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Revision 2014 - April 18th to 21st

category: parties [glöplog]
Yay! Leaving for Germany in 1 hour :)BB Image
added on the 2014-04-17 10:07:55 by xerxes xerxes
Get with the program. I am since 8:00 yesterday in Germany, and my English is already going to shit again. (:
added on the 2014-04-17 10:38:12 by nrr nrr
And the Danish bus is on the road!
added on the 2014-04-17 10:41:21 by kyber kyber
The wheels on the bus go... PANTS OFF!!
added on the 2014-04-17 10:44:35 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
Weyland/FlowerSFX is picking up the Swedish bus on to road in a couple of hours :)
coffee time, also waiting for the beer... maybe i'll just code another effect
added on the 2014-04-17 11:18:40 by skomp skomp
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added on the 2014-04-17 12:44:03 by gaspode gaspode

It is with a sad feeling in our hearts that we have to announce the cancellation of our show opening music performance on Friday evening right after midnight. While it is sad that the audience will not have the chance to see Men of Mega in live action at this year´s edition of Revision, we completely understand their (private) motivation and we hope to find a moment in the future when the stars align to realize a more fruitful cooperation to make up for this year´s unfortunate turn of events.

Over the last 24 hours, we have been working hard to find a suitable replacement opening act, and are extremely proud to announce that Gasman has agreed to move his show from the 2nd stage on Sunday evening to the mainstage on Friday evening, and that the Zet. and Computadora have agreed to let Trippy-H join in so they can extend their set to 4 hours straight, thereby turning the remainder of Revision´s first night into a true showcase for the Bleepstreet label.
added on the 2014-04-17 14:05:50 by havoc havoc
The Super Megalactic Demoscene Spacecup is just one one day away. Just in time, we squashed the Rebels and are looking forward to your arrival - without any interruptions!

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added on the 2014-04-17 15:10:00 by D.Fox D.Fox
Svensken är påväg
gaspode: Where did you find that? No stream? :(
added on the 2014-04-17 16:58:51 by Sdw Sdw
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the stream is there!!!
added on the 2014-04-17 17:48:46 by el mal el mal
Aaaaaand the Danish bus is delayed for a couple of hours since germany likes stau
added on the 2014-04-17 17:54:23 by dwarf dwarf
added on the 2014-04-17 17:56:33 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
Please be advised that all nearby shops are closed tomorrow at Revision.
added on the 2014-04-17 18:21:05 by numtek numtek
They´ll be open on Saturday, tho! :)
But for Friday you´ll find everything you need at the venue itself, drinks, food, just no Hardware (Media Markt), except some forgotten LAN-Cables maybe (ask at the infodesk if you forgot yours!)
you know what? fuck it. i can't wait anymore. let's start revision today, alright?
added on the 2014-04-17 19:06:38 by xxx xxx
added on the 2014-04-17 19:29:20 by _docd _docd
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added on the 2014-04-17 19:36:24 by ___ ___
We're here!

And soon we're there! Which is somewhere (downtown). Feel free to join! Just search for huge amounts of drunk sceners, I guess..
added on the 2014-04-17 19:58:34 by leijaa leijaa
On the road jaaaaaa
Folow http://blog.darklite.org
added on the 2014-04-17 20:25:04 by tFt tFt
anyone at hotel ibis that has a corkscrew?
added on the 2014-04-17 20:50:49 by nosfe nosfe
nosfe: There are lots of videos on YT how to open a corked bottle with a show, like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMMdN4AFtqE
added on the 2014-04-17 21:02:17 by tokra tokra
added on the 2014-04-17 21:02:34 by tokra tokra
Huge Norwegian/Finnish delegation at Brasserie Alex
added on the 2014-04-17 21:11:27 by leijaa leijaa


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