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Outline HQ closes for good

category: general [glöplog]
well, he at least made policework of it [or so i understood out of his text, if he didnt, he should :P], that should be sufficient to at least get those bastards another fine/day in jail and for as far as their mothers care, that usually works :)
added on the 2007-05-31 23:58:45 by el mal el mal
Best wishes for your prompt recovery+relocation havoc, and that this event quickly goes to the status of "old story"
added on the 2007-06-01 07:09:19 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Holy fuck havoc, beterschap man! Dood aan die moederneukende junkies
added on the 2007-06-01 10:40:43 by Inopia Inopia
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added on the 2007-06-01 10:41:46 by Inopia Inopia
Wow,.. fucked up shit. Ennuh, wat inopia zei
added on the 2007-06-01 11:06:08 by blasty blasty
i'm speechless...

i know it's wrong to think about revenge, but in situations like these i wouldn't mind to grab a few sceners and some baseball bats and make some damage. yeah i know, they are victims of society, but that would teach them, wouldn't it?

havoc, get well soon! and don't worry about the t-shirt, as long as i have it before next breakpoint, it's cool :)
added on the 2007-06-01 12:15:03 by jeenio jeenio
people like your flatmate's friends (and maybe your flatmate) are the lowest scum this side of rapist gangs and they should be made to suffer because of it. a lot. for the rest of their lives. painfully. twice over. with a spoon.

This, uncle-x, always raises a question: what makes you better? No offence, but i can hardly remember anyone giving somewhat near sensible answer.

Best wishes to havoc!
added on the 2007-06-01 12:15:16 by apricot apricot
apricot: fuck you. in a community, we should care for each other. even if uncle-x is sometimes hard (no pun intended) and diss a lot, he would still save your ass from a dodgy situation.

same as havoc. he saved our sorry portuguese asses a lots of times, giving rides to and from airports. you are part of a bigger thing, and you always try to make it better.

and that doesn't make us better than them, it just makes our community better. and if you disagree about something, you make them see your point in a civilized way, like calling them a faggot on pouet. you just don't break into someone's room and beat them to a pulp with bottles. in the worst case scenario, you make them feel like a pulp by offering them A LOT of salmiakki bottles. which is different.
added on the 2007-06-01 12:22:45 by jeenio jeenio
jeenio, so, grab your iron pipe and let's go! :D
added on the 2007-06-01 13:17:43 by el mal el mal
Why did they brake in and attack ? What was there motive(s) I wonder. Ah hell, nothing justifies this.

btw, Don't troll this thread its as bad as it is already that this happenend.

Zinloos geweld!
added on the 2007-06-01 13:18:55 by magic magic
jeenio, while we're at it, let's make a 'visit' to magic too
added on the 2007-06-01 13:20:36 by el mal el mal
All the best havoc!
added on the 2007-06-01 13:32:45 by scorpion scorpion
apricot if you can't figure it out, do as jeenio instructed.

added on the 2007-06-01 16:32:57 by uncle-x uncle-x
You've quite proved my point so far.

and that doesn't make us better than them, it just makes our community better. and if you disagree about something, you make them see your point in a civilized way, like calling them a faggot on pouet. you just don't break into someone's room and beat them to a pulp with bottles.
Yet let's go beat them up. I quite dont get it, you either didnt read the comments before posting or you really have such an ill logic ? Or maybe this is supposed to be some kind of perverted joke i don't get because i'm an 'idiot' ?

apricot: fuck you. in a community, we should care for each other.

The only "care" offers i've seen from you so far is to reserve some other people a hospital vacation. Nothing about helping havoc himself. And i never said you should leave the situation as is, although this is the good way out in some cases. You could gather and get there and deal with the situation, but without escalating the violence avalanche any further, otherwise you can be calassified as exatly the same "scum", as the only way to cope for you is violence. That was the original point, although it seems no one got it.

And there's no point in bringing airport lifts into equation as i did not question havoc's contribution at any point. Try to qoute otherwise.

I'd also quite like to hear from havoc, although as far as i understand his message, he shares his views on the situation with me.

Anyway, what i've collected so far is a couple of unprovoked insults and a rather contradictory stab at explaining something. Read, think, and try again.
added on the 2007-06-01 18:16:36 by apricot apricot
I'm not sure it's the right thread for rantings nor what Havoc would like to read at the moment.

Cheers from Canada Havoc and cut the childish stunts with your flatmates already ;)

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added on the 2007-06-01 18:21:10 by keops keops
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Could not resist, hope it cheers you up even more ;)
added on the 2007-06-01 18:31:01 by keops keops
To cheer you up three nice chicks:


And becoz the Havoc (outline) HQ is moving here is a suitable pic:


No get better soon!

added on the 2007-06-01 19:08:37 by magic magic
Take 2 : -)

To cheer you up three nice chicks:

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And becoz the Havoc (outline) HQ is moving here is a suitable pic:

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Now get better soon!

added on the 2007-06-01 19:09:32 by magic magic
Oh shit! I'm really sorry to hear about this. I only know Havoc for a couple of months (a couple of demoparties...) and he's been nothing if not amazing.

Havoc, I'm still in the Netherlands for the next few days, so if you fancy a visit (or need help of any sort what-so-ever) give me a call (check your e-mail..)!
added on the 2007-06-01 19:33:05 by Holograph Holograph
While I was trying to sleep in bed, my room was broken into and I was beaten to pulp with liquor bottles last sundaymorning by a bunch of criminal friends of my flatmate in Enschede.
Following the NRA's statements this problem could've been solved by one single person with an own bottle. Our society needs more bottles of alcohol to protect itself, not less!

Besides that, get well soon.
get well soon!
added on the 2007-06-02 00:41:08 by las las
I somehow couldn't believe it when I first read it... That's indeed totally fucked up. Best wishes from me too, get well soon tall dutchman and see you at the next party. :)
added on the 2007-06-02 01:58:30 by StingRay StingRay
Get well soon Havoc, i'm just in shock. Hope everything turns out ok.
added on the 2007-06-02 12:38:03 by Intrinsic Intrinsic
Better get some: BB Image
added on the 2007-06-02 17:24:31 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
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added on the 2007-06-02 18:05:17 by Inopia Inopia


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