that were created to troll the anti-troll decision. maybe i wasnt clear enough?! trolls, go elsewhere. civilized discussion or fuck off.

also, a few important notes for those still in doubt:
- if you believe im doing this to turn pouet.net into a friends only club: go fuck yourself and get a brain.
- if you believe im doing this to play allmighty god: go fuck yourself and get a brain.
- if you believe i've unlawfully banned a clueless user: state your case on why this user is anything other than an annoying attentionwhore
- if you believe im not banning enough users: use p01's script or the new variant by fr33ke.
- for those afraid of future censorship: im not turning this place into muzzletown for anyone, im just trying to discourage the reoccuring annoying behaviour. ocasional excentric/insulting behaviour is acceptable and expected from any self-praising computer nerd. reocurring attentionwhoring is not.
added on the 2007-11-12 07:11:54 by psenough psenough
Brains! Brains!
added on the 2007-11-12 07:31:12 by sauli sauli
wtf, stefan, rename back to what you were! you're effectively putting an end my fanclub!

ps, word.
added on the 2007-11-12 07:48:16 by skrebbel skrebbel
the scene is dead, who cares anyway? :P

ps: carry on.
added on the 2007-11-12 08:35:22 by rmeht rmeht
I love you ps, please don't ban me! I'll be a good boy!
added on the 2007-11-12 09:27:51 by okkie okkie
And maybe people that are banned should get a (non-selectable) 'Banned' avatar to make clear they are banned? (Yeah, I visit SA too much)
added on the 2007-11-12 09:29:18 by okkie okkie
okkie: nice idea but how do you make it non-selectable? this is pouet, there's no such thing as making something unavailable 'cos people either 1) work it around or 2) throw a hissy about it :D
added on the 2007-11-12 09:32:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
While I do agree that Pouet needs "cleaning up", I find it a bit strange that the criteria for banning is left to be subjective. The correct way to combat trolling is to state a list of rules and then enforce them, not to patrol the BBS every day and go "Aha! You're OUT!" every time someone is out of line.
added on the 2007-11-12 09:33:50 by gloom gloom
I guess not being a 'true' active scener my words don't mean much... although I have been a lurker on this site for 5 years at least.. but I think lack of censorship is what makes pouet a unique and interesting place to visit. A lot of places that are uncensored are full of crap, but the difference here I guess is that on top of the lack of censorship, it's also by it's nature a magnet for people people with above average intelligence. Which inevitably also carries a degree of social ineptitude and eccentricity with it, but that's what makes it fun I suppose. I do understand that maybe that's not what the site was designed for and I respect the reasons behind the censorship, but maybe a less forceful approach would be a little more suitable... just a suggestion. At the moment it seems to be a transition from Anarchy to dictatorship rather than democracy.
I agree. Also, I have a suggestion on how to fix much of the trolling and crap -- create an actual forum, with sub-categories etc. and set up some default behaviour for what ends up on the front page. That way, you make it less interesting for trolls, since their threads would be buried almost immediately, and their need for exposure is not met. Problem solves itself.

It would also help with the f**king hostile attitude towards newcomers and scene recruits. I would be terrified of creating a new thread, introducing myself, because it ends up on the front page for everyone to see (and mock, and threaten, and fill with dirty pictures).

I'm serious -- this would work.

..however; I don't really see it happening in the current iteration of Pouet, since it is already pretty messed up. This is something I would like to see in Pouet v2.
added on the 2007-11-12 10:14:42 by gloom gloom
alienus: But it's not censorship because he doesn't CALL it censorship.

And democracy means keeping the majority happy by repressing the minority. The majority, for those interested, is defined as the group of people, however small, who behave in a "civilized" manner. "Civilized" in this context means whatever ps happens to find interesting/amusing at any given time.

This has nothing to do with dictatorship at all, it's about Pouet realizing its full potential. Let the cleansing begin. \o_ \o_ \o_

BTW, I need a few pointers on self-fucking techniques, and I'm a bit lost as to where to start looking for a brain. It's like this catch-22 thing. Help, anyone?
added on the 2007-11-12 10:45:22 by doomdoom doomdoom
Oh. And ps, you forgot:

1. The Pouët admins are in no way responsible, or willing to ever be, regarding their users behaviour.
2. Pouët is in fact not a valid representation of the real spirit of the scene. It never claimed to be.
If that's what you were looking for when reading our BBS topics, we strongly suggest you visit a demoparty instead.

