scene social security!
category: general [glöplog]
maali: its amazing - that one article summed up what's wrong with twitter, wikipedia, social networking and the internet in one easily digestable piece.
smash: that's because, when things aren't they way you'd like them to be, it's always someone elses fault, right?
gloom: yes, sockington's!!1
Hahahaha, the man made a wikipedia entry about his cat! :D
A perfect example why poeple shouldn't use twitter.
or how.
It's a perfect example of how internet services are used differently than the creators intended. One of the best things of the internet.
(Also goes for Wikipedia, which is a fantastic 'encyclopedia' if people can add articles about their cat! :D)
(Also goes for Wikipedia, which is a fantastic 'encyclopedia' if people can add articles about their cat! :D)
or pouet, which was once intended as a comprehensive database of demos. haha! :-D
oh man that sockington stuff.. *cringe*
The only cat important enough to be on Wikipedia is Happy Cat, all other cats are just posers!
1,339,430 followers... has the world gone mad?!!
People just got fuck-all to do it seems.
And the only person one should ever follow on Twitter is Shaq, all the others are just posers.
And the only person one should ever follow on Twitter is Shaq, all the others are just posers.
it's more funny how he spend lotsa time on a crusade against wikipedia while still he spends lotsa time writing wikipedia entries about himself :D
stvie wonder on twitter was funny too:
You guys aren't feeding him, are you?
is it bash the panamericans season again already?
No, just one of them.
Um, hey dingbats, Jason didn't write the Sockington WP article, someone else did. "History" tab should enlighten you there.
Gloom, *still* bitter about RVScene?
Gloom, *still* bitter about RVScene?
oh there was bitterness about rvscene? it all seemed very cool and all from the outside. what was the issue? gossip gossip!
Um, hey dingbats, Jason didn't write the Sockington WP article, someone else did.
Doesn't make it less cringe worthy duderino!
oh there was bitterness about rvscene? it all seemed very cool and all from the outside. what was the issue? gossip gossip!
avseq: "duderino from the north"
p.s jason took my blow :\
p.s jason took my blow :\
Save jason scott, save breakpoint, save the whales
I'll donate $$$ to that cute cat instantly.
Phoenix: no bitterness, just massive amounts of cringing.