Little Big Planet worldwide recall
category: general [glöplog]
Agnosticism says there can't be any logical conclusions on the existence of an illogical entity that defines logic. Seems logical to me.
it's not like i don't believe any deity or anything. and ofcourse there is something else there. more than eye meets in this world which you can experience in the nature. you just can't deny that stuff. but my problem with the muslims
- loud, vocal, intolerant muslims shouting hate against other religions. it's base of their religion. christians don't go shouting "death to all infidels". at least not mainstream christians, but islam has these parts which you can find in quran and then you can go and decipher it that it's okay to do terrorism.
- their culture which is based on "honor" more than "european values" for example that women are equal and allowed to work and live
- no personal want or need from the society for integration. this leads to all kind of problems for example fundamentalism, hate towards western society, etc.
- muslims high birthrate which leads to these points
- sharia law (find more about this) even in the britain moderate muslims are pro for sharia law. sharia law is like most scary shit ever, just go read it more. britain/canada i think has sharia law court ? i'm not sure, but it's not really nice because we should all treated equally.
- and from same study that moderate muslims accept terrorism too
- high criminality rate of unemployed muslims.
- blaablaa i start to sound like right-wing politician but you get the point
and i know some people think i'm fucking racist now, but i'm just against the spreading the idiocy. i'm okay with the muslims but i'm so fucking full of this "tolerance" shit. i don't want to tolerate those who don't like me.
- loud, vocal, intolerant muslims shouting hate against other religions. it's base of their religion. christians don't go shouting "death to all infidels". at least not mainstream christians, but islam has these parts which you can find in quran and then you can go and decipher it that it's okay to do terrorism.
- their culture which is based on "honor" more than "european values" for example that women are equal and allowed to work and live
- no personal want or need from the society for integration. this leads to all kind of problems for example fundamentalism, hate towards western society, etc.
- muslims high birthrate which leads to these points
- sharia law (find more about this) even in the britain moderate muslims are pro for sharia law. sharia law is like most scary shit ever, just go read it more. britain/canada i think has sharia law court ? i'm not sure, but it's not really nice because we should all treated equally.
- and from same study that moderate muslims accept terrorism too
- high criminality rate of unemployed muslims.
- blaablaa i start to sound like right-wing politician but you get the point
and i know some people think i'm fucking racist now, but i'm just against the spreading the idiocy. i'm okay with the muslims but i'm so fucking full of this "tolerance" shit. i don't want to tolerate those who don't like me.
but i'm just against the spreading the idiocy
ofcourse there is something else there. more than eye meets in this world which you can experience in the nature. you just can't deny that stuff.
That's why everyone should be an agnostic
Actually, that's why everybody should be ignostic. (I would link the wiki article on Ignosticism, but it is in bad shape really).
lol@u rob. sorry but you just can't say this all shit was just some mistake. it's all random ? i don't really know. i used to hardcore atheist but now i feel like it's as dumb ass shit as any other religion or political system.
But don't you see what you do. You make a claim by saying "of course there is something". How can you be so sure? Why don't you just say, "I personally think there is something." You are just as fanatic as a fanatic Muslim by formulating your PERSONAL believes in such a way.
I think it's fair to say that there's a core concept, a thread connecting each religion. I think that at its heart it's a realization of the immensity of life, of time, and of the universe. I think that many people who experience this, naturally, look for some way to categorize this experience, and that is how religions are born, or why some people choose a certain religion that fits their experience.
There is another side to it though : and I think that the real 'dangerous' ones are the ones who are born into a religion - whose idea of themselves is closely tied with the concepts and symbols tied to it, but who do not necessarily understand it. By 'disrespecting' their religion then, you're disrespecting *them* on a very deep level. In that case though, religion isn't the problem - it's their sense of identity.
I think it's important to differentiate between the two, because imo, if you disregard the different categories and focus on the thread connecting them then *true* religion and religious experience can be brilliantly enlightening - it can be completely logical, and it's a shame that what it's tied to taints it. It is something that people should seek, not avoid.
