Outline 2008 is announced !! :)
category: general [glöplog]
Two days to go! :)
Still plenty of time for the 7 invits to be released :D
Hmm, I'm not expecting any invites anymore, but in old fashioned late marketing style the new site went up today :-)
Winners dont use drugs!
wow, cool site! in that case i think i'll attend!!
Skrebbel: Isn't it nice and colourful and... inspiring? ;)
Magic: That's a rather silly rule for a demoparty, methinks... :)
Magic: That's a rather silly rule for a demoparty, methinks... :)
Havoc: it is for a demoparty who, officially, has using drugs inserted in their timetable ;-)
btw, magic, are you attending?
Magic: Our timetable is an assessment of to-be-expected events, based on experience and expertise, and not a dictate for our visitors to live by. (JSYK ;))
Ok then, i'll bring the dope!
Skrebbel: i havent been invited yet on my pc through an invitation i am afraid :/
keops? :)
keops? :)
nadat ik de attenders lijst zag, denk ik zo.. ik ga je nog ff schoppen, havoc :D
vind je dat stoer ofzo maali:
" Maali ex-Fairlight The Netherlands ticket PC "
hahaha ;-)
" Maali ex-Fairlight The Netherlands ticket PC "
hahaha ;-)
there's gonna be dope and dope music :)
Dope, dope music, and some dopes in attendance ;)
doh..pe =)
maali komt toch wel he??? eindelijk een keer??!?!
skrebbel: hij heeft al gedokt, dus hij komt dit keer echt :-)
oh bot :)
thanks for the homepage.. and see you soon :)
magic: dat is dus ook de reden ja.. domme aap.

"Magic Nah-Kolor - The Netherlands - maybe - C64 PC Amiga"
C64... Vind je dat stoer ofzo? ;)
C64... Vind je dat stoer ofzo? ;)
Sander, dat is mijn roots he.
jaren 80 zat ik in een c64 group
Exotic genaamd!
dussss :)
jaren 80 zat ik in een c64 group
Exotic genaamd!
dussss :)