pouet 2.0 migration: aug 14
category: general [glöplog]
If I read `parse_message()` in `functions.inc.php` correctly, the post preview will finally respect line breaks :)
Good luck on august 14
Will it be like a new 2012 hype before August 14 ?
more like the year2k-bug-paranoia for now ;)
And on 14th then, when Pv2.0 is online, everyone will be like on 1st of January 2000: "but...nothing happened!??!" ;)
And on 14th then, when Pv2.0 is online, everyone will be like on 1st of January 2000: "but...nothing happened!??!" ;)
has the new version been tested properly already ?
has the new version been tested properly already ?
Quote:by Emod:
BBcode anu Unicode on oneliner are for jazz musicians. I want old pouet back.
Have you ever had a look on the old pouet code?
It's worse than what we used to call "Kahlscher Code" or "Eisenbahncode" in my old company...
You don't really want to keep that ^^
It's still regex :( ew. :P
magic, no it will go live completely untested.
Er, the bbcode that is.
Saga, reserve some resources than already for after the release ;-)
Magic: no1 got your first or second message, choose why:
1) overread
2) does not make sense (in case of second commentary: than != then)
3) Pouet v2.0(beta) already in use, including lamer-filter! (just switching forth and back here, this way saw your posting!)
AMcBain: what against regEx? it´s still of great use for some stuff! :p
1) overread
2) does not make sense (in case of second commentary: than != then)
3) Pouet v2.0(beta) already in use, including lamer-filter! (just switching forth and back here, this way saw your posting!)
AMcBain: what against regEx? it´s still of great use for some stuff! :p
ok, yes, got it!
that´s why i dont get any job i guess!
do i really have to forget about all i´ve learned and go web2.0 completely just so i get a job again? c/c++/c# doesnt seem to make any money anymore, atleast to me!
my Q about it is: why? it´s a step almost ten years back! but every job-offer asks for this old shit i never even thought of to learn about!
sorry for being offtopic! Just to make it even more worse: if you´ve got a job for some willing-to-learn-and-easily-understanding-coder working from home-office drop a mail to me, please! :) (contact-email to be found by clicking my avatar, the 16*16-pixel-image attached to my posting! or just "hardy AT trsi DOT de"), I´d even take some Debugging-Jobs like Extreme-Game-Tester or even Extreme-Bug-Inventor/Injector for testing your existing Game-Testers! i´d work myself up in no time compared to what you´d expect right now anyway :P
that´s why i dont get any job i guess!
do i really have to forget about all i´ve learned and go web2.0 completely just so i get a job again? c/c++/c# doesnt seem to make any money anymore, atleast to me!
my Q about it is: why? it´s a step almost ten years back! but every job-offer asks for this old shit i never even thought of to learn about!
sorry for being offtopic! Just to make it even more worse: if you´ve got a job for some willing-to-learn-and-easily-understanding-coder working from home-office drop a mail to me, please! :) (contact-email to be found by clicking my avatar, the 16*16-pixel-image attached to my posting! or just "hardy AT trsi DOT de"), I´d even take some Debugging-Jobs like Extreme-Game-Tester or even Extreme-Bug-Inventor/Injector for testing your existing Game-Testers! i´d work myself up in no time compared to what you´d expect right now anyway :P
Quote:the site does gracefully fall back if you prefer not to have JS

Quote:the site does gracefully fall back if you prefer not to have JS

the site does gracefully fall back if you prefer not to have JS
Quote:the site does gracefully fall back if you prefer not to have JS

hm, bbcode fail?
[17:26:03] <dfox> you know that you'll be killing the demoscene if the migration does fail and you forget to make backups :D

That you submitted the same thing multiple times? ;)
If you mean the inner quote border, I noticed that when I submitted mine ... it seems a bit odd considering there's no border around the Quote for the outermost quote.
If you mean the inner quote border, I noticed that when I submitted mine ... it seems a bit odd considering there's no border around the Quote for the outermost quote.
Salinga: ofcourse there is a fallback scenario ...:)
Ok, so how many cases of lonkero does the scene owe you guys now?
Kudos. Crossing my fingers that nothing happens to make the migration frustrating for you.
Kudos. Crossing my fingers that nothing happens to make the migration frustrating for you.
That's my fucking birthday! Thanks guys!
Woo yay!