There is another side to it though : and I think that the real 'dangerous' ones are the ones who are born into a religion - whose idea of themselves is closely tied with the concepts and symbols tied to it, but who do not necessarily understand it. By 'disrespecting' their religion then, you're disrespecting *them* on a very deep level. In that case though, religion isn't the problem - it's their sense of identity.
I think it's important to differentiate between the two, because imo, if you disregard the different categories and focus on the thread connecting them then *true* religion and religious experience can be brilliantly enlightening - it can be completely logical, and it's a shame that what it's tied to taints it. It is something that people should seek, not avoid.
rob, you are right. i think there is something. i don't know it's creator/deity but i think therer has to be something.
islam is not just religion, it's life. it's the way you have to act everyday. it has it's even own law.
mohammed is the holy prophet of muslims, the perfect man the one whose deeds you must follow. if mohammed would live today we would call him a pedophile and warlord. so imagine, muslims think that pedophile/warlord is the perfect person. if you are moderate muslims, you are not a good muslim because you don't follow the prophet truly.
There is another side to it though : and I think that the real 'dangerous' ones are the ones who are born into a religion - whose idea of themselves is closely tied with the concepts and symbols tied to it, but who do not necessarily understand it. By 'disrespecting' their religion then, you're disrespecting *them* on a very deep level. In that case though, religion isn't the problem - it's their sense of identity.
islam is not just religion, it's life. it's the way you have to act everyday. it has it's even own law.
mohammed is the holy prophet of muslims, the perfect man the one whose deeds you must follow. if mohammed would live today we would call him a pedophile and warlord. so imagine, muslims think that pedophile/warlord is the perfect person. if you are moderate muslims, you are not a good muslim because you don't follow the prophet truly.
The multiverse is the sum of all infinite universes.
There is this universe.
There are universes with an alternative human history where the world wars have not happen or the amiga is still number one.
There are some more weird universes where we look like cartoons or the laws of physics are quite strange or the matter doesn't exists.
There are those universe where god might or might not exist. God can be looking like donald duck, can be an ignorant, can be a sadist or can be a good old man or can be a spider with six horse heads or it can be the feeling we have about nature.
Things we hate and we would never want to exist might be here. And that could be the hard thing of believing in the multiverse and yet the one to expect all possibilites as things that just exist.
Any of these posibilities could exist in our universe. I wouldn't be surprised if god is found and really is some flying spagheti monster. Or a can of coke.
Embracing the multiverse is like accepting all possibilities as things that could be.
In another universe I continue writting this, in this one I stop now because I feel a little bit silly of my multiverse belief sometimes :P
There is this universe.
There are universes with an alternative human history where the world wars have not happen or the amiga is still number one.
There are some more weird universes where we look like cartoons or the laws of physics are quite strange or the matter doesn't exists.
There are those universe where god might or might not exist. God can be looking like donald duck, can be an ignorant, can be a sadist or can be a good old man or can be a spider with six horse heads or it can be the feeling we have about nature.
Things we hate and we would never want to exist might be here. And that could be the hard thing of believing in the multiverse and yet the one to expect all possibilites as things that just exist.
Any of these posibilities could exist in our universe. I wouldn't be surprised if god is found and really is some flying spagheti monster. Or a can of coke.
Embracing the multiverse is like accepting all possibilities as things that could be.
In another universe I continue writting this, in this one I stop now because I feel a little bit silly of my multiverse belief sometimes :P
- high criminality rate of unemployed muslims.
Yeah, but that's a class thing, not an ethnic thing. Few billionaires knock over convenient stores. You should see how many Finnish citizens that populates Swedish prisons.
- muslims high birthrate which leads to these points
That might be a good thing, when they outnumber the Jews in occupied Palestine they can Zerg rush the illegal settlements and get back their land :)
I think it's fair to say that there's a core concept, a thread connecting each religion. I think that at its heart it's a realization of the immensity of life, of time, and of the universe.
at its heart it's rather the primal fear of the unknown, of an uncontrollable cryptic environment.
It's also the fear of the possibility that maybe there is no higher meaning in the universe or us. I think.
the only meaning of life is its darwinian perpetuation, its binary principle : spread, or die.
human life is a random nature oddity, one that can actually think globally, and may gain the power to control the universe, hence becoming god.
human life is a random nature oddity, one that can actually think globally, and may gain the power to control the universe, hence becoming god.
