Global Warming is a SCAM
category: general [glöplog]

the 'tl;dr'-ratio of this thread is impressive :D
For me, the global warming and stuff is nothing more than a ethical issue. Why?
Just ask yourself some things, for example:
- who grows the coffee i drink every morning, and how much does he earn with that. can he live from that money?
- do i know how much wheat and water is needed to produce 1kg of cow/chicken/pork meat? and who gets that meat, and who looses the wheat and water?
- why is industrial food subsidized by many countries, while the healthier organic food is not?
- who weaves my clothing? is he old enough for the work? can he live from the earnings?
- why have new cars a life cycle of 6-7 years today? and who earns from that? and why did the "basic principle" of cars not change in the last 100 years?
- same for all other products?
there are many more questions. inform yourself. only straight facts will open your eyes.
and btw, what krabob wrote about intense agriculture is true. we have a big problem of massive "monoculturalism" (and all its disadvantages) and also of very long transportation ways. because it is cheaper to produce wheat in south america and then transport it around the whole planet for processing and again to the consumer (the biggest reason for co2 output is this transportation of goods). this could be a lot simpler by producing food locally "for the people around". if you think straight about that, you will come to the conclusion that decentralism is the key. and this decentralism would also work "the organic way"... and if you are asking yourself why people in africa just dont do that for example, well, because we are stealing everything from them and let them work for us for 50 cent or less per day.
but now its all about the power of big corporations, and only the consumer can break this circuitry (!!!1). they have zero ethics (understand that!!!), and people are only there to feed them with money. no quality, no health, no longevity, but just cheaply produced stuff to make money with... or to say it with a statement from we feed the world about the credo of big food corporations: "this is not produced for being eaten, but just for selling it."
stop consuming shit. buy local stuff.
...and at last, some movies you should watch:
lets make money
the corporation
food inc.
surplus - terrorized into being consumers
we feed the world
ps: if you want to open your eyes "straight", fly to one of the developing countries for a month or so. no hotel or stuff, just as backpacker. i did that and it changed my life forever. because when you see with your own eyes, not via a tv that you can turn off and just give a shit, what cruelty we do to nature and all those people, you will realize how primitive and barbaric we, the "developed nations" are in reality... and i still wait for the first constitution based on human rights + basic priciples of reconnaissance. because this is what we need: clear rules for everyone and free education. everything else is just killing potential. the child that starves to dead today could be the one that found a healing for cancer. think about that.
Just ask yourself some things, for example:
- who grows the coffee i drink every morning, and how much does he earn with that. can he live from that money?
- do i know how much wheat and water is needed to produce 1kg of cow/chicken/pork meat? and who gets that meat, and who looses the wheat and water?
- why is industrial food subsidized by many countries, while the healthier organic food is not?
- who weaves my clothing? is he old enough for the work? can he live from the earnings?
- why have new cars a life cycle of 6-7 years today? and who earns from that? and why did the "basic principle" of cars not change in the last 100 years?
- same for all other products?
there are many more questions. inform yourself. only straight facts will open your eyes.
and btw, what krabob wrote about intense agriculture is true. we have a big problem of massive "monoculturalism" (and all its disadvantages) and also of very long transportation ways. because it is cheaper to produce wheat in south america and then transport it around the whole planet for processing and again to the consumer (the biggest reason for co2 output is this transportation of goods). this could be a lot simpler by producing food locally "for the people around". if you think straight about that, you will come to the conclusion that decentralism is the key. and this decentralism would also work "the organic way"... and if you are asking yourself why people in africa just dont do that for example, well, because we are stealing everything from them and let them work for us for 50 cent or less per day.
but now its all about the power of big corporations, and only the consumer can break this circuitry (!!!1). they have zero ethics (understand that!!!), and people are only there to feed them with money. no quality, no health, no longevity, but just cheaply produced stuff to make money with... or to say it with a statement from we feed the world about the credo of big food corporations: "this is not produced for being eaten, but just for selling it."
stop consuming shit. buy local stuff.
...and at last, some movies you should watch:
lets make money
the corporation
food inc.
surplus - terrorized into being consumers
we feed the world
ps: if you want to open your eyes "straight", fly to one of the developing countries for a month or so. no hotel or stuff, just as backpacker. i did that and it changed my life forever. because when you see with your own eyes, not via a tv that you can turn off and just give a shit, what cruelty we do to nature and all those people, you will realize how primitive and barbaric we, the "developed nations" are in reality... and i still wait for the first constitution based on human rights + basic priciples of reconnaissance. because this is what we need: clear rules for everyone and free education. everything else is just killing potential. the child that starves to dead today could be the one that found a healing for cancer. think about that.

