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Share your old nicks!

category: general [glöplog]
heh i used "scorpio" for some time because i was born in november. then i figured it wasn't very girl like so i changed it to leia since sw at that time were the best movie series ever.

later i wanted to change it again but its too built in in people (you all suck), so i have to keep this, although i think its rather stupid
added on the 2005-05-12 08:26:37 by leijaa leijaa
It's interesting that many people first came up with rather simple nicks. Of course it's obvious why they then had to change nick.
added on the 2005-05-12 09:28:15 by Adok Adok
Back in the 90's i used to be Rainmaker.
added on the 2005-05-12 09:59:01 by kurli kurli
I've always been styx. I only wrote it StyX some time ago, but I stopped that.
added on the 2005-05-12 10:11:46 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
Phleghm was one.
BBS wise, I was once the Lexicographer.
Loaderror: Yeah, I find them childish too. That's why I have a ton (:
I have been called "nico" as long as i remember both online and offline, but since that was always taken on irc and other places, i added the extremely cool zer0 instead of the plain o.. and it just sort of stuck. Also the girls go NIIIIC'OOOOOOOOOOOOH from time to time, so its really very fitting.

I might have spelled it ||nicoo||^^wtfLOLZ=R in the old days, but who cares :)
added on the 2005-05-12 10:30:40 by nic0 nic0
Hmm ... i started out as Haggis, but changed that rather quickly into Dwarf Knight...

then i heard about homosexuality, and figured out that this looked and sounded extremely gay so i dropped knight .....

nic0 .. what girls say that without they go barf before they finish saying your name ? ... you swedish wannabe fuck

added on the 2005-05-12 11:04:25 by dwarf dwarf
Sweden is the home of the BASS and also superior to denmark in all other departments than distance to das Vaterland.
added on the 2005-05-12 11:52:52 by nic0 nic0
Truck: You were also previously called Tonic, right?
added on the 2005-05-12 13:59:45 by Adok Adok
venomsoup is actually my old nick...
now i prefer @nan or <//²°@n4n°³\\>
added on the 2005-05-12 14:49:56 by v3nom v3nom
venomsoup is actually my old nick...
now i prefer @nan or <//²°@n4n°³\\>
added on the 2005-05-12 14:52:48 by v3nom v3nom
First nick: JoW
Second nick: BitByte
(both on Amiga)

Since then it's ManJIT
added on the 2005-05-12 15:05:37 by ManJIT ManJIT
I've never changed mine. I know, I know, it's hard to believe.
added on the 2005-05-12 15:31:24 by radman1 radman1
Trivia: The ACiD member to hold the record for changing his handle the most was Lord Jazz.

Lord Jazz aka Oned aka The Pumpkin King aka Suicidal Snowman aka Technicolor aka DollSteak aka Vampire of Tehran aka Lazthaus

(source: http://www.acid.org/100/eternal.html)
added on the 2005-05-12 15:32:38 by radman1 radman1
BartSimpson, SummerSun
added on the 2005-05-12 15:47:07 by Someone Someone
added on the 2005-05-12 16:30:24 by quisten quisten
I have also been Tonic, yes (:
As well as Gin.
I have also been Dr. X-ray Master (dxm) and The Overlord of Porn (TOP), but that was before my scenedays.
i heard that mr president of scene/rv1991 was previously known as techno & dance 69
added on the 2005-05-12 18:05:44 by uns3en_ uns3en_
i used to be nosferatu or nozferatu.
added on the 2005-05-13 00:47:15 by nosfe nosfe
nosfe is so much cuter ^^
added on the 2005-05-13 01:19:33 by psenough psenough
nosfe is cutter
added on the 2005-05-13 01:41:22 by rmeht rmeht
Mine was chosen because I make shit programs that crash!

Still good :)
added on the 2005-05-13 01:42:53 by Reboot Reboot
But i know someone who used to be DJ Dominator-X ;)
added on the 2005-05-13 11:40:35 by kurli kurli
I once had this stupid nickname 'Rob', I am happy I now have a much better one!


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