Random Pessimist Thread
category: residue [glöplog]
sorry, but i accidentally them all :-(
We'll never have the whole thing uh?
kaneel: No, of course not, it's just... there aren't that many B5-fans around :) Most either stick with Star Trek/Wars or Firefly or something.
"Es gibt immer ein außerirdisches Schlachtschiff, einen kosmischen Todeslaser oder eine intergalaktische Pest, die das Leben auslöschen wollen auf diesem elenden Planeten!"
@gloom: well, "hello" :)
the world around me scatters and decays
I'll never marry Joanna Newsom...
gloom: Firefly is a gem also - had a plot for 5 seasons hands down w/o any fillers.
interesting... the topic is "Random Pessimist Thread" and it took no more than 3 pages to bring some B5 fans together :D
my knee has been hurting for over 1 year now.
I'm fucking awesome!
life is a giant trashpack!
Now it's 468 days without Sex and there is absolutely no chance to get laid...
Deep Space Nine was a Babylon 5 rip-off. Really. The B5 guy visited Paramount, and they declined, but developed their own format. DS9 aired a few weeks before B5.
oh, a random pessimist thread. that's never gonna work.
Babylon 5 sucks, crappy CGI and stupid characters! DS9 RULES!!!
Deep Space 9 sucks, crappy CGI and stupid characters! B5 RULES!!!
what xernobyl said
h4xor, only 468 days without sex? You are such an amateur...
ive done over 8000
space travel will never happen.
Space travel will never happen BECAUSE humanity will destroy itself in order to know what country will be the first to space travel.
Futurama will be canceled again.