fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
Havoc: I haven't spoken with Bero regarding this "b-art-lett" thingie. We're just taking b-art-lett's new wild demo entry to Buenzli and she asked us if we know a way how her handle could be corrected here on pouet. So it's up to you what you plan for Bero, but she would be very happy to read her correct name here.
Dear random gloperadmin:
Please, add this youtube video to this zx spectrum demo.
Thanks in advance!
Please, add this youtube video to this zx spectrum demo.
Thanks in advance!
b-art-lett name changed, but...
...this is just not going to happen. i am not here to solve other people's naming conflicts, split groupnames on behalf of third parties, or to take a decisions regarding bero's credit for a prod i am in no way involved in.
group remains unsplit until bero gives us the word.
b-art-lett name changed, but...
So it's up to you what you plan for Bero
...this is just not going to happen. i am not here to solve other people's naming conflicts, split groupnames on behalf of third parties, or to take a decisions regarding bero's credit for a prod i am in no way involved in.
group remains unsplit until bero gives us the word.
ham, fixed!
Final release available for this prod.
ah, well, ok, I didn´t know this. A friend told me some weeks ago about this thing, and _all_ the videos I tried out since then worked with it. Still, when adding youtube links to prods or posting them in this thread, one could take 2 more seconds of time and check if it works with that "trick" or not. Cause sometimes the quality is really much better, so that 2 seconds would be well invested :)
sir/scx: Actually, that's not true. It only works for selected videos (those who are indeed available in "high quality"). If you use that URL-trick on a video that doesn't have a HQ-version, you'll get an error message. Therefore; better leave the YouTube-links as they are.
ah, well, ok, I didn´t know this. A friend told me some weeks ago about this thing, and _all_ the videos I tried out since then worked with it. Still, when adding youtube links to prods or posting them in this thread, one could take 2 more seconds of time and check if it works with that "trick" or not. Cause sometimes the quality is really much better, so that 2 seconds would be well invested :)
bera, fixed
sir: "one could take 2 more seconds"... BULLSHIT, that is not my job here, people should take responsibility for what they post on this thread, and not make lame-ass allegations that stuff is the gloperator's responsibility, when it is really their own.
pohar: ?!
sir: "one could take 2 more seconds"... BULLSHIT, that is not my job here, people should take responsibility for what they post on this thread, and not make lame-ass allegations that stuff is the gloperator's responsibility, when it is really their own.
pohar: ?!
havoc: i didn´t mean you! I meant like if I found a youtube link for a certain prod I would check if it works with that trick, and post it in here accordingly. I DID NOT mean that the gloperators should or could take care about this! So....
is indeed what I meant. cause it can pay out, even if it is only youtube :)
OK? :)
people should take responsibility for what they post on this thread
is indeed what I meant. cause it can pay out, even if it is only youtube :)
OK? :)
sir, OK, now i see we're on the same wavelength :)
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.
marq: you could have ifxed that yourself by clking on the '+' near the release date field.
marq: you could have ifxed that yourself by clking on the '+' near the release date field.
ps: it looks like the MSX Info Update party doesn't appear in the latest parties list, (maybe it's because the guy who entered the invitation demo screwed it up and entered it as first entry in july ?)
and to whomever added 4 versions of the fucking thing: clue, please get one.
and to whomever added 4 versions of the fucking thing: clue, please get one.
ps: i humbly remind you of the SAM Coupé category logo (
) ;)

im also waiting for an msx2 icon i think
a separate msx2 category is not a smart move imho. problem is, if you start separating the msx category, it's hard to say where to stop, there's loads and loads of hardware variations, such as vg8020, msx1, msx2, msx2+, msx turbo-r, various (sound) expansions (covox, konami, fmpac, moonsound), memory configs, etc etc. let's say we split off msx2. you cannot really do that without also separating the far more powerful turbo-r, but for that platform there are only a handful of demos. so you end up with 2 small categories, and 1 really tiny one, and a bunch of prods that doesn't really fit anywhere properly. so i don't see any advantage in adding a msx2 category, it would only cause extra confusion.

I agree about the Turbo-R but nobody have this machine and is doing demos on it except Nyyrikki & (there's only 3 demos in all for it, i think).
Nobody ever did a demo for MSX2+ because these machines are too rare (only released in Japan much like the Turbo-R) and even if someone did, it probably worked on plain MSX2 as well. The MSX1 & 2 on the other hand are much more common as i was also manufactured in Europe.
As for the extra sound hardware, the MSX computers were provided with a PSG only the Turbo-R has a MSX-Music card which wasn't optional (and a program crafted for the Turbo-R won't run on anything else anyway).
The memory configs are irrelevant too, the MSX was defined as a standard, i think that was 8k minimum for the MSX1 & 64k minimum for the MSX2, in practice most MSX1 have 64k and MSX2 have 128k.
so maybe im not waiting and i'll add the coupe tonight or tomorow when i get back home, need to jet to get some stuff from evil's place right now :)
If the 64 platforms flaw has been fixed maybe a Turbo-R category could be created as well ?
hitchhikr, msx2+ and msx turbo-r are about as common as atari falcon here in holland, as a result of a healthy import scene. i know several guys who have one, or both. nyyrikki definitely is not the only one developing for it.
msx2+ demos are admittedly very scarce, same goes for vg0080. but it is just wrong to say they don't exist. if anything is questionable, it's whether these can be considered demoscene prods (msx community doesn't make the separation so strongly, afaik).
as for the sound hardware... yes, all msx'es have the same psg. just like all pc's have a beeper. sound expansions are very, very common on msx, and used in quite a few demos. i don't feel like elaborating on this topic, it's easy to google this... or else just listen to some infinite prods, and then come back to tell us msx2 only uses psg sound ;)
msx2+ demos are admittedly very scarce, same goes for vg0080. but it is just wrong to say they don't exist. if anything is questionable, it's whether these can be considered demoscene prods (msx community doesn't make the separation so strongly, afaik).
as for the sound hardware... yes, all msx'es have the same psg. just like all pc's have a beeper. sound expansions are very, very common on msx, and used in quite a few demos. i don't feel like elaborating on this topic, it's easy to google this... or else just listen to some infinite prods, and then come back to tell us msx2 only uses psg sound ;)
btw... let's not forget we are talking about splitting up a category with (atm) some 60-odd entries in 3 parts already... if we follow this tradition through consequently, the list of platforms in the database will probably become double the size it is now, if not triple...