Progressive poisson disk?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
statistics? lol. this so gay... to analyze. this not something to compute before it happens... is it?and I think poisson is just another number ratio to express random events. -.-
anyway. another randomness. It took 12 hours for me to realize that... google "poisson" disc instead of thinking about a "poison disc" aka "petri dish" visual effect.
anyway. another randomness. It took 12 hours for me to realize that... google "poisson" disc instead of thinking about a "poison disc" aka "petri dish" visual effect.
Just for reference, disc populated using random function:
This is using the bitfield + jitter method to generate a 50% pixel distribution of pixel in a square.
Then scale to the desired density, and rejected points to fit on the disc.
Density scale 4, 8, 16
This is using the bitfield + jitter method to generate a 50% pixel distribution of pixel in a square.
Then scale to the desired density, and rejected points to fit on the disc.
Density scale 4, 8, 16
That to say, I retract my previous comment...
The jitter function need to adjust according to neighbor.
The jitter function need to adjust according to neighbor.