Random Conspiracy Theories
category: general [glöplog]
A large portion of the scientists that "contributed" to the IPCC study (i.e. the paper before it was condensed to a political agenda) said things like "they blew it way outta proportion...".
Those scientists withdrew their endorsement of this commite and have been blackmailed in the way like: "You're on the pay roll of Big Oil...rahrah"
In fact it's more the other way around.
Just take crooks like Al Gore with his CO2 emission- trading corporation and his large shares in a company for oil exploring equipment. This guy is a lousy liar and received the Nobel Prize for that.
To put it straight. CO2 does not cause the "global warming".
The percentage in the atmosphere is about 0.038 %.
Warming and cooling in the entire solar system is caused (I guess wildly) by this odd natural fusion reactor in the middle called "Sol" that goes though up- and down- cycles of activity.
But I'm quite sure that's a conspiracy theory ;D
A large portion of the scientists that "contributed" to the IPCC study (i.e. the paper before it was condensed to a political agenda) said things like "they blew it way outta proportion...".
Those scientists withdrew their endorsement of this commite and have been blackmailed in the way like: "You're on the pay roll of Big Oil...rahrah"
In fact it's more the other way around.
Just take crooks like Al Gore with his CO2 emission- trading corporation and his large shares in a company for oil exploring equipment. This guy is a lousy liar and received the Nobel Prize for that.
To put it straight. CO2 does not cause the "global warming".
The percentage in the atmosphere is about 0.038 %.
Warming and cooling in the entire solar system is caused (I guess wildly) by this odd natural fusion reactor in the middle called "Sol" that goes though up- and down- cycles of activity.
But I'm quite sure that's a conspiracy theory ;D
real Consiracys and depressing news (in German)
Chemtrails. Looking out the window today makes me think there might be something to it. They are damn annoying too, since they block the sun on an otherwise clear day.
I'm pro global warming, it can get so damn cold here during the winter and I want it warm!
The average global surface temperature is rising, yes, but that does not mean that it will get warmer everywhere on earth. In fact, in some places, it will get colder(!). So don't be too sure.
It's controversial in the same way that evolution and the existence of the holocaust are controversial:
I don't think there is a single somewhat reputable scientist/historian that would deny the holocaust. Same with evolution, although it gets a little bit fuzzy there already. Man-made GW is not on the same level of certainty and I find it weird that you lump all those things into the same argument.
Global temperature the last 450000 years. Humans can only survive in Europe during the small red spikes. In the long cold periods it's covered with several km of ice. Shouldn't we be more worried about our little warm period coming to an end rather than whether we might make it a little warmer, and maybe even prolong it for a few years?
I don't think there is a single somewhat reputable scientist/historian that would deny the holocaust
reputable scientists gave the NBP to Henry Kissinger, and George bush. There are no such thing as a reputable scientist, there are oppinons we like to hear, and oppinions we do not like to hear. but reputable is such a subjective and emotionally ladden word, and actually quite pointless. The truth whatever it may be, is not reputable, it never were.
Academia, rather than being the absolute method to decuphering the world, it has become an inbred information cult with it's own boring and limiting dogmas...reputable being one of them. That is a conspiracy too..or people are just snobbish when they learn something they reckon others don't know. "I have spend 5 years on reading boring shite out of a canon someone at some point in time decided was the streight dope for whatever reason they had, and I know how to reformulate everything I read precisely as it was written. That makes me reputable in the eyes of my cul..community"....pfff
The short version.. Appeal to (imagined) authority is a fallacy!
cruzer do you have any good pages on chemtrails?
Heh, why am I not surprised that both Iblis and Cruzer post in this thread! ^^
Global temperature the last 450000 years. Humans can only survive in Europe during the small red spikes.
That is clearly wrong, unless you mean the very north of europe. 30000 years ago, the homo sapiens came to europe. And if we count other "homo", than it goes back as far as > 1.5 million years.
reputable scientists gave the NBP to Henry Kissinger, and George bush
The committee that awards the prize is made up of (ex-)politicians mostly.
Mozart and Shakespeare
...and Belgium
That is clearly wrong,
That's clear a global average and it clearly doesn't go far below -8 degrees which clearly isn't so bad in itself.
clearly clearly clearly clearly
ex-Politicians who are Exam. oecon, PhD's, MA, holds various professorships, cand.polit, cand.jur etc etc..
A degree doesn't make you a scientist. Also, nobody cares about the NPP anyway.
eebliss: No, just some rumors I've heard from time to time, which I thought sounded too far out. But I have noticed that the contrails do seem to stay for a longer time on the sky than they used to 10-20 years ago. Sometimes they even grow and form large clouds. I've emailed DMI about it, but they didn't have any answers. Random Youtube clip I just found, where it seems to be partially admitted that the military is experimenting with dispersing large quantities of material in the air for various purposes.
cruzer: http://vejret.tv2.dk/article.php/id-1927201.html
didn't take me many seconds via google... Also... please, to base something on a youtube clip? Seriously!
didn't take me many seconds via google... Also... please, to base something on a youtube clip? Seriously!
Puryx: The article doesn't say anything about why they stay longer on the sky than they used to.
cruzer: but it seems like you're the only claiming that fact, then...
The article states that there are more of those now (because of more frequent flying), and that makes the "large" clusters last longer. Couldn't that be an explanation?
The article states that there are more of those now (because of more frequent flying), and that makes the "large" clusters last longer. Couldn't that be an explanation?
Quote:Humans can only survive in Europe during the small red spikes.
That is clearly wrong, unless you mean the very north of europe. 30000 years ago, the homo sapiens came to europe. And if we count other "homo", than it goes back as far as > 1.5 million years.
Ok, so maybe we can all be crammed down together in southern Europe, where the climate probably will be something like Lapland currently, i.e. not very pleasant. So I still think it's much more scary than the air getting a few degrees warmer and a few cm of sea level rise.
And we know from the scientific data that the next ice age will come, and it could happen any time, since the current warm period has been about as long as the average of the previous ones.
Why are the powers that be so worried about global warming then? According to the influential think tank Club of Rome they actually aren't. They just pretend to be, so they can use the problem as a tool in their anti-human agenda. Quote from their book "The First Global Revolution":
It would seem that humans need a common motivation, namely a common adversary, to organize and act together in the vacuum; such a motivation must be found to bring the divided nations together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose... The common enemy of humanity is man... democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead... In searching for a new enemy to unite us we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill... The real enemy then is humanity itself.
I'm just claiming that it's something I've noticed.cruzer: but it seems like you're the only claiming that fact, then...
Not for why single trails stay visible longer, and sometimes grow into bands that must be several km wide. That's something I'm pretty sure I haven't seen before about 10 years ago.
The article states that there are more of those now (because of more frequent flying), and that makes the "large" clusters last longer. Couldn't that be an explanation?
...hey...wasn't that supposed to be a fun thread
cruzer: If what the climate nuts say is correct (and *most* of the scientific opinion points in their direction) then we're potentially fucked on the scale of 50-100 years, which is a bit too soon to register on that graph.
(incidentally, I've noticed that scientists / commentators have pretty much given up on the phrase "global warming" in favour of "climate change", to get away from the "oh good, we're going to have nice warm summers" misconceptions)
(incidentally, I've noticed that scientists / commentators have pretty much given up on the phrase "global warming" in favour of "climate change", to get away from the "oh good, we're going to have nice warm summers" misconceptions)