Being an asshole is a great kick isnt it :D
fuckyou: what does your liberal "feed the world view" have to do with arbitrarily taxing essentials I need to purchase, attaching tracking devices to my car, the UN setting up a centralized governmental framework funded by billions from my nation's already cash-strapped budget and politicians trying to make me feel guilty for being alive?
If you think our money will benefit poor and starving Africans, you really are naive. Unless, like the UN, your idea of "helping" 3rd world countries is to establish a network of abortion clinics to help them perform self-genocide?
It's about time we left those nations to fend for themselves, because our "help" has always been to their detriment.
If you think our money will benefit poor and starving Africans, you really are naive. Unless, like the UN, your idea of "helping" 3rd world countries is to establish a network of abortion clinics to help them perform self-genocide?
It's about time we left those nations to fend for themselves, because our "help" has always been to their detriment.
in fact how the hell do you think we are going to reach the UN's target of cutting CO2 emissions by 90% by 2050, without a large amount of killing, be it through starvation or "educating" people into aborting their pregnancies.
you're not going to cut emissions to that extent by encouraging qulity of life....i can assure you.
you're not going to cut emissions to that extent by encouraging qulity of life....i can assure you.
let's pump liquid nitrogen into the sea. tada, global warming is fixed!

So, about this ice core. With all this talk of "a hockey stick" that "sure seems to mirror other hockey sticks this past century", you'd almost think that they were talking about the hockey stick, wouldn't you? Well, no. Read over that article again, and they're being very careful to never actually say that, and do everything to downplay the fact that they have no data for the last 100 years. Want to guess what timescale the real hockey stick graph kicks in at? Bingo.
So, in short, the rise that they're pointing to and saying "look, it's nowhere near as big as the historical changes" is actually completely the wrong one.
This follow-up blog post attempts to address that, by grafting the 0.6 degree rise claimed by the IPCC (which is an average for the northern hemisphere) on top of the Arctic data (which is down in the minus 30s) and showing that it still doesn't quite reach the peak from 1000 years ago. Erm, nice try, but statistics don't work like that. If only there were some qualified climatologists around to model it properly and give us the answers... oh, wait.
So, in short, the rise that they're pointing to and saying "look, it's nowhere near as big as the historical changes" is actually completely the wrong one.
This follow-up blog post attempts to address that, by grafting the 0.6 degree rise claimed by the IPCC (which is an average for the northern hemisphere) on top of the Arctic data (which is down in the minus 30s) and showing that it still doesn't quite reach the peak from 1000 years ago. Erm, nice try, but statistics don't work like that. If only there were some qualified climatologists around to model it properly and give us the answers... oh, wait.
If only there were some qualified climatologists around to model it properly
like these guys ?
fuckyou: what does your liberal "feed the world view" have to do with arbitrarily taxing essentials I need to purchase, attaching tracking devices to my car, the UN setting up a centralized governmental framework funded by billions from my nation's already cash-strapped budget and politicians trying to make me feel guilty for being alive?
"we feed the world" is a movie, not my view. and as you may see from the list you have gathered,
our money is not used properly = you have identified another problem, my congrats. now think
and do something about that.
If you think our money will benefit poor and starving Africans, you really are naive. Unless, like the UN, your idea of "helping" 3rd world countries is to establish a network of abortion clinics to help them perform self-genocide?
our money doesnt help by principle (see below), and these abortion clinics are a result of trying to
keep our greedy system alive. like "hey, they have nothing because we are stealing everything from
them, so its better they dont get children."... from my pov thats the next level of fascism, just a bit
