category: general [glöplog]
aftu: yep, I guess the "good groups" keep it private anyway..until some lamah leaks it :P
what, among other things, made me write that "Sometimes I wish" paragraph was that I have encountered quite some people who use "warez" FOR professionally..i.e. they earn quite some bucks but still don't buy the tools they use..and then complain about e.g. photoshop being superior to gimp for example..., many ppl COPY their OS (I mean, c'mon, If you don't like windows, install something else, otherwise BUY IT!). This kind of behaviour is one of the few things that really P1SSes me off.
what, among other things, made me write that "Sometimes I wish" paragraph was that I have encountered quite some people who use "warez" FOR professionally..i.e. they earn quite some bucks but still don't buy the tools they use..and then complain about e.g. photoshop being superior to gimp for example..., many ppl COPY their OS (I mean, c'mon, If you don't like windows, install something else, otherwise BUY IT!). This kind of behaviour is one of the few things that really P1SSes me off.
(grammar police, gimme some slack, will ya :))
(cutting would work too XD)
PulkoMandy: good question, i would say an absolute YES for water : every government on earth should go for schools and proper water distribution first before any other infrastructure.
aftu: yep, I guess the "good groups" keep it private anyway..until some lamah leaks it :P
hermes: may you be sarcastic or not, i think that most crackers are gladly willing to see their hacks released and spread, it's something called pride ;)
even if paradoxally they may not agree with the whole p2p food chain as they may feel that their acts could hurt their original material (i know that some crackers are reluctant to release indie games for example).
a 4-6-month-release-delay "ethic" would be nice.
(on the premise that most stuff is "hot" during that period and most sales are done during that time)
but then again, the "warez" scene is not a "collective" that's easy to address.
(on the premise that most stuff is "hot" during that period and most sales are done during that time)
but then again, the "warez" scene is not a "collective" that's easy to address.
Ok, looks like it's time to let the pouetization commence:
(and what you said about thrills)

that's indeed a pleasant but unrealistic idea as the main principle of the warez scene is to release (quality) first before all other competitor groups.
some big groups had agreed to not release pre-release material, but that rule was violated by newcomers and today it is not respected at all...
some big groups had agreed to not release pre-release material, but that rule was violated by newcomers and today it is not respected at all...
PulkoMandy. I don't know what 3rd world hellhole you live in, but in Denmark it is illegal to live in a house without electricity and running water, simply because both are concidered fundamental rights (decietful as it is). I have been told that internet is concidered a right on the same level in sweden, but I don't know if it just the usual DK media exageration.
a cultural flat-rate would really solve most "problems". 120e per year would be quite OK I guess.
(I mean, 'cmon, we're already paying a lot of taxes for the sheer possibility to copy paper, cds, dvds and so on...WTF is up with that. but then again, I don't really wanna complain because germany is rather peaceful regarding "copyright violations". hey, they even put gravenr3uth into jail (or at least a big fine or whatever) :D)
Denmark has taken -as fucking usual- the aggresive approach. These fucknuts that we call (mis)leaders, cannot figure out why our gangs go apeshit and shoot eachother and everyone else around them, when they do not do it to the same extend -if at alll- in other large scandinavian cities. They have the same battles for drug markets mind you (because the fucking misleader still havent figured out that the only reason there is something to fight about is the price caused by the legal status of the much sought after products and services they provide).
There is a wisdom that all people who fight, be it for fun, or for the kill, learn along the way:" if you want to win, always leave an opening for the opponant. never EVER corner someone completely, for they will loose their shit and go bonkers, and you will loose, guaranteed".
The selfserving asslicking crackpots we have as misleaders, do NOT understand this and thus we have everything on the rampage here, drugs, guns, illegal money, trading in people (slavery), you name it, Denmark has it by the boatload, but most danes live happily ignorant about this for most of the time....GHAH!!!
/rant over
As you say Hermes, the better solution is a socialist flatrate model as we know it from other mediums of exchange. The reason there is scepticism about this model is because:
1.who is going to handle the money
2.how will they be shared among artists and contend providers.
there are no obvious solution to either question unfortunally.
There is a wisdom that all people who fight, be it for fun, or for the kill, learn along the way:" if you want to win, always leave an opening for the opponant. never EVER corner someone completely, for they will loose their shit and go bonkers, and you will loose, guaranteed".
The selfserving asslicking crackpots we have as misleaders, do NOT understand this and thus we have everything on the rampage here, drugs, guns, illegal money, trading in people (slavery), you name it, Denmark has it by the boatload, but most danes live happily ignorant about this for most of the time....GHAH!!!
/rant over
As you say Hermes, the better solution is a socialist flatrate model as we know it from other mediums of exchange. The reason there is scepticism about this model is because:
1.who is going to handle the money
2.how will they be shared among artists and contend providers.
there are no obvious solution to either question unfortunally.
ah, I could go on and on about this topic. eeblis, I can only whole-heartly second you.
rightful analogy to the drug game.
Your scepticism objections would have been the next thing I'd probably have posted.
I too wonder who decides how that money is distributed... the "common citizen", like me perhaps, probably does not care enough about that to stand up as long as they aren't harassed and hunt down by the "law". See, I mostly care for a "fair" game.
(a fair distribution of money could be quite easy for "data", if "they" (we) only wanted to)
rightful analogy to the drug game.
Your scepticism objections would have been the next thing I'd probably have posted.
I too wonder who decides how that money is distributed... the "common citizen", like me perhaps, probably does not care enough about that to stand up as long as they aren't harassed and hunt down by the "law". See, I mostly care for a "fair" game.
(a fair distribution of money could be quite easy for "data", if "they" (we) only wanted to)
(and if anyone gonna try this, make that ANONYMOUS, FFS! Why isn't there are a "cash to internet money proxy" terminal everywhere around already? I don't like giving my name to a machine!)

yup one problem would be how to fairly redistribute the money to artists but it's already being done on smaller scales, so i guess it's totally doable.
and whoever says that this choice would cost a lot by itself should know that the proposed repressive system in france will cost dozens of millions to the french national community! Yeah, people are paying taxes just to be hammered!
that shameful law is to be voted by our 'representatives' 'influenced' by coporate lobbies whereas a direct consultation of the citizens (like in switzerland) would totally refuse it... Yeah, democracy!
and whoever says that this choice would cost a lot by itself should know that the proposed repressive system in france will cost dozens of millions to the french national community! Yeah, people are paying taxes just to be hammered!
that shameful law is to be voted by our 'representatives' 'influenced' by coporate lobbies whereas a direct consultation of the citizens (like in switzerland) would totally refuse it... Yeah, democracy!

indeed was Jesus the first modern pirate : he copied loaves to feed the five thousand.