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the end (endtro) / class discussion revisited

category: general [glöplog]
np: INTERGALACTIC GARY - In America mix.mp3

(it's very commercial, that's probably *the* reason why it's free :))
added on the 2004-01-22 17:46:10 by superplek superplek
plek: name your topten netlabels and i'll give you leading on the me not knowing that you have crappy music taste.
added on the 2004-01-22 18:21:50 by psenough psenough
tomaes: i'm confused - are you debating or agreeing with me? :)
added on the 2004-01-22 19:05:25 by gloom gloom
so, basically, netlabel equals quality? ;)
added on the 2004-01-22 19:10:44 by superplek superplek
(note that the ';)' denotes that i'm not falling for that one)
added on the 2004-01-22 19:11:09 by superplek superplek
frankly i don't get at all this fuss. the very same (and valid) point has been repeated already many times - piracy for private usage is, even if morally wrong, more or less ok as you're not making money with the illegal software (although one might argue that making a winning demo for assembly with pirated visual studio and 3ds max is commercial usage).

what comes to games, movies and music and other entertainment, i'd say it's more up to the fact that quality stuff gets not only popular but people also buy what they enjoy watching/listening/playing. if i'm really into some artist or album i try to find and buy it, especially if the album comes from a smaller record label.
added on the 2004-01-22 19:23:47 by melw melw
unfortunately, not everyone shares your sense of justice melwyn. there is also a distinct gap in age between those who state that they gladly buy records to support their favourite artists and the ones who just download everything.
added on the 2004-01-22 19:29:34 by gloom gloom
i really think that the particular CLASS "intro" sucked, just as much as goats.cx
i definetely second melwyn, and i act exactly like he is pointing out. if i like a record, i buy it. and that happens often enough.

and WHEEEEE, welcome rasmus! =)
added on the 2004-01-22 20:28:36 by dipswitch dipswitch
gloom: the "free promotion"-bullshit is not forced down my throat, it is something which comes from personal experience. Since there are P2P networks like Napster and Kazaa, many people I know are constantly coming up with new cd's from totaly unknown artists which they found thanks to the P2P networks. So I repeat my statement, small artists can benefit from P2P.
added on the 2004-01-22 21:08:04 by sparcus sparcus
plek: oh ffs
added on the 2004-01-22 22:14:25 by psenough psenough
plek: here is my retork to your bullshit.
now go piss up a tree and code your own 3d objects so that you dont need to go around the campfire asking people for their abstract 3d objects to finish your demo at breakpoint again.

melw has leading but i think the fuss started spreading more when someone said that piracy wasnt related to the scene more then anything else.

sparcus also has leading. even if tracked music beeing to the level of professional music might be somehow doubtfull on levels of production and general musicmaking experience of the tracker.. but he sure as hell has leading about the p2p part.
added on the 2004-01-22 22:21:22 by psenough psenough
ps the scene isnt related to piracy. But sure it WAS once.

Let me give you something hard to compare with. Christianity swept a bloody trail all over the world ( no disrespect to Christianity or Christians intended). But it doesnt anymore. Got the idea?

And who has leading point of what? Who made you leader of the board?
added on the 2004-01-22 22:54:15 by NoahR NoahR
Christianity does not swep a bloody trail over the world anymore? Aaaargh, what are you thinking. Don't we have enough flaming material in this thread already? ;-)
added on the 2004-01-22 22:59:15 by sparcus sparcus
never...there is never enough flamin material. But if you bothered to read the whole deal, you'd know that im only stating facts. Not dessing...or saying other relegions doesnt.

It is used as an analogy of how MUCH things can change. And in the world of computers things just change bloody fast. ;)
added on the 2004-01-22 23:00:55 by NoahR NoahR
im not saying demoscene nowdays is part of crackscene but i wouldnt mind _believing_ that every demoscener _knows_ what a file_id.diz, a .nfo, a cracktro, a trainer, a swapper and a sysop are before they claim themselfs to be sceners of any sorts.

and yes there are still demosceners who are active in illegal activities groups and we all know it..

other then that: i give leading to whomever i want missy! im not stoping you from giving leading too or am i? so there!
added on the 2004-01-22 23:05:37 by psenough psenough
Ps sure but there are altso sceners who are active nazi's, that doesnt make Nazism connect with the scene too does it.

As for you other point, it's good, and i wholeheartedly agree. I did it too, i just dont see the same need for it today. Software, good software is given away for free. So what, if it's not the top of the line, that is just more scene like, to put bonds on yourself while making, innit?

"other then that: i give leading to whomever i want missy! "

sure you do slick, but it makes you stand out as a joke.
added on the 2004-01-22 23:12:19 by NoahR NoahR
Altso i like the general idea of software created for the love of it, it too is really scene'ish, and thus we should be supporting people that does it.
added on the 2004-01-22 23:13:25 by NoahR NoahR
sparcus: yes, they "can" benefit from p2p, but let's face it - people using p2p-networks searching for music are not just sitting down by their computers and saying to themselves "hm, today i want to find some goood alternative rock, never mind the name of the group" - they are doing it to find stuff they have already heard about and to download it without paying for it. in fact; most p2p-network clients doesn't even *have* a way to search for things you don't already know what are called.

sure - giving away free promotional music is a good thing, but that is more easily done by just putting it in the web somewhere.
added on the 2004-01-22 23:27:00 by gloom gloom
dont get me wrong. i pay for software too when i give it proper creative use. but totally condemning the reverse engineering and p2p scenes wouldnt make a shred of sense in my eyes. as to it shouldnt to any other sceners imho. we were born out of the sharing and free distribution of tools and final products, we shouldnt neglect it. imho ofcourse.
feel free to write a full article for next pain if you disagree.

as for the abuse of "to give lead" verb making me stand out as a joke: my words shouldnt need a strongly serious and respect person to be considered valid, i dont enjoy or care to hide my words behind who i am and what i did/do. and i also dont really care that much what people that dont really know me personally think about me (in or outside of the scene), so i dont really mind making an ass of myself with jerky remarks ocasionaly when it helps to serve the point more humoristically clear. :)
added on the 2004-01-22 23:32:12 by psenough psenough
gloom: ok, good point, you have to know the name. But stilll it makes it easy for people to try out music which they for example have read about, before actually buying it (which they might not do without trying out the music first)
added on the 2004-01-22 23:32:50 by sparcus sparcus
gloom: thats bs man, lots of ppl come to "Soulseek Artists" room on slsk asking for new names of a given genre. even new names of genres they dont usually listen too. open up your eyes bent, ppl who go to p2p only to leech stuff they know dont usually go there everyday. the patrons are there to find out new stuff not to leech the pop crap.
ofcourse there are p2p and p2p.. you need to know where you're at...
added on the 2004-01-22 23:36:46 by psenough psenough
I would have to say that this is possibly the most important production this year, if only because it's causing this much discussion and controversy. I'm sure arguments can be made to whether it's good or not, I myself haven't seen it - I will but I'm busy writing 1 1/2 hours of comments on candy bars to other threads which are lost because of timing out and similar unimportant activities that aren't getting any 'work' done - but when you can cause this much controversy? Oh yeah, you've got something there.

I'd add my own opinions, but I'm much more interested in reading yours (:
I'd add my own opinions, but I'm much more interested in reading yours (:

likewise ;)
added on the 2004-01-23 09:07:05 by reed reed
sure, people come up with some solid arguments here and there dear PS, but you ain't one of them :)

now go smoke some more weed and do some more nothing. make yourself useful.
added on the 2004-01-23 11:37:45 by superplek superplek


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