Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
damnit people:p
to calculate impossible values we use limits
and what's lim(x->0) of a/x ?
exactly -infinity and +infinity
to calculate impossible values we use limits
and what's lim(x->0) of a/x ?
exactly -infinity and +infinity
indeed, AND
both at the same time

both at the same time

Division by zero? Easy...
Just introduce a new number as Dr James Anderson did. Solved!

well... Not so random, so here goes:

Just introduce a new number as Dr James Anderson did. Solved!

well... Not so random, so here goes:

both at the same time
No, however you defiine division, a/0 must equal a/0. That means, if you allow a/0 = infinity, AND a/0 = -infinity, then infinity = -infinity. And then nothing makes sense anymore. E.g. infinity > x and -infinity < x for any x, so x < x.
Related to that is the result that the limit of a/x as x approaches zero doesn't exist, unless a=0, in which case the limit is 0. There are limits from above and below, but since they're not equal, there isn't "a limit", because that too would imply that infinity = -infinity.
In practical applications though, you usually want floating point convenitions along these lines:
a/0 = sgn(a) * infinity, a != 0
0/0 = NaN
infinity/infinity = NaN
NaN != NaN
So birds.
stop the talk and post a random image

oh, and: lol@LiraNuna
Haven't seen that one since I was a kid.. it was included in a book full of caricatures and satirical cartoons that my dad had.

Nvidia GeForceFX Graphics Demo

New Nvidia Graphics Demo?

New Nvidia Graphics Demo?

Related to that is the result that the limit of a/x as x approaches zero doesn't exist, unless a=0, in which case the limit is 0. There are limits from above and below
Actually, if lim_x->a f(x)=inf, (even if it's just a left or right handed limit) then the limit is not considered to exist. The statement "lim_x->a f(x)=inf" specifies the way in which the limit does not exist. This is pretty important for other theorems which depend on the fact that a limit "exists".
As for division by zero, you can pretty much get any result with limits depending on how you specify the dividend. For example, lim_x->0 (4x/x) = 4.

since when is this random math talk? stfu and post random image! like this:

Thanks imageshack.