A little more decency, please?
category: general [glöplog]
And if someone is born with a brain wiring of a sociopath then what can we do with them? What is the solution? Wipe them out?
Oh.. you answered before me.
I remember that pedo steohawk. He had a story to tell. It's a real taboo to support him. I just wondered. What if you are born and you are sexually attracted to children because of brain wiring (is it proven? I don't know). Just like gays are born gays but we accept this one. Of course steohawk was absistent (would it be bad if he just thought sexual phantasies and never acted?)
Unfortunatelly nature screws up and this comes in a crash with society accepted values. I can't think of a solution to these problems. They are really fucked up and I think that even the "bad" people were born (or maybe raised) that way to become what everybody hates. But what if someone was born like that? :P
Unfortunatelly nature screws up and this comes in a crash with society accepted values. I can't think of a solution to these problems. They are really fucked up and I think that even the "bad" people were born (or maybe raised) that way to become what everybody hates. But what if someone was born like that? :P
Good people are mislead every day of their lifes. That is the unfortunate sideffect of being a good person. Naivitee. The "fail" belief that other people are good to or atleats try to be. The good old (and entirely wrong) "people are basically good". No...no they are not, far be it from it. Russian elite pshychiatrists, studying the psyche of/behind power ended up suspecting that we are surrounded by 10% outright psycopaths in our world. people who can mimick emotion so well as to cheat everybody but the best trained, but who feel non of them. We know for a fact due to the psychology of the psychopath that he/she always strife for a dominating position over other peoples lives. These Russians ended up concluding that you would find most of them in the 5% echelon that exercise total control over the world, it's resources and it's politics.
a non psychopath has NO; ZERO change in any competition that is not entirely out in the open from start to finnish (running, baseball, what have you) against one who is a psychopath. You will only crawl as far up the company ladder as the first psychopath above you allows for.
Imagine what life would be like without the feeling of remorse or shame. Imgone that in a position of nearly exclusive power?! nightmare? reality! so let's not think to hard about it really.
a non psychopath has NO; ZERO change in any competition that is not entirely out in the open from start to finnish (running, baseball, what have you) against one who is a psychopath. You will only crawl as far up the company ladder as the first psychopath above you allows for.
Imagine what life would be like without the feeling of remorse or shame. Imgone that in a position of nearly exclusive power?! nightmare? reality! so let's not think to hard about it really.

Decency, lulz this is the internet.
finally someone said it!

obama would agree with this message
that's wonderful zest, now go make a demo about obama
ebliss: agree. from what i can make out, most people are neautral, neither good nor bad - simply an open notepad document waiting to be filled with source-code and then compiled and executed.
most people have no desire for control of other people's sourcecode. it only really seems to be the sociopaths who want to climb that ladder and begin programming the masses, that psychotic 10% (via media, government, propaganda, whatever).
it's wrong for genuinely "good people" (the one's the nut-jobs are unable to program) to just sit back and watch psycopaths program the masses with evil source. so you should really "think about it" and speak out when you see it happening.
or something :P
most people have no desire for control of other people's sourcecode. it only really seems to be the sociopaths who want to climb that ladder and begin programming the masses, that psychotic 10% (via media, government, propaganda, whatever).
it's wrong for genuinely "good people" (the one's the nut-jobs are unable to program) to just sit back and watch psycopaths program the masses with evil source. so you should really "think about it" and speak out when you see it happening.
or something :P
PeaceAtLast: Your interpretation shows that you're an amateur.
Don't talk about things you don't understand anything about.
No. It means dominance of intuition over sensorics."I pay little attention to my surroundings..." = autistic / sociopath
No. It means that despite dominance of intuition over sensorics, some routine tasks are still enjoyed, so it's not a totally crippled sensoric function."There are some kinds of routine tasks I do enjoy, such as formatting texts..." = autism / borderline retard
No. It means dominance of thinking over feeling."I am unemotional and phlegmatic; there is hardly anything that will make me express either excitement or detestation. I'm not easily hurt, either." = key sociopathic trait
No. It means dominance of introverted intuition."I'm often virtually living in the future." = schizophrenic
Don't talk about things you don't understand anything about.
Adok, fuck off.
Adok, fuck off.
wow, you mention "dominance" more often than a BDSM practitioner.. impressive!
Adok: get out! Faggot.
i really enjoy getting back from the office just to read the latest pouet.net-thread on <insert troll of the month>. it's quite fun that people take it so serious.
