Pirate Bay trial
category: general [glöplog]
Then again, I'm full of shit, and lets face it, they're only in it to get free shit anyway, not to actually run a revolution to better distribution channels and change the way we look at IP (even though they sure like to claim so).
seriously, if they were "only in it to get free shit anyway" they would just use any anonymizing sharing program (like freenet or the gazillion of emerging F2F protocols) instead of standing up against the biggest corporations on earth... would you grow the balls to endanger your own professional and family life to do so ? personally i wouldn't... and they do.
wb: yeah, I agree with you. on the other hand - what is this unique opportunity exactly? if the governments are lobbied by huge monopolies - how can that be changed?

They made it pretty hard to defend themselves by calling the site "The Pirate Bay" in the first place and by childishly making fun of legal threats, replying "what we're doing is technically legal in our country, so piss off".
Other providers of torrent sites simply refuse to interfere with what their search engines are being used for, and at the same time demonstrate good faith by encouraging legal uses of BitTorrent, advocating a modernised approach to copyright, and so on.
It never sounded like TPB had a winnable case to me, but they're still technically right, all they host is a search engine. So now, thanks to the brilliant minds at TPB, Sweden has legal precedence for outlawing search engines, which at the very least will increase pressure on companies like Google to "respect" the copyright industry, at a time when we really need is revisioning of the whole system to address this confusion around the definition of theft.
Other providers of torrent sites simply refuse to interfere with what their search engines are being used for, and at the same time demonstrate good faith by encouraging legal uses of BitTorrent, advocating a modernised approach to copyright, and so on.
It never sounded like TPB had a winnable case to me, but they're still technically right, all they host is a search engine. So now, thanks to the brilliant minds at TPB, Sweden has legal precedence for outlawing search engines, which at the very least will increase pressure on companies like Google to "respect" the copyright industry, at a time when we really need is revisioning of the whole system to address this confusion around the definition of theft.
I just think we have come to an age where the (now) useless middlemen are being cut out and they are screaming in agony as they are going down, and they are alienating all former costumers in the process.
Unfortunally in this process they are altso strongarming governments into implementing mousulini style fascism to protect their interrests.
I cannot sing the praises of valve enough. From the consumers perspective they are on to something. And where it would be honorable of them to cut prices now that the expensive middle man is gone, they have so many special offers to great games all the time that they are forgiven entirely. And apparently they are now giving steam away for free to other gamemakers.
Radiohead gave an album away, and gave people the option to give them money if they liked it. apparently they had never made more money as a band on selling an album.
Conspiracy theory, with the exeption of a few large profile outlets like jones and icke, that whole thing is running on volunteer payments, and some of these boys are doing very well for themselfes on this.
I know that to each good example there are others to counter it. But I really do believe that at the core of things, this is what is going on. Dinosaurs surpassed by the world are lashing out in angst and agony now that they understand that there is no, or atleast less of a need for them. And when you hear some of the stories that these pirates get away with. I felt sorry for the world of goo publisher untill some guy on this board told me that I shouldnt be, because they hadnt paid the guys who actually made them game. such a story and many like it makes you go cold when it comes to these companies "IP". the guy I want to have my money is the guy who sweated blood and tears to entertain me, not some overpaid carbon based bloatware in a suit. And I know many people who feel something to the same extend.
Unfortunally in this process they are altso strongarming governments into implementing mousulini style fascism to protect their interrests.
I cannot sing the praises of valve enough. From the consumers perspective they are on to something. And where it would be honorable of them to cut prices now that the expensive middle man is gone, they have so many special offers to great games all the time that they are forgiven entirely. And apparently they are now giving steam away for free to other gamemakers.
Radiohead gave an album away, and gave people the option to give them money if they liked it. apparently they had never made more money as a band on selling an album.
Conspiracy theory, with the exeption of a few large profile outlets like jones and icke, that whole thing is running on volunteer payments, and some of these boys are doing very well for themselfes on this.
I know that to each good example there are others to counter it. But I really do believe that at the core of things, this is what is going on. Dinosaurs surpassed by the world are lashing out in angst and agony now that they understand that there is no, or atleast less of a need for them. And when you hear some of the stories that these pirates get away with. I felt sorry for the world of goo publisher untill some guy on this board told me that I shouldnt be, because they hadnt paid the guys who actually made them game. such a story and many like it makes you go cold when it comes to these companies "IP". the guy I want to have my money is the guy who sweated blood and tears to entertain me, not some overpaid carbon based bloatware in a suit. And I know many people who feel something to the same extend.
and the guys from the pirate bay are a bunch of assenine tards for all the obvious reasons allready given by other people in this thread.
