The best female computer geek ever!!!
category: general [glöplog]
stefan, actually i didn't care much about seeing her, we were laughing our asses off in the chill-out tent watching the presentation on the screen there. When she started her presentation basically saying something like "we get paid for doing what you guys do in your spare time" .. starting from there, it had to be fun.
The rest was a bit of almost tongue-in-cheek teasing I thought :)
But maybe it was because i had a discussion earlier by the bonfire on the fact that the scene needs a bit of, either self-deprecation or at least a sense of proportions on how it positions itself in the grand scheme of things.
I suspect there's a bit of "she should have entered an entry in the 64k compo before dare speak to us about coding." *Of course* an outside lacks the demo scene culture, that's pretty excusable I think! (though that'd be maybe a positive developement if she at least entered a 64k in the future ;)
As an aside, and not being an "hardcore" coder, and not being much interested in dirty hardware, (softwear is where it's at) I didn't know much about this whole new generation of cards, and at least what I could gather was that they could also bring some interesting developements in how one could (better, and interactively) work on effects.
The rest was a bit of almost tongue-in-cheek teasing I thought :)
But maybe it was because i had a discussion earlier by the bonfire on the fact that the scene needs a bit of, either self-deprecation or at least a sense of proportions on how it positions itself in the grand scheme of things.
I suspect there's a bit of "she should have entered an entry in the 64k compo before dare speak to us about coding." *Of course* an outside lacks the demo scene culture, that's pretty excusable I think! (though that'd be maybe a positive developement if she at least entered a 64k in the future ;)
As an aside, and not being an "hardcore" coder, and not being much interested in dirty hardware, (softwear is where it's at) I didn't know much about this whole new generation of cards, and at least what I could gather was that they could also bring some interesting developements in how one could (better, and interactively) work on effects.