This obviously needs to be updated. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Oooooh it's like christmas!
added on the 2007-11-12 10:49:27 by doomdoom doomdoom
Since the BBS is like a softcore version of 4chan, maybe we should have a sage option too? That would make anoying shit sink into oblivion much faster and thus limit the need for bans and complaints of right arm twitching.
added on the 2007-11-12 11:00:49 by El Topo El Topo
Oh you bloody pacifist faggots! No forum will ever work without some sort of moderation. Subjectivity is a bitch, but an unusable forum is even worse. If you want to post bullshit, go back to BYOB or /b/ or whatever.
added on the 2007-11-12 11:34:48 by okkie okkie
This is something I would like to see in Pouet v2.

added on the 2007-11-12 11:46:32 by Gargaj Gargaj
BTW, I need a few pointers on self-fucking techniques, and I'm a bit lost as to where to start looking for a brain. It's like this catch-22 thing. Help, anyone?

link me beautiful
link me beautiful

good luck, doom! you can do it!
added on the 2007-11-12 11:55:36 by skrebbel skrebbel
Oh, and I love how your irony is actually a perfect truth:

And democracy means keeping the majority happy by repressing the minority. The majority, for those interested, is defined as the group of people, however small, who behave in a "civilized" manner.

welcome to the real world! enjoy your stay!
added on the 2007-11-12 11:57:48 by skrebbel skrebbel
Actually, the message board of one of the biggest bands of the world is unmoderated. No spam filters, no active mods, nothing apart from post limits on those who decide to flood the board. Only once or twice have I ever seen spam there, so yes, it is possible.

I mean, honestly, things here haven't gotten 'out of hand' have they? It's no worse now than it was 2 or 3 years ago. On some other unmoderated sites, you see noobs and spam to the point of the board being unusable, but here it seems pretty coherent, and there hasn't been any _huge_ influx of child porn or anything else that people are genuinely offended by. Maybe the odd post, but they are dealt with pretty quickly, and there is no chronic re-offending. If there is banning, I guess I'd want it to be for stuff like that (and obviously the fakeprods), and not for the petty reasons that bans have been thrown about recently.
pouet's so called problem isn't (wasn't) spams. no spam has entered to my cognition except the valves thingie. the whole troll activity is (was) conscious and kinda fun for me. not the actually trolling process but how it ignites the idiocy in so called common sense and make some 'civilized' people play the self claimed knights against them. to restate the obvious alternatives:

-hide images, ignore user features: funny nonsense can live, annoying nonsense doesn't (due to existance / lack of reflection)
-a list of behaviours that are marked as trollish and will result in a ban: funny and interesting nonsense can live avoiding these rules.

also, discussing a thing like this in a political context doesn't make any sense. this place isn't a democracy nor pretends to be one. pouet exists solely by the grace of those who maintain it; the gloperators, ps and gargaj and friends manouvering through horrible php code and fixing stuff up, etcetera.

every such place sometimes undergoes changes you don't like. as long as most people like most of what's happening, they'll stick around. seriously, you're free to stop frequenting pouet.net - dont get me wrong, i don't at all want you gone, but realise that you can always "vote with your feet" wherever formal voting procedures don't apply.

i think it is perfectly fine if the people who devote much of their time to a place like pouet make decisions without thoroughly consulting their complete userbase and achieving unanimity first. no matter if such a decision is a feature change or a troll ban.

doom, sometimes i really think that you disapprove, by definition, of anything that isn't unanimously supported.
added on the 2007-11-12 12:11:49 by skrebbel skrebbel
Yes, by all means let's make Pouet mirror the flawed democracies of the real world. What a noble idea.

And Jolene didn't help at all. Problem turns out to be related to the length of my penis. :(
added on the 2007-11-12 12:30:20 by doomdoom doomdoom
alienus: They have gotten out of hand if you're overly sensitive to trolling.
added on the 2007-11-12 12:31:27 by doomdoom doomdoom
Actually, the message board of one of the biggest bands of the world is unmoderated.

Yes, if you search hard enough you can find anything. :) However; if you read what I wrote you'll see that I'm not all that into moderation, just separation. Create categories, stop putting new threads on the frontpage and voilá - you have your pouet troll fix.
added on the 2007-11-12 13:14:08 by gloom gloom
And Jolene didn't help at all. Problem turns out to be related to the length of my penis. :(

Too bad, no electric pussy boogie for you then. What a horrible drea... errm nightmare. :D
added on the 2007-11-12 13:15:19 by StingRay StingRay
added on the 2007-11-12 13:17:38 by xeron xeron


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