Demoscene documentary: QUITE demogroup
category: offtopic [glöplog]
yes, what rasmus said. I got the CC on the Youtube :P
its too difficult to translate... but i try.
no rush, and if you need help once you have a rough in English, let me know. I've practice at helping get translations into English into shape.
kudos for posting it, in any case.
kudos for posting it, in any case.
(also, OT fanboy squee, I love your music).
You're such a freak, Preston.
Nice choice of PVH, spoiled by Inga :)
Thanks for reviving this thread, would have otherwise totally missed this docu. Learned a lot, especially that Quite are from .ru - always thought they are from .fi, well, now I know :)
Seconded! Really well made, and it's always fun to see how other people work on their stuff.
yup, the docu is wellmade, a real good watch...too bad it misses out on a lot of info. could have easily been one hour of length and still entertaining!
mog: thinking quite is from finland is obvious: best demos come from where ppl tend to stay at home due to the fucking coldness outside ;)
more like this plz! i am interested in insights on every active and even inactive demoGroup out there ;) ( Byteraperz plz! )
mog: thinking quite is from finland is obvious: best demos come from where ppl tend to stay at home due to the fucking coldness outside ;)
more like this plz! i am interested in insights on every active and even inactive demoGroup out there ;) ( Byteraperz plz! )
Good docu,
anyways... i cant resist =D

anyways... i cant resist =D

interesting report