Will farbrausch's fr-041: debris reach the all-time top?
category: general [glöplog]
I would've been more impressed if they did it in on a C64.
I would not have been impressed if they did it on a Amiga.
Can somebody make a quick graphic showing Debris' comments per day over time ?
I want to know the mathematical function that represents this the best.
I want to know the mathematical function that represents this the best.
ath500: go shave your moustache. seriously.

Pasy: wtf?! You wrote an eleet PouetStatAnaliz0r? :)

fuckings to pasy for beating me to it, and to picpaste.de for preventing deeplinking :) anyway, you got your graphs :)
keops: excel for prez:)
pasy: I think he didn't mean how you made the graph, for that's obvious :) How did you get the data? I've actually written a script for that, did you?
keyj: copy paste the whole page to excel and filter it :)
so you did that *entirely* in excel? ok, now I'm impressed.
How did you read the data from Pouet? Through a macro?
ok, now someone do the graph on a c64 in geos!
I would've been more impressed if they sent a manned flight to Saturn.
keops: the method
ahaha ok :)
Using VBA would've been pretty quick too.
It's an interesting graph though. It shows that everyone quickly lost interest in Debris. It had no lasting appeal.
It's an interesting graph though. It shows that everyone quickly lost interest in Debris. It had no lasting appeal.
And the "no-life" award goes to....
doom: no, it proves people are eager for the first hand view on something, so they download and comment quickly, I'm sure most new productions experience exactly the same thing. Now if you would do the stat on the VIEWS of the page on the other hand, but that info is probably not available. I know I've been looking at debris here at pouet at least 10 times just to see if someone is silly enough to thumb it down :)
doom: judging by the fact that debris got to 451 comments in a matter of weeks while the most-commented prods on this site have around 460-470 comments (from an eyeball analysis of http://www.pouet.net/prodlist.php?order=views), i'd propose a slightly different explanation: most active pouet posters have simply already commented it :)
thec: popularity counts views.
doom^satellite: erm, no, that's totally irrelevant. The fact that its popularity is still progressing quickly proves the total opposite actually :)