more subtile than we have already seen it...
It's about time we left those nations to fend for themselves, because our "help" has always been to their detriment.
hah! inform yourself. for every 10 dollars we are stealing from them by slavery and exploitation of
their ressources, they get one dollar of "help" back from us. thats how it rolls. if you dont believe
that, watch "lets make money" for example. and if you see it naive, you are telling the truth here,
but what should the african country that produces a major part of cotton do? eat it? no, it needs
a fair market with prizes that actually can sustain people. no country can leave another country
fully alone, we just need to treat them fair.
in fact how the hell do you think we are going to reach the UN's target of cutting CO2 emissions by 90% by 2050, without a large amount of killing, be it through starvation or "educating" people into aborting their pregnancies.
you're not going to cut emissions to that extent by encouraging qulity of life....i can assure you.
my gf did her dissertation in the biggest international research project about the effects of global
warming... and guess what? they dont know much yet ;) even after nearly 10 years of research.
because the ecosystem of a planet, and how it reacts to changes as a whole, is just too complex...
i cant write much more about that, because some "results" are not published yet.
all in all, global warming + epidemics + terror and so forth is just another perverted way to control
people and what they think... taxes and money will not solve anything, or did you ever pay nature
for something? - its that easy ;)
Rtype: you are right: poor political decisions are made every day. But consider this: over the last 100 years we've hacked together the industrialized world in an inefficient but workable way. Our tech is mostly functional but hugely inefficient. In order to stay ahead of the game we have to optimize.
Climate change is the best driver we have for improving technology and I think it's awesome that governments are dissatisfied with bullshit old technology that works by burning or exploding stuff and are investing in scientific projects that push tech forward and create jobs, and if that also benefits the environment then that's a bonus.
Coal and oil is for fucking Victorians. Give me fusion, or those awesome solar power towers they have in Spain.
That said, the other ingredient this process needs is furious indignant self-centred bastards like yourself to moan and bitch at companies for charging you too much because that steers the investment to the areas where it will be most effective.
Climate change is the best driver we have for improving technology and I think it's awesome that governments are dissatisfied with bullshit old technology that works by burning or exploding stuff and are investing in scientific projects that push tech forward and create jobs, and if that also benefits the environment then that's a bonus.
Coal and oil is for fucking Victorians. Give me fusion, or those awesome solar power towers they have in Spain.
That said, the other ingredient this process needs is furious indignant self-centred bastards like yourself to moan and bitch at companies for charging you too much because that steers the investment to the areas where it will be most effective.

I drove one of these babies today!
climate change or not. a good idea is a good idea no matter who has it. pollution has always been bad and so has numerous other things that harm the environment. just because people come up with some idea to discount it. because they think their freedom of speech matters. does not make their ideas more important. because their voices are louder than others.
they have no data for the last 100 years.
But they do have data from the last 40.000 and the trend it shows is pretty obvious. Cool is the trend,.
It's impressive that people still "debating" this haven't noticed that Maali and Havoc have taken over your thread. ;)
Two many rainbows..

For me, the global warming and stuff is nothing more than a ethical issue
Eebliss said it.
It's impressive that people still "debating" this haven't noticed that Maali and Havoc have taken over your thread.
You just need to filter out manually all the crap in between the posts. Takes some practice, but it's not rocket science after you "get" it. Disabling images helps quite a bunch, as well.
Ah crap..

So, how 'bout that global warming right?