Random "Adok/EP/Magic/Hugi please go to hell kthxbye" thread
category: general [glöplog]

I once picked up somewhere that magic is a lawyer. That idea scares me..
But then again, Gravenreuth and Jack Thompson are lawyers too. ;)
oh shit, good point! :D
conclusion: dont shit on scamp's carpet!
"That carpet really tied the room together!"
Shut the fuck up, donny
You have no frame of reference here!
fuck it, let's go bowling
you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?!
Makes me want a white russian right away... ;)
I’ve got information man! New shit has come to light! And shit… man, she kidnapped herself. Well sure, man. Look at it… a young trophy wife, in the parlance of our times, you know, and she, uh, uh, owes money all over town, including to known pornographers, and that’s cool… that’s, that’s cool, I’m, I’m saying, she needs money, man. And of course they’re going to say that they didn’t get it, because… she wants more, man! She’s got to feed the monkey, I mean uh… hasn’t that ever occurred to you, man? Sir?
melw: Raising awareness. Other sceners should be aware who they are dealing with if EP/Adok/Magic are knocking at their doors. I think you pretty much know by now which path EP is taking if you refuse to answer his Hugi interview request, right? ;) Some people might reconsider supporting a diskmag whose core team consists of stalkers/blackmailers/lunatics/racists/trolls if they *know* about it. All of EPs going-postal episodes are tightly linked to Hugi, 90% of Magic's trolling is related to Hugi, and Adok coordinating this to get attention for Hugi is pretty much the only thing he's able to do.
Seriously, "let's just ignore them", "let's talk with them and try to make them change" and "let's just hug, the problem will go away" has been tried for years without any success, instead things got worse.
If you've got a better idea on how to make sure for example EP won't find more victims to cause harm to, well, then go ahead and DO something.
Seriously, "let's just ignore them", "let's talk with them and try to make them change" and "let's just hug, the problem will go away" has been tried for years without any success, instead things got worse.
If you've got a better idea on how to make sure for example EP won't find more victims to cause harm to, well, then go ahead and DO something.
What you state about "things" having been tried for years is complete non-sense and patently false: the nature of the scene prevents that.
The scene will not and cannot adopt a unified response towards such deranged individuals, which is why indifference is probably impossible. However the old scene at least had a mechanism to keep those people in a blackhole: a network of trust and respect.
The network of trust still exists, just it has been vastly flattened out due to the internet's appearance.
The scene will not and cannot adopt a unified response towards such deranged individuals, which is why indifference is probably impossible. However the old scene at least had a mechanism to keep those people in a blackhole: a network of trust and respect.
The network of trust still exists, just it has been vastly flattened out due to the internet's appearance.
Yes, that's pretty much spot-on. The blackhole you described worked pretty well back then.
scamp: What can you do ? You can't banish magic out of scene. Inside he is still little fanboy loving oldschool amiga groups. You can read it from his articles that he is almost ready to get buttsex from any oldschool groups. And Adok, if he has "wrong opinions" let it be. Freedom of speech you can have your own mind. Using Nazi/Racist card is lame. And EP .. I find him strange guy. Very strange. In that point I agree with you. But just for my cents from idiot/unproductive pouet.net troll ;D
i was the orga at the seminar and i have to claim i simply didn't know the guy but figured it perhaps would've been better to in the beginning, but the question wasn't so bad and was answered in an interesting way.
I just find it sad that you are going for a personal witch-hunt for mistakes done in the past. Both Adok and Magic have stated already that they don't approve any of the EP's recent activities. Obviously they shouldn't have let EP to release even the previous articles in Hugi, but bullying in Pouet BBS doesn't change the history.
melw: In the past? The deaththreats, mailbombing, massspamming for months etc might have been "mistakes" (you really call that mistakes?) of the past. The past is relevant because the current "activities" didn't come out of nowhere, they are the result of a year-long development.
How noble of Adok that he doesn't "approve" what his team-members are doing. How could one expect for him to apologize for supporting that madman and his "activities" for years? How could one expect him to get his team under control? He's just the poor guy that's getting bullied!
Your newspeak is giving me the creeps.
Well, whatever, I've said what I had to say. If people prefer not to care unless they are personally affected by one of EP's amok runs instead of showing the slightest solidarity with those already affected, so be it. After all, I haven't been personally affected by those "activities" this time, just the scene family, so why should I care?
How noble of Adok that he doesn't "approve" what his team-members are doing. How could one expect for him to apologize for supporting that madman and his "activities" for years? How could one expect him to get his team under control? He's just the poor guy that's getting bullied!
Your newspeak is giving me the creeps.
Well, whatever, I've said what I had to say. If people prefer not to care unless they are personally affected by one of EP's amok runs instead of showing the slightest solidarity with those already affected, so be it. After all, I haven't been personally affected by those "activities" this time, just the scene family, so why should I care?
i appreciate your move 100%, scamp. eventhough it might earn me some more terror from a certain person, and half the scene will not care again.
Pouet officially signed for a season starting in September. Congratulations.
Pouet officially signed for a season starting in September. Congratulations.
we need a demoscenepolice department!
I don't get why these guys and Hugi are victimized so much when there are far more destructive trolls than these guys.
I don't know ep, but Adok and Magic have done a lot for the scene over the years.
I don't know ep, but Adok and Magic have done a lot for the scene over the years.