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debate: Its Time To Change The Pouet Rating system!

category: general [glöplog]
I propose a new ra(n)ting system. For each post from Magic, we could comment with something like:


[ ] LOL
[ ] SUX
[ ] PWN3D
added on the 2007-08-07 20:57:44 by keops keops
Just kidding of course.

*hug* Magic
added on the 2007-08-07 21:06:41 by keops keops

joke taken keops :)
added on the 2007-08-07 21:14:06 by magic magic
magic: i'm no-one in the scene (always been a lurker,from 10 years ago),but for me it's time for a change, too.

Or thumb - up or thumb - down?

added on the 2007-08-07 21:14:19 by orb orb
[ ] scrolltext
[ ] rasters
[ ] soundchip
[ ] vectorballs
[ ] fullscreen
[ ] humor
added on the 2007-08-07 21:29:21 by pmdata pmdata
I really like Xeron's comment on page 3 - that one gets my upthumb, my 54, my cow, my 11 or for whatever you will settle at the end of this discussion...
added on the 2007-08-07 22:47:13 by Stebo Stebo
okay, im doing something dangerous and commenting, but give magic a break. He had an opinion and voiced it and obviously IT FAILED, but dont kick him in the nuts just because he thought something could be improved. I dont think magic is being selfish, I think he is trying to let people have a more broad voice of opinion.

added on the 2007-08-08 02:40:38 by Rubicante Rubicante
rubicante: you should realize that the voting system has already been discussed years ago several times.. only magic could really come up with this mindblowing revolutionary topic of discussion yet again as a fresh idea. because he is "angry" that people vote thumbdowns on demos he likes.

magic: when you like a demo you vote thumbup, when you dont like a demo you vote thumbdown, when you're in doubt if you'd ever want to watch it again or not you leave the piggy. it aint rocketscience. live with it.

havoc: you took the words right out of my mouth, eyerolls and everything.

lubooger: *grin*
added on the 2007-08-08 05:10:57 by psenough psenough
Nonono ps you don't get it. it's totally impossible to not like the asd demo at all, you have to give it a piggy even if you dislike the demo completely.

(It's in some rules I yet haven't figured out :)
added on the 2007-08-08 06:25:37 by leijaa leijaa
PS: i have no knowlegde that it already has been discussed years ago so excuse me!

Rubicante: I totally agree with you
added on the 2007-08-08 06:58:20 by magic magic
I'll give a "Very Bad" and a thumb down for magic.
added on the 2007-08-08 07:55:25 by waffle waffle
Hey, how about changing that voting system? It could be a bit more diverse, y'know!
added on the 2007-08-08 09:27:16 by okkie okkie
how about removing the thumb up and the piggy?
added on the 2007-08-08 09:40:50 by kusma kusma
blah magic, THIS is pouet. thumb up/piggy/thumb down are pouet.

back in 2002-2003 pouet was despised a lot because of that... now it's just pouet, don't give ANY rate system too much importance, and simply don't forget that pouet != scene and scene != pouet, that's all.

ASD and Navis' talents are obvious enough, Lifeforce is one of the best demos ever, people can piggy and even thumb it down, who really cares, this is pouet, live with it, people are free, you are even free to go on trolling on pouet bbs, see how tolerant pouet is =)

added on the 2007-08-08 09:41:09 by Zest Zest
what kusma said
added on the 2007-08-08 10:11:52 by ton ton
awww. you mean you're not going to adopt my system? :)
added on the 2007-08-08 10:14:39 by xeron xeron
Hey how about letting us give a thumb up/pig/thumb down, as well as a completely seperate vote on the xeron scale ;-)
added on the 2007-08-08 10:15:31 by xeron xeron
ok, we shouldnt change the rating system, but at least we could provide some explanations of what thumb up and thumb down actually means, because for the casual observer visiting the site they might think it was a simple black&white(&grey) case of good / high quality, ok, or bad / low quality.
where in actuality it means:

thumb (or "thump", apparently) up: this is good / this is shit but it's by a new/unknown group / i am emo/street/mainstream/a geek and so is this / it's a cracktro / it sucks but it reminds me of my youth / it has "demofeeling"* / it's in some way alternative such that me liking it makes me "cool" / it placed lower in the compo than i felt it should / it's by some old group who i have nostalgic feelings about.

thumb down: this is bad / i am emo/street/mainstream/a geek and this isnt / i dont like the colours / it didnt work on my 7 year old pc / it's a cracktro / it doesnt have "demofeeling"* / it's "boring"** / the filesize is too big for my 56k modem / it placed higher in the compo than i felt it should / it has too many thumbs up already / it's good but not as superamazing as i expected or hoped for / this is clearly really good, but i want to make myself look cool by thumbing down in order to say "ive never done anything good, but if i did, it would be so much better than this" / it's by some old group i have nostalgic feelings about who i dont think should have come back.


or, how about this - even if something isnt your taste or not, you have the objectivity and intelligence to realise the quality of what's on show, and rate accordingly? :)

oh yea, and by the way. pouet != scene, and scene != pouet. true. but pouet != youtube either. you expect clueless idiots on youtube (the "general public"), but you expect pouet users to be members of your community and therefore be a bit more reasonable. (naively.)

*demofeeling: whatever the fuck that is. apparently a good thing. still awaiting evidence of that.
**boring: while sometimes a valid statement, often more a reflection on the viewer's mindset.
added on the 2007-08-08 10:47:12 by smash smash
What you have to remember is that this is just the internets; a big global network of childish mucking about and porn.
added on the 2007-08-08 10:51:54 by xeron xeron


but you expect pouet users to be members of your community and therefore be a bit more reasonable.

Have you ever visited pouet.net before..?
added on the 2007-08-08 11:53:31 by xeron xeron
can you give us a link to that think called pouet pls? i'm curious...
added on the 2007-08-08 13:01:39 by rmeht rmeht
ahah smash i totally support your first explanations of thumbs up and down :D

the 2nd explanation is *boring* and totally utopic : arts and objectivity can't really match. OK, demos are made of intelligence and science and thus can be scientifically rated about their technical achievements (and i wish demomakers would comment more about them, EVEN on pouet :p), but after all and at the end it's all about fun and tastes, people do like the dancer ballet or the popular demo, or even both! ;)
added on the 2007-08-08 13:19:55 by Zest Zest
the ballet dancer i meant of course :]
added on the 2007-08-08 13:20:33 by Zest Zest
what about rcdc? :D reverse cdc
added on the 2007-08-08 13:48:32 by seppjo seppjo


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