Well. There are better ways to get a point across than acting like a 10-year old retard no matter if the point is about freedom of speech (which btw is a relatively new point in the piracy discussion as it's only recently that laws that may be seen as conflicting with it has been introduced) or about what I said in my last post about "revolutionizing" distribution. ;)
I think a distribution method similar to that of Spotify would benefit both the content producers and consumers, and I know that most people agree with that. It's just a shame that the guys running trackers and stuff don't mobilize to make that happen instead of having that "omg, lulz, everything should be free, so screw you big evil cooperations!" attitude. Which btw, just increases the gap between the pro-piracy people and the anti-piracy people, and makes it all even worse. I could stretch it a bit further and say that the gap the TPB people and others have created by this "war" is probably what has resulted in the various IP laws we see nowadays in the first place.
Basically, I just think they have the wrong attitude/approach, and that they're screwing things up even more.
I think a distribution method similar to that of Spotify would benefit both the content producers and consumers, and I know that most people agree with that. It's just a shame that the guys running trackers and stuff don't mobilize to make that happen instead of having that "omg, lulz, everything should be free, so screw you big evil cooperations!" attitude. Which btw, just increases the gap between the pro-piracy people and the anti-piracy people, and makes it all even worse. I could stretch it a bit further and say that the gap the TPB people and others have created by this "war" is probably what has resulted in the various IP laws we see nowadays in the first place.
Basically, I just think they have the wrong attitude/approach, and that they're screwing things up even more.
thec: one of the known soluce against warez is building community and providing extra service.
i mean look at Valve's Steam for example : now does it provide community features, easy download & play service, a wide range of games, and a price policy with many sales opportunities :)
i mean look at Valve's Steam for example : now does it provide community features, easy download & play service, a wide range of games, and a price policy with many sales opportunities :)
(that last post of mine was written when I thought thec's reply was the latest)
and never forget that basic piracy is an unbeatable promotion way :p
Decipher: I really think you are looking at it from a different angle. I do not think paying money for software, music, videos or whatever is bad. Paying is a good thing and I've paid for many stuff and I love to pay to thank musicians, programmers and actors. I do not want to live in a world where I get art and software which I am not allowed to copy to anyone or to share it with people who I know will like it. Sharing a link to the on-line store with my friends is not my way of doing things.
So my opinion - simply rethink copyright, medium distribution, prices. No need for a revolution.
I, for instance, can't buy more than half of the music and videos because they require a PayPal account which requires a USA bank account which I do not have.
So my opinion - simply rethink copyright, medium distribution, prices. No need for a revolution.
I, for instance, can't buy more than half of the music and videos because they require a PayPal account which requires a USA bank account which I do not have.
which requires a USA bank account
I don't think you got how PayPal works. I have an OsuusPankki account (Finnish) and I can use PayPal.
and most sceners around should NOT deny their childhood and their roots.
i'm sure copying was part of your computer initiation and education, so please be honest with yourselves.
how many 3d students have begun with an illegal version of 3dsmax...
i'm sure copying was part of your computer initiation and education, so please be honest with yourselves.
how many 3d students have begun with an illegal version of 3dsmax...
doom: yeah, I agree with you a lot.
Decipher: really? hm. in my account the only option to add money to the account is through an active USA bank account. Do you have several options in your PayPal?
wb: yeah, I agree with you. on the other hand - what is this unique opportunity exactly? if the governments are lobbied by huge monopolies - how can that be changed?
Well, I like to think that there's power in masses. They could easily rally a whole lot of people, and set a common goal (e.g. "We want better distribution channels!"). But yes, you are right, it's hard to change things when it would mean that suites with a lot of lobbying power would make less money. But they could have at least tried, at least it could have made this whole circus into a real debate.
seriously, if they were "only in it to get free shit anyway" they would just use any anonymizing sharing program (like freenet or the gazillion of emerging F2F protocols) instead of standing up against the biggest corporations on earth... would you grow the balls to endanger your own professional and family life to do so ? personally i wouldn't... and they do.[quote]
Standing up against the biggest corporations on earth? is that what you call sending "lulz, you can't do anything to us so fuck off!" letters?
What the hell are you smoking? They're only making things worse. The only reason why they weren't hiding is because they thought they were legally safe.
And I agree 100% to what doom said.
(damn bbcode:))
EU Amendment 138, if you haven't allready. Go look it up. The vote is on the 5th of May, I wonder if that in anyway could have affected the trial in sweden? oh well..
Thepiratebay and their talks about free speech is just bullshit. I got banned from TPB in 2005 for uploading the sourcecode to their sister-site Piratbyran.org.
Discussing this on pouet is bound to lead to disaster, so I'm not. But regarding amendment 138 - http://www.blackouteurope.eu
Oh, and.. 5th of May now? Last I heard it's tomorrow at 20:00 CEST.
Oh, and.. 5th of May now? Last I heard it's tomorrow at 20:00 CEST.
Sceners against piracy...omg, I woke up in Bizarro world.
mermaid: Tell me about it..
Sceners against piracy...omg, I woke up in Bizarro world.
Yeah, I'm surprised too...
Being against piracy != being against TPB.