PeaceAtLast. Problem being that saying it out loud is merely playing cpt. Obvious. I find that a lot of people are well aware that the status quo is not exactly optimal - even for their own future survival, but they refuse to do anything and don't wan't to talk about it, or use the good ol "i can't do anything anyway". I have come to fund it an utter waste of time. Only in very few people are you upgainst a lack of knowledge or understanding of what is going on. you are up against creature comforts, and that is a mightier foe against reason and "right" than any drug or politician ever spawned.
It's not like people in general doesn't know that the politicians do little but flour their own cake and in general do whatever suits themself best in the end through whatever means avaible, It's not like most haven't figured out that most of will lie and turn oppinions on a whim just like that. In fact, I doubt that there are that many left in the younger generations who actually believe that politics does anything but change a few bells and whistles but never the course of where we live. But im told that "that's just the way it is", and I'm to understand from this -I assume- that because it is "like that", if cannot be changed. I wonder why these fuckers even bother to vote then?! =/
It's not like people in general doesn't know that the politicians do little but flour their own cake and in general do whatever suits themself best in the end through whatever means avaible, It's not like most haven't figured out that most of will lie and turn oppinions on a whim just like that. In fact, I doubt that there are that many left in the younger generations who actually believe that politics does anything but change a few bells and whistles but never the course of where we live. But im told that "that's just the way it is", and I'm to understand from this -I assume- that because it is "like that", if cannot be changed. I wonder why these fuckers even bother to vote then?! =/
Adok, from your own bio: “...much of this description of the INTJ type applies to me”
No, my “interpretation” is based purely on traditional, well-established psychological symptomatic diagnosis. Whereas your delusional interpretation of yourself is based on unfounded Myers-Briggs principles, which have long been dismissed as little more than a Horoscope.
From teh mighty irrefutable (ahem) wiki: “The statistical validity of the MBTI as a psychometric instrument has been the subject of criticism. Neither Katharine Cook Briggs nor Isabel Briggs Myers were formally educated in psychology, and thus lacked scientific qualifications in the field of psychometric testing.[1]:xiii It has been estimated that between a third and a half of the published material on the MBTI has been produced for conferences of the Center for the Application of Psychological Type (which provides training in the MBTI) or as papers in the Journal of Psychological Type (which is edited by Myers-Briggs advocates).[28] It has been argued that this reflects a lack of critical scrutiny”
But then, I’m not surprised by your faith in this laughable pseudoscience considering the fact that you also believe in that other well-known junk science called Eugenics.
No, my “interpretation” is based purely on traditional, well-established psychological symptomatic diagnosis. Whereas your delusional interpretation of yourself is based on unfounded Myers-Briggs principles, which have long been dismissed as little more than a Horoscope.
From teh mighty irrefutable (ahem) wiki: “The statistical validity of the MBTI as a psychometric instrument has been the subject of criticism. Neither Katharine Cook Briggs nor Isabel Briggs Myers were formally educated in psychology, and thus lacked scientific qualifications in the field of psychometric testing.[1]:xiii It has been estimated that between a third and a half of the published material on the MBTI has been produced for conferences of the Center for the Application of Psychological Type (which provides training in the MBTI) or as papers in the Journal of Psychological Type (which is edited by Myers-Briggs advocates).[28] It has been argued that this reflects a lack of critical scrutiny”
But then, I’m not surprised by your faith in this laughable pseudoscience considering the fact that you also believe in that other well-known junk science called Eugenics.
PeaceAtLast: MBTI is irrelevant. I was talking about Jungian functions. Do you know Carl Gustav Jung?
And what do you understand of eugenics?
And what do you understand of eugenics?
That statement makes you sound like a follower of one of the most cruel and inhumane ideologies of the 20th century. (Having zero sympathy = it's okay to kill him.)He’s the WORST kind of person on our planet and deserves ZERO sympathy, imo.
adok: MBTI and Jung basically boil down to the same crap when you are using them to subjectively analyse _yourself_. It’s wishful thinking Astrology unless it’s used objectively applied.
I’ll give you a more reliable objective analysis: sociopathic, schizophrenic, autistic, borderline retard.
and no I don't want you dead, I just want you to GTFO :E
I’ll give you a more reliable objective analysis: sociopathic, schizophrenic, autistic, borderline retard.
and no I don't want you dead, I just want you to GTFO :E
or at least to show some humility and apologize
PeaceAtLast: Then don't post rubbish.
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