It's also the fear of the possibility that maybe there is no higher meaning in the universe or us. I think.
at its heart it's rather the primal fear of the unknown, of an uncontrollable cryptic environment.
that same fear that you're talking about is the one that led to our current system of categorisation of ourselves and our fellow organisms. the reason why we call ourselves failures or successes, a hero, a villan, a mentalist, a man of science, etc. we're born into a time where - in terms of the common definition of the self - an abstract system of identity takes precedence over scientific fact. so if you consider religion a futile attempt at understanding the universe by sticking abstract labels on it and calling it truth, you should really reconsider the way you see yourself too.

alienus: social identities & social morality shouldn't be confused with scientific concepts & labeling. that's kinda micro vs macro, relative vs absolute.
(even if sciences are evolutive)
and religion is usually a futile attempt at *refusing* to understand the universe.
(though not always, as some famous scientists in history used to be believers too)
(even if sciences are evolutive)
and religion is usually a futile attempt at *refusing* to understand the universe.
(though not always, as some famous scientists in history used to be believers too)
Ughs... it looks as if you answered my post seriously... sorry, I was just joking... Sorry about my crazy sense of humor
very urgent about little big planet
To: Sony Computer Entertainment & Media Molecule
While playing your latest game, "LittleBigPlanet" in the first level of the third world in the game (titled "Swinging Safari":smileywink:, I have noticed something strange in the lyrics of the music track of the level. When I listened carefully, I was surprised to hear some very familiar Arabic words from the Quran. You can listen to part of the track here:
The words are:
1- In the 18th second: "كل نفس ذائقة الموت" ("kollo nafsin tha'iqatol mawt", literally: 'Every soul shall have the taste of death').
2- Almost immediately after, in the 27th second: "كل من عليها فان" ("kollo man alaiha fan", literally: 'All that is on earth will perish').
I asked many of my friends online and offline and they heard the exact same thing that I heard easily when I played that part of the track. Certain Arabic hardcore gaming forums are already discussing this, so we decided to take action by emailing you before this spreads to mainstream attention.
We Muslims consider the mixing of music and words from our Holy Quran deeply offending. We hope you would remove that track from the game immediately via an online patch, and make sure that all future shipments of the game disk do not contain it.
We would also like to mention that this isn't the first time something like this happened in videogames. Nintendo's 1998 hit "Zelda: Ocarina of Time" contained a musical track with islamic phrases, but it was removed in later shipments of the game after Nintendo was contacted by Muslim organizations. Last year, Capcom's "Zack & Wiki" and Activision's "Call of Duty 4" also contained objectionable material offensive to Muslims that was spotted before the release of the final games, and both companies thankfully removed the content.
We hope you act immediately to avoid any confusion and unnecessary controversy, and we thank you for making such an amazing game.
psn id : solid08 <---
communautarism/clannishness at their worst :(
yasser is a faggot. if we'd remove everything from everything that might offend anyone we'd end up having nothing.
Yeah, fuck you Yasser, you cunt.
God exists (as created by mankind) because people find a need for a beggining and an end. There doesn't really have to be an end, or a begining. Like a sine.
hahaha, that reminds me of some characters of this book:

Its funny that he objects to having words set to music but does not object to the words being used outwith context or infact being him being associated with such words. I mean I could understand
"The use of phrases such as these in an incorrect context could lead to Muslim credo being misunderstood and a deeper misunderstanding bewteen us and westerners." or some such thing. Instead his argument more runs along the lines of "threats are ok just dont make them into High School Musical 4 or we will be offended." Which, if the last few years is anything to go by, offended is a code word for militant.
Someone post a muslim lolcat pleeze.
"The use of phrases such as these in an incorrect context could lead to Muslim credo being misunderstood and a deeper misunderstanding bewteen us and westerners." or some such thing. Instead his argument more runs along the lines of "threats are ok just dont make them into High School Musical 4 or we will be offended." Which, if the last few years is anything to go by, offended is a code word for militant.
Someone post a muslim lolcat pleeze.