Outline 2009 is a go!
category: general [glöplog]
all clear
Have a nice trip to Holland! Oh, and drop some pants on my behalf ;)
Thanks Puryx, I will.
@The awesome Swedes: Will probably be there 23:00, is that cool? I might be able to make it 22:39, but that's not certain unless you want it to be (I would rather not, but it is possible).
@The awesome Swedes: Will probably be there 23:00, is that cool? I might be able to make it 22:39, but that's not certain unless you want it to be (I would rather not, but it is possible).
I almost forgot that I'd better start warming some old shit up, if I'm going to send something remote...
2300 is prob. alright, will take us a few mins to cross the border anyway and who knows how smoothly the loading of the swedes will be.. trains can be late etc...
Sweet, then I have a moment to breathe between travelling and my driverlicense class. Will send and SMS when I take off, see you!
Hah, that's some address you have for ansi/ascii compo.
aaaaaand we're one hour late already not even left home yet.
Ok, I just sent some stuff to truck for the ansi/ascii compo.
Hopefully there's also some better entries coming for the compo.
Hopefully there's also some better entries coming for the compo.
f is in eindhoven. getting ready to party tomorrow.
skrebble: just finishing up packing now - is there going to be an internet connection at the party place? Some guys said they might have entries that they'd like to submit remotely, but being the slackers that they are, they obviously didn't finish them yet, so I doubt they'll do so before we leave tomorrow morning :)
Where do we send the BITS
entries to? orgas09 at outlinedemoparty nl?
Where do we send the BITS
entries to? orgas09 at outlinedemoparty nl?
I'm the slacker! :D
sitting on the ferry to germany now. we are four swedes and me in a saab, it kicks ass.
How the hell do you fit four Swedes and another person in a Saab?
(this isn't the start of a joke either)
(this isn't the start of a joke either)
lots of butter…
driving along the autobahn now, sun is getting up, passing bremen.
driving along the autobahn now, sun is getting up, passing bremen.
f is in eindhoven. getting ready to party tomorrow.

Did OUTLINE receive the BITS entry?
I sent a mail, but haven't had an answer.
SoLo of BITS (thebitsclub.tripod.com)
Did OUTLINE receive the BITS entry?
I sent a mail, but haven't had an answer.
SoLo of BITS (thebitsclub.tripod.com)
Solo: thought you were comming. Why are you on the comming list when not comming....Im comming day and night
The connections to OUTLINE 2009 are lagged,
so the party must be full of people.
The connections to OUTLINE 2009 are lagged,
so the party must be full of people.
Will you steam sound pressure data at the partyplace during JT's concert?
Will you steam sound pressure data at the partyplace during JT's concert?
Ahhh, that is JT's concert, and when is OUTLINE 2009?
SoLo of BITS
Ahhh, that is JT's concert, and when is OUTLINE 2009?
SoLo of BITS
Who invited Vigo the Carpathian?
Han Solo
Who invited Vigo the Carpathian?
Han Solo
Uhm.. have the danes arrived? I need to contact them :D
mentor: check your email :)