Relationship breakup, what next?
category: offtopic [glöplog]

I dont believe thats from Abe.. you made it in paint now didnt you?! :D

Since nobody seems to have suggested this yet, i get to be Captain Obvious:
go make a demo about it
go make a demo about it
Read the first post again, el-bee.
Ah ok, well go make a 4k about it \:D/
Go make a 64k and release it at asm democompo?
this thread needs a new category: emoscene ;p
wysiwtf needs a new user level: banned
go out, grab some other daughters from other mothers, and also grab the other mothers from other daughters, fuck them all!
once you found a new woman you would like to keep, stop fucking around!
sorry if this sounds anti-feminist, but it ain´t, women do it the same way, until they find someone worth to marry ;)
nothing beats "fucking around" when it comes to forgetting about that one "big love" ;) maybe add some alkohol and drugs while fucking around, makes life even more worthwile, instead of dying in pain and agony due to "missing" the old fuck that much!
SORRY, TRUTH is there to be said! ;)
Happy Fucking!
once you found a new woman you would like to keep, stop fucking around!
sorry if this sounds anti-feminist, but it ain´t, women do it the same way, until they find someone worth to marry ;)
nothing beats "fucking around" when it comes to forgetting about that one "big love" ;) maybe add some alkohol and drugs while fucking around, makes life even more worthwile, instead of dying in pain and agony due to "missing" the old fuck that much!
SORRY, TRUTH is there to be said! ;)
Happy Fucking!
Reading this thread, I'm amazed there's so much of "one night stand" kind of guys in the scene.
The question is, are they really like that? Or are they just acting like it.. :)
been one of those one-night-standers once, due to having had lost my long-year-girlfriend. i am still trying to get her back, after more than 10 years ;)
same amount of no girlfriend/sex here ;) (minus 3-4 months of mothers and daughters) But on purpose, remember: i still want her back...or nothing at all!
so i am just an actor, i am infact trolling only anyway as always, or ain´t i this time ?!
but what i described helps for sure! i did that and atleast the pain was gone, no thinking back is what has to be done in this situation!
been one of those one-night-standers once, due to having had lost my long-year-girlfriend. i am still trying to get her back, after more than 10 years ;)
same amount of no girlfriend/sex here ;) (minus 3-4 months of mothers and daughters) But on purpose, remember: i still want her back...or nothing at all!
so i am just an actor, i am infact trolling only anyway as always, or ain´t i this time ?!
but what i described helps for sure! i did that and atleast the pain was gone, no thinking back is what has to be done in this situation!
it helped, but i stopped it after 3-4 months, so i could do some HIV-Test, to find out i am properties to get her back ;)
so, you see, i am still in love with what i tried to forget about in those 3-4 months...
...still i didnt have to go thru the pain of having lost her, as i had better to do ;) one-night-stands suck tho, always fucking ppl for fast sex means you can get those infections way faster...
All in all: i didnt have to go through TEH SHIT, but am still in love with that woman, she ain´t with me tho :/
so take me as a bad influence, if you follow my path you wont fuck again EVER in your entire life, UNLESS you get her back somehow! ;)
Achievement: Trolling++ unlocked
so, you see, i am still in love with what i tried to forget about in those 3-4 months...
...still i didnt have to go thru the pain of having lost her, as i had better to do ;) one-night-stands suck tho, always fucking ppl for fast sex means you can get those infections way faster...
All in all: i didnt have to go through TEH SHIT, but am still in love with that woman, she ain´t with me tho :/
so take me as a bad influence, if you follow my path you wont fuck again EVER in your entire life, UNLESS you get her back somehow! ;)
Achievement: Trolling++ unlocked
No real success, you're not the only one who apparently was/is into this thing of "one night stands" which is neither a good or a bad thing but I'm still really wondering about the probabilities so many sceners are actually hitting girls with so much ease.
Or, french girls are really that hard to hit, except with a baseball bat.
ps: not that I'd care much though, I'll just tell my daughter in some years to pay attention to filthy demosceners :)
Or, french girls are really that hard to hit, except with a baseball bat.
ps: not that I'd care much though, I'll just tell my daughter in some years to pay attention to filthy demosceners :)
love is a mutual thing. this 'one big love' thing clearly doesn't work for her, so just accept that you need to move on and find the next 'one big love'. i find it bullshit that there's _ONE_ unique person in the world for you. ok, you won't find a girl identically like her, but you can find another one with her own fantastic personality that will make you appreciate being with her (and hopefully vice versa). this has nothing to do with being a one-night-stander or not giving a shit about women... it's about being realistic and knowing when a relationship doesnt work out. and yes, i also had to discover this the hard way. ;)
@knl: French girls are really that hard to hit :)
I've been now with more foreigners than I've been with French ones, the order of difficulty is not even comparable :)
I've been now with more foreigners than I've been with French ones, the order of difficulty is not even comparable :)
I'm still really wondering about the probabilities so many sceners are actually hitting girls with so much ease.
Yeah, really, are there no more oldschool-thick-glasses-we-code-because-we-don't-have-a-girlfriend-scener-nerds left? Back in the day we were the core of the scene for sure! :)
Maali: wow, you just ordered up from Full-Troll to Partial-Troll in my Eyes! ;)
You really managed to put sth as hard as heart-ache into like 3 sentences, gratz! :D
i couldn´t have done that!
ex-kewlers ftw! :p
You really managed to put sth as hard as heart-ache into like 3 sentences, gratz! :D
i couldn´t have done that!
ex-kewlers ftw! :p
also, kaneel:
i think you are a good-looking-dude, gay as i am ;)
So, your problem must be not being able to ask a woman clearly for Sex! :p
Just try it, get disappointed 2 times, get Rewarded 1 Time! ;) Repeat!
After some time, you´ll be able to "pick" women on their Ability to "one-Night-Stand" ;)
WOW, that was a Troll i wouldn´t have done on Facebook, just due to too many ppl reading/listening ;) soo: PSST! as long as only WE know... ;)
i think you are a good-looking-dude, gay as i am ;)
So, your problem must be not being able to ask a woman clearly for Sex! :p
Just try it, get disappointed 2 times, get Rewarded 1 Time! ;) Repeat!
After some time, you´ll be able to "pick" women on their Ability to "one-Night-Stand" ;)
WOW, that was a Troll i wouldn´t have done on Facebook, just due to too many ppl reading/listening ;) soo: PSST! as long as only WE know... ;)
sex is overrated.
if your relationship is all about having sex. date a whore. 100% success and considering what children cost these days (~100k a child) on the long run it's also better for the wallet.
is that ~100k for birth until 18 ? cheap mongo i´d say!
Terribly sorry to chime in this late but: what to do? Jump in front of a tram. Not a train, a tram. Slower. It'll hurt more.
...and kills less people! :P
really: jumping in front of some Train will kill more people than you want to kill, eventho you´re dead then, the only one you wanted to kill was yourself, right?
SO: never kill yourself in a way others get killed aswell while at it ;)
WHILE: killing oneself is obvious and helps everyone, go on!
really: jumping in front of some Train will kill more people than you want to kill, eventho you´re dead then, the only one you wanted to kill was yourself, right?
SO: never kill yourself in a way others get killed aswell while at it ;)
WHILE: killing oneself is obvious and helps everyone, go on!