Random Dannish Thread
category: residue [glöplog]
I think Dannish is a pretty cool guy. eh, kills whales and doesn't afraid of anything.

puryx .. that link goes into the random swedish since they all appear to be molesting animal

rob: why? because they kill animals for food on beaches instead of in large automated butcheries? you might as well wish all non-vegetarians dead while you're at it.
sxrebbel: not a bad idea at all!
sxrebbel: If there morally is no difference in killing a whale and a chicken, why then, is there this EXTREMELY big difference between killing a whale and a human being. Kill a human being and get jail time for life. Kill 900 whales and sxrebbel will come and give a big applause. I don't get it. Really, I don't.
Are you a vegetarian yourself?
Yes, since 3 years.
Cool, any good recipes?
Rob, It's the classical "us vs. them" situation really. If those weak ass whales can't defend their habitat it's ours for the taking, and so are they. This works on all levels of life where humans are involved btw. Now bitter experience with revenge, anger, hatred soon taught is that cannibalism outside of a purely ritual setting (*cough* christianity*cough*) is bound to give problems with somebodys family. So, the bottomline. If the whales have a problem with it they can file a complaint to the same office that doesn't care about people of color and their habitat, minorities, justice and equality.
Why is there this big difference between killing an animal and killing a plant? Why is it wrong for a human to kill an animal, but OK for an animal to kill another animal? Why is it bad to experiment on rats but OK if a cat tortures a mouse for edutainment?
I am not a good cook and I am very low demanding when it comes to food. Actually I kind of make the same food as I did when I ate meat, except without the meat. I just add some more vegetables and sometimes some meat alternatives like the quorn stuff.
I stopped eating meat because I could not stand my own hypocrisy. Like getting angry when cute seals get slaughtered and then going to mcDonalds to eat a hamburger.
But I don't like the preachy kind of vegetarianism, my post about the whales was a bit emotional, I admit. So I am sorry if that offended someone :)
I stopped eating meat because I could not stand my own hypocrisy. Like getting angry when cute seals get slaughtered and then going to mcDonalds to eat a hamburger.
But I don't like the preachy kind of vegetarianism, my post about the whales was a bit emotional, I admit. So I am sorry if that offended someone :)
And why is it wrong to kill a large animal but no big deal to step on an insect?
So much I don't understand. :(
So much I don't understand. :(
It's all aesthetics, I guess is what I'm saying. :P
You will learn, someday, when you get older ;)
They are interesting questions though which I often ask myself as well. Still there are a lot of other reasons to stop eating meat. But I don't want to get preachy so I will leave it at that.
They are interesting questions though which I often ask myself as well. Still there are a lot of other reasons to stop eating meat. But I don't want to get preachy so I will leave it at that.
But I get older every day! I'm special like that. :)
Not that I can't relate to aesthetic vegetarianism. Thought about it many times myself, cause at least I could allow myself to get as upset as I want to get when I see how livestock is treated. On the other hand it's still just exchanging one form of hypocrisy for another. So whatever.
Not that I can't relate to aesthetic vegetarianism. Thought about it many times myself, cause at least I could allow myself to get as upset as I want to get when I see how livestock is treated. On the other hand it's still just exchanging one form of hypocrisy for another. So whatever.
rob: Why is there this EXTREMELY big difference between being killed by a shark and a human being? If I bite, drown and cannibalize you, I go to jail for life, however if a shark does the same, they get their own Steven Spielberg movie. Go figure. :P
But you don't get to star in the movie. They cut you up and have you for dinner, and then they replace you with a great big styrofoam copy. :(
havoc: You are wrong, if a bear ever manage to get the upper hand and kill a hunter for instance, they always track down the bear like there is no tomorrow and kill it 11 times over. Don't you dare talk back to humans!
But it's got to be more evil, since it's condemned by Kjærsgaard Jugend.