286/386/486 Demoscene
category: general [glöplog]
marq: you are lucky, Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
I always liked the title music in CD better than CD2 anyway. The opening tune practically made me weep at the time, it was so beautiful. It captures the scene at that time almost perfectly.
To those who know the tune, I'd be curious to know what other tunes (either tracked or real/CD) sound like it, or were the inspiration for it.
To those who know the tune, I'd be curious to know what other tunes (either tracked or real/CD) sound like it, or were the inspiration for it.
Glad to know that Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
I for one sure is glad to hear that Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
what's a crystal dream anyway?!
its when you use so much meth that you fall asleep and start to dream about it
It's when you dream about Billy Crystal.
stupid ;-)
You guys are all wrong. It's called Crystal Dream.
Let's make a demo called Crystal Dreams then.
/me is sad because I was hoping, foolishly, that this would degenerate into an actual 286/386/486 demo conversation. Oh well!
Lets make 8088/CGA/640Kb demo compo!
Trixter: what kind of conversation were you looking for?
About the regeneration of the dead 286/386/486 scene
Crystral Dreams works even with 286/386/486!
8088 democomp! YES do it!
is there any demo for Hercules-Graphics ?
is there any demo for Hercules-Graphics ?
my "schneider euro pc" is waiting for a demo!
strong, manly computers need extraordinary demos!

486, 586.... no! i8088 4,7Mhz only with CGA or Hercules graphics. It's true.
kmd.zod said...let's do it ;-)
I tried in the mid 1990s ("8086 compo") and got three entries, one of which was myself under an alias. So, a little disappointing back then. But if someone wants to make a proper org out of it, I would be sure to enter something. We would need an established target, preferably a real 808x machine but DOSBox cycles=fixed 257 comes somewhat close for development.
I recommend Tommo Walker's PCEm.
It can do reasonably cycle-accurate emulation of 8088, 286, 386 and 486 at various speeds and configurations.
But I don't think there's enough people really into this sort of retro-programming to organize a compo. PC's just don't have the nostalgia and romance of say a C64 or Amiga.
It can do reasonably cycle-accurate emulation of 8088, 286, 386 and 486 at various speeds and configurations.
But I don't think there's enough people really into this sort of retro-programming to organize a compo. PC's just don't have the nostalgia and romance of say a C64 or Amiga.
After resisting for quite many years I finally gave in and bought a P166 for DOS demos. Updated it to the maximum (P233 MMX) and added a GUS, so it should be pretty fine for most stuff. The only problem is that the internal VGA sucks (some Mach64 trash) and so far I haven't found a cheap and functional replacement for it. Tried a couple of PCI Matrox cards but they weren't any better. Likewise for a PCI GeForce MX. Either there's trouble with internal or UNIVBE VESA2 support, or some glitches/crashes with exotic VGA tweaks. Going to try Cirrus next – at least they were common back in the day. Any suggestions would be welcome.
PS. A TFT display is pretty useless for DOS stuff :(
PS. A TFT display is pretty useless for DOS stuff :(
I'm kinda thinking an ArcadeVGA card would be a really good and "modern" choice, but doesn't come cheaply. The mode support is impressive though:

Hello tweakmodes ;)

Hello tweakmodes ;)