Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
@Fuzz, what is that? an alien or something?
if i count the legs i´d say its some spiders. but a weird kind of spiders.. O_O;
Looks like two large spiders, one biting the other.
neoneye: It's one camel spider biting another camelspider in the ass.
Pretty strange creatures that is something lika the missing link between scorpions and spiders.
Pretty strange creatures that is something lika the missing link between scorpions and spiders.
Reverse? o_O
magic. the last one is awesome!!!!
magic wins!
We need a Sumotori SDK to make such a mod!
We need a Sumotori SDK to make such a mod!
you might want to enlarge.
i didnt know 100 years included a jump from 2090 -> 3010
Gues i dont belong in the future :(
Gues i dont belong in the future :(