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category: general [glöplog]
thanks for keeping the site up and running Gargaj and rest of the team!

I wasn't aware that there's a need for admins & moderators. If help is needed, hopefully there will be a public request for it. I'd guess there's enough site (semi-)actives, myself included, that are having interest to offer help to keep things running.
added on the 2024-09-20 19:12:35 by waffle waffle
This site is one of the main reasons why I still keep making demos after all these years.

I'd hate to see it go away.

Thank you for your awesome work Gargaj. I truly hope new admin(s) can be found and we can get to 1 million comments sometime next year :-)
added on the 2024-09-20 19:27:24 by uncle-x uncle-x
docd: no idea what irked you so much to single me out, in any case, thanks for proving my point!

waffle: it's up to analogue now i guess :/
added on the 2024-09-20 19:48:56 by havoc havoc
Havoc and all gloperators: I am very grateful for all you do. Like I said I wish you guys had a patreon or PayPal where I could reward you monthly.
added on the 2024-09-20 20:16:43 by xeron xeron
Also it sounds like waffle wants to help. Sign him up!
added on the 2024-09-20 20:18:12 by xeron xeron
Thank you for the work. boyc summarised it well.
It would be really sad to see this place close.
added on the 2024-09-20 20:59:48 by Zavie Zavie
thank you for your service Gargaj.
pouet shoudl stay awhile.. stay forever!
added on the 2024-09-20 21:28:18 by Navis Navis
Thanks Gargaj for wonderful Pouet!
added on the 2024-09-20 22:21:36 by mikezt mikezt
you did a great service to the community. thank you gargaj. love you!
added on the 2024-09-20 22:26:59 by rmeht rmeht
However, some comments look like a funeral notice for Pouët.

To give you an idea how things are going, just today I've been suggested by multiple people that I should shut Pouët down. (That is not my call to make, I don't have that jurisdisction, as I'm only the steward, not a stakeholder.)

I'm sure there are more people who want the site not to be closed or frozen. There is no point in even conducting a survey (especially since it is blasphemous).

I don't know the specific reason for your decision and I'm afraid to try to find out. But if it's because you're tired of working as a moderator, then maybe you should attract more moderators to do the daily work?

I don't know the criteria for being appointed as a moderator, but I, for one, am always ready to do some routine and thankless work :)
added on the 2024-09-20 23:49:07 by bitl bitl
Thanks Gargaj for all your work! I didn't even know! Rmeht told me the news and here I am!

Closest friends: provide Gargajs wishlist for those that would like to make a tangible "retirement gift" as a big thank you! ❤️

Pouet is the historical entry point to the Demoscene and its unique flavor since decades and it is a testament to our culture. I'm fairly sure I downloaded my very first 64k (fr-08 of course) through Pouet. I think that many of us would happily contribute with recurring donations to keep it running. As far as I've understood, Analogue is the owner and if I read on the Mandarine web page:

"In 2000, Analogue started a project called 'Pouet.net', with the ambition of building a collaborative and open database centered on the demoscene productions."

The ambition was met, indeed and I'm grateful for this intuition 24 years ago, but I wonder if it is a way (like, a fundation or something) that could ensure a long term life of this creature, take donations and hire some professionals to maintain the website. Wouldn't it be a wise and farsighted move? 2025 might even be a nice date (after 25 years running).
added on the 2024-09-21 00:46:59 by soolta soolta
I love Pouet.net because it has a nice compact look and layout that is easy to navigate and search, and is relatively concise compared to Demozoo, and I just consider it the IMDb of the Demoscene. It's all I've ever known of the Demoscene since I went on the Internet, and I feel that sites like Demozoo are just starting out, and many thousands of prods have not yet got entries on Demozoo, whereas Pouet.net has curated the Demoscene for more than 24 years.

Plus, I enjoy reading the millions of comments that are visible on the prod pages, a few to a few hundred on each one! :)
added on the 2024-09-21 09:31:52 by Foebane72 Foebane72


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