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Revision 2014 - April 18th to 21st

category: parties [glöplog]

So.. Good Friday is always a half assed holiday, and May 5th is only a holiday every fifth year? o_O You guys are weird.
added on the 2014-04-15 21:32:50 by arcane arcane
arcane: ah yeah that. i always mix those up :D
i have both off by default! muwhauhahahahah
added on the 2014-04-15 22:11:06 by el mal el mal
Important question: Does Saarbrücken have any store that would have some good decent absinthe in their selection?
added on the 2014-04-15 22:42:06 by nosfe nosfe
:D nosfe
added on the 2014-04-16 03:11:10 by T-101 T-101
Nosfe! see ya at the party!
added on the 2014-04-16 04:15:34 by pantaloon pantaloon
now time to stock up on food, drinks and easter bunnies/chocolate for the stream.
added on the 2014-04-16 04:59:13 by mudlord mudlord
The airport buses leave from the same place as before, right?
added on the 2014-04-16 09:12:30 by Preacher Preacher
Oh shit! Only 24 hours left until the bus leaves!
added on the 2014-04-16 09:31:02 by Puryx Puryx
Only 24 hours left until the bus leaves! \o/
added on the 2014-04-16 09:36:05 by Blueberry Blueberry
Only 24 hours until the train leaves for the airport!
added on the 2014-04-16 09:45:29 by xerxes xerxes
Only 24 hours left to get in shape for 5k run!
added on the 2014-04-16 09:47:40 by revival revival
Preacher: yes, you should have received a mail right NAO :)
added on the 2014-04-16 10:30:41 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
3 hours until train leaves... YAY!
added on the 2014-04-16 10:51:55 by _Chucky_ _Chucky_
30 hours until the Poo-brain preparty starts \o/
added on the 2014-04-16 11:02:58 by skomp skomp
Only 24 hours left until Dirtie and Novel will hit my flat !

...and then we'll have some beers, break down my equipment and go to bed ...
added on the 2014-04-16 11:05:18 by d0DgE d0DgE
...after you finished your releases!
added on the 2014-04-16 11:12:15 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
48h till my first demoparty in 10 years :D
Start writing . . now
BB Image
start drinking, now.

thank you sceners.

added on the 2014-04-16 13:25:16 by spiikki spiikki
Have you found out what we're looking for? Correct. The answer is "booze".
Amiga 64k intro almost in its release state!
added on the 2014-04-16 15:26:28 by Corial Corial
Experiment One. An experiment was carried out to determine the effects of potable ethanol on microcomputing hardware.
2 1/2 hours left of day job...... then 15+ hours of grueling Cubase action then FLIGHT!
added on the 2014-04-16 15:59:31 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
Amiga 64k intro almost in its release state!

Same here. Last polishing as usual at the party to kill Friday.
added on the 2014-04-16 16:09:41 by d0DgE d0DgE


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