chaos constructions 2013, 10-11 of august
category: parties [glöplog]
I can tell for sure that:
is working in VLC right now! (1.2 Mbit/s stream)
is working in VLC right now! (1.2 Mbit/s stream)
these are working:
300.0 kbit/s
2.2 Mbit/s
and 4 Mbit/s is not working at the moment
300.0 kbit/s
2.2 Mbit/s
and 4 Mbit/s is not working at the moment
Security is all over the place.

and looking serious. in russia, place secures you!
It was kinda ok for the first day, looking forward for the compos tomorrow. I mostly hang out around the old crap and AMIGGAAAAAAAA section:

Demo beer & Speccy stuff on big screen, yay :)
Gay demosceners must have a blast in russia right now.
orcs so funny)

watching the stream now :)

maakes it pussible

maakes it pussible
Awesome event. Too bad the main hall was a bit empty but other aspects made more than up for that.
+ Very atmospheric venue
+ Fantastic people
+ Bartender who gave us free shots and weird garlicky fat stripes with mustard
+ Singing "American Boy" with non-english speaking people
+ Speaking french with the main organizer of Dihalt, since english was not an option
+ Classy security guy transported forward in time from a movie in the 50s
+ Met my russian alter-ego "bfox"
+ Drinking Vodka until 6 in the morning
+ Lots more which I might or might not remember after sobering up completely
- It's over :(
We also found out that four Germans and a Brit are enough to show Russians how to party in central Europe :)
+ Very atmospheric venue
+ Fantastic people
+ Bartender who gave us free shots and weird garlicky fat stripes with mustard
+ Singing "American Boy" with non-english speaking people
+ Speaking french with the main organizer of Dihalt, since english was not an option
+ Classy security guy transported forward in time from a movie in the 50s
+ Met my russian alter-ego "bfox"
+ Drinking Vodka until 6 in the morning
+ Lots more which I might or might not remember after sobering up completely
- It's over :(
We also found out that four Germans and a Brit are enough to show Russians how to party in central Europe :)
It turned out that CC-farty allows demos with stolen content:
yes, and to same shit one:
Indeed, if lvd stole part of content why not?
yes, and to same shit one:
added on the 2013-08-13 09:30:00 by 1vd
Indeed, if lvd stole part of content why not?
added on the 2013-08-13 09:34:36 by bulb@
bulb@, please don't post from additional accounts, thank you.
Well now he can't.
And yeah main account will follow suit if you don't chill the fuck down right now.
re dfox
damn, I am envious. And St Petersburg is also on my bucket list, insofar as I have one, so I hope when I get to go it is at the same time as you guys. Sounds like fun.
Good to know my abysmal French might come in handy, although my anglo-Québec accent might not help.
damn, I am envious. And St Petersburg is also on my bucket list, insofar as I have one, so I hope when I get to go it is at the same time as you guys. Sounds like fun.
Good to know my abysmal French might come in handy, although my anglo-Québec accent might not help.
Watched the stream for demo competition, a lot of nice entries, didn't understand anything from he moderation, but was nice to see those speccy demos!
I join a question by 1vd.
lvd, where's my speccy clone that you were supposed to send me years ago?
This 1vd aka bulb@, not lvd, and he can't answer you because BANHAMMER. ;)
i thought lvd who was commenting before 1vd is lvd.
Oh, right, they both commented here... hard to distinguish. :D
back from the ussr. and what an awsome party that was!!!
very descent mood and some crazy western-european demosceners who got awfully loud :-)
very descent mood and some crazy western-european demosceners who got awfully loud :-)