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A scener's worst nightmare at a demoparty

category: general [glöplog]
I remember that back in the days there was a DOS demo being shown at some Czech party. It was long and boring. When the projection ended its author stood up and started to explain that it ran with some kind of graphic mistake. Orgas restarted compo PC and ran that demo again. You couldn't notice any difference. I know I could just walked away, but I didn't. Yeah, that was nightmare for me.
added on the 2016-12-15 21:35:29 by nula nula
Actually I think my worst nightname was seeing my first demo on the bigscreen... and realizing how horrible it was.

Followed by relief when they shut it off halfway through... followed by the nightmare just starting over as the crowd booed to have the demo started all over again.

I don't necessarily have high standards but I sure as fuck never want *that* to happen ever again.
added on the 2016-12-16 12:26:03 by ___ ___

Once a demo that I coded accidentally muted the Windows audio master after the demo ended [it was an accident! I promise!]. The following demo in the compo ran in silence...

And that's why we should require demos to be entered as Docker images!
added on the 2016-12-19 02:59:55 by Y0Gi Y0Gi
Reentrant demos are clearly what we need.
(including mathematical proof that they are indeed reentrant, to be submitted into Partymeister)


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