Has ripping become acceptable?
category: general [glöplog]
i only feel sorry for the scene.org hosters and other demohosters, what will happen to them if the trend follows? but about the demo i dont care
I sometimes like to let one rip. Especially after eating beans.
why is everbody talking about ripped music ? why nobody cares about the warez Visual C++ and Photoshop ? :) stop complaining about copyright and other distribution rights because many demos are 100% illegal.. "Microsoft sucks" is not a valid argument. now you can flame me.
you use Visual C++, Photoshop and Logic Audio, to generate original (creative) content.
using commercial music is unfair, if some ppl do it in a compo, then all the efforts of the musicians who made the music of other demos are cancelled, since you only compare the visuals of the demos (except if you're a complete retard or you don't know that the demo is using commercial music : vip2 party version, medium's credit texts unreadable on a party screen)
i must admit liking some demos that are using commercial music : state of mind, medium, 98 seconds..
yeah of course almost no scene musicians can do quality hardrock, famous scene musicians do quality pop/idm, but why once again focus only on that ?? jazz, funk, hiphop, rock.. there still are good scene musicians who can still do such styles without falling into crap diskmagpop : med, rr, smash, dixan, willbe, melwyn..
sceners have a too much closed view, coders who hardly can find graphicians, graphicians with tons of idea not finding coders who wants to do something different than 3d engine, talented musicians which will never have any of their tune in a demo ..
i must admit liking some demos that are using commercial music : state of mind, medium, 98 seconds..
yeah of course almost no scene musicians can do quality hardrock, famous scene musicians do quality pop/idm, but why once again focus only on that ?? jazz, funk, hiphop, rock.. there still are good scene musicians who can still do such styles without falling into crap diskmagpop : med, rr, smash, dixan, willbe, melwyn..
sceners have a too much closed view, coders who hardly can find graphicians, graphicians with tons of idea not finding coders who wants to do something different than 3d engine, talented musicians which will never have any of their tune in a demo ..

So, you don't understand the conversation and have accidentally posted a picture from your webcam into the bargain...? =-)
I conviently had the picture.
pffff .. we already saw that racist porn picture in a non serious thread, why post it again here ????
yeah of course scene must be about fun, let's be idiots then ..
yeah of course scene must be about fun, let's be idiots then ..
In that case i have a head start, 'cos i'm already an idiot. Excuse me whilst i dribble on my shoes... =-)
-- posted by crest
> it seems that rock soundtracks are a big >problem for the most scene musicians and so they grab a commercial one).
(seriously.. making rock/metal on a computer is not hard at all.)
Ripping sucks. It's just plain old stealing of copyrighted material. Music creates an athmosphere and those who rips music only prove that they could not create that atmosphere by themselves.
> it seems that rock soundtracks are a big >problem for the most scene musicians and so they grab a commercial one).
(seriously.. making rock/metal on a computer is not hard at all.)
Ripping sucks. It's just plain old stealing of copyrighted material. Music creates an athmosphere and those who rips music only prove that they could not create that atmosphere by themselves.
florent: how would you then draw the line of code. I mean *some* of us are working commercially with realtime computer graphics programming and therefore more motivation/time/whatever to try out effect ideas, algorithms, new api's etc.
If you say that using commercial (ripped?) music in a demo is bad for the competition - then I propose that using commercial code in a demo is bad for the competition!
If you say that using commercial (ripped?) music in a demo is bad for the competition - then I propose that using commercial code in a demo is bad for the competition!
Ok, let's rip music everybody. Why not to rip the code and gfx as well?
or just create a separate compo for those realtime "music videos"
or just shut your ignorant mouths
yup. musicians+graphicans unite! let's all pitch in and buy ourselves a Q3 license (or better yet -rip the sourcecode) and make our own demos from now on!
That'll show those lazy (mostly french) coders!
That'll show those lazy (mostly french) coders!
Irvin: No further comment coz you are degrading yourself by posting stupid porn crap here.
Yeah, posting porn in a discussion forum simply SUCKS!!
jazz, funk, hiphop, rock.. there still are good scene musicians who can still do such styles without falling into crap diskmagpop : med, rr, smash, dixan, willbe, melwyn..
i make both funk and crap diskmag pop, how about that
i make both funk and crap diskmag pop, how about that
I always concidered demos as a show of skill from a gathering of talented people called a group.
The main purpose was to show that your group is way beyond other groups in the art of producing audio&visual experiences different from those we\re bombarded with daily on tv.
At one time it was all about getting the most out of your gear.
then it became a matter of being more artistic...
and now... its just a matter of pleasing the crowd with smooth visuals and a f%&^#%& slipknot tune or whatever.
it still takes efford to do a good demo from the coder and gfx talent. But leaving out the skill of the groups musician is plane lame, because then it is not a demo onymore.
It is a musicvideo remix, with an allready realeased commercial tune.
And do we want the scene to finally go completely commercial by using commercial music, when the only thing that really seperate our stuff from mtv jingles are... a special scene sound that has been smoothly shaped in many different directions since the early 64 days.
The main purpose was to show that your group is way beyond other groups in the art of producing audio&visual experiences different from those we\re bombarded with daily on tv.
At one time it was all about getting the most out of your gear.
then it became a matter of being more artistic...
and now... its just a matter of pleasing the crowd with smooth visuals and a f%&^#%& slipknot tune or whatever.
it still takes efford to do a good demo from the coder and gfx talent. But leaving out the skill of the groups musician is plane lame, because then it is not a demo onymore.
It is a musicvideo remix, with an allready realeased commercial tune.
And do we want the scene to finally go completely commercial by using commercial music, when the only thing that really seperate our stuff from mtv jingles are... a special scene sound that has been smoothly shaped in many different directions since the early 64 days.
Well said iblis, I couldn't agree more.
During the 80s and early 90s, perhaps there was something that could be said in favour of ripping commercial music, merely because it showed the capabilities of the machine. And it wasn't altogether easy getting a full 3-5 minute sampled soundtrack running in under 1mb of memory, or fitting it onto a floppy disk. This usually required a trackloader or some very clever remixing from the musician.
During the 80s and early 90s, perhaps there was something that could be said in favour of ripping commercial music, merely because it showed the capabilities of the machine. And it wasn't altogether easy getting a full 3-5 minute sampled soundtrack running in under 1mb of memory, or fitting it onto a floppy disk. This usually required a trackloader or some very clever remixing from the musician.
Hehe i remeber a loooong time ago when i was tripping over this demo...well actually it was just a picture of a monitor, and 5 min of bullshit samples from various artists such as MJ.
But even though the sample quality was worse than poor, i were amazing that they had managed to put that much sound into a floppy disk.
I mean let me hear stevie wonders - "the best man" ´played in a 64k PC intro, at a decent samplerate and i will bow in respect of the programmers skill in compressing data.
..hmm now that i think of it, i think i was more amazed to hear "miami vice" comming out of my disk drive on the C=64. I mean...then you can talk about pushing the hardware to the limit...though i bet it wasnt healthy for the reader. :)
But even though the sample quality was worse than poor, i were amazing that they had managed to put that much sound into a floppy disk.
I mean let me hear stevie wonders - "the best man" ´played in a 64k PC intro, at a decent samplerate and i will bow in respect of the programmers skill in compressing data.
..hmm now that i think of it, i think i was more amazed to hear "miami vice" comming out of my disk drive on the C=64. I mean...then you can talk about pushing the hardware to the limit...though i bet it wasnt healthy for the reader. :)
irvin/oreokiller ...I know you havent asked for my oppinion, but you are a f*cking idiot!!.