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Soundtracks on demos?

category: general [glöplog]
why not getting a tune, making visuals inspired by the tune then synchronizing on this tune... I dunno but it's not only about writting a tune specifically to fit visual...

I suppose sometimes coders have an entire demo planned in their heads, but just need music done that fits their ideas. I guess it works both ways (music first/music last), but kinda hard to determine what is best...
What is best is (IMO) when people go back and forth while either bit is being made. :)
added on the 2008-07-04 16:06:01 by gloom gloom
i'm wondering, is there any demo which changes the bpm of the provided soundtrack in real-time according to the visuals ?
added on the 2008-07-04 16:46:39 by Zest Zest
@gloom: what you said could be interpreted a lot.. i mean.. WTF JAZZ MUSICIANS?
zest, yes, but it's done inside the tune (assuming the demo being non-interactive and the same every time, this is the same as what you ask)
added on the 2008-07-04 19:53:45 by skrebbel skrebbel


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