ATIScene European demoparty
category: general [glöplog]
someone better check on temis, he's been sitting like that for hours...
and dont expect victory too soon

uh oh, the s3 blimp crashed, this shit is definitely going the wrong way now...

The detonation in San Jose earlier today was not caused by the crash of the S3 blimp, but by one of our secret weapons launched from Vieux Connard airbase in Southwest Kebekistan:

Now that we have demonstrated our military capability, we would like to advise our fellow North Americans to take our Leader's demands seriously:

The detonation in San Jose earlier today was not caused by the crash of the S3 blimp, but by one of our secret weapons launched from Vieux Connard airbase in Southwest Kebekistan:

Now that we have demonstrated our military capability, we would like to advise our fellow North Americans to take our Leader's demands seriously:

only three men can save the planet from the wrath of Keops...

only three men can save the planet from the wrath of Keops...

Whoopsie, Maali posted the wrong picture:

damn you, i was too slow! :P

The battle has progressed to the stage of hand-to-hand combat:

who won?
check the other ati vs nvidia thread, kthxbai!
but that's not about your party!
Due to a shortage of hardware, a demobox riot is taking place in front of the party place

<GargajCNS> for the record, the name "demobox" wasnt inspired by the cubic appearance of the package (which it didnt have since it was just a bunch of boxes), rather a premotion of the fistfighting towards free hardware by the people involved
<GargajCNS> :) ]

<GargajCNS> for the record, the name "demobox" wasnt inspired by the cubic appearance of the package (which it didnt have since it was just a bunch of boxes), rather a premotion of the fistfighting towards free hardware by the people involved
<GargajCNS> :) ]