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Cannabis related video needed

category: general [glöplog]
zest: it's not like that's hard, really :)
added on the 2008-06-25 00:59:19 by Gargaj Gargaj
iam kinda surprised what you are smoking .. :)
added on the 2008-06-25 04:12:38 by NuKem NuKem
i would smoke a brand of sativa and indica :D hybrid like white widow or brainstorm, and all is OK!
added on the 2008-06-25 04:17:01 by NuKem NuKem
psssht salvia divinorum is much more interesting (and weird)
added on the 2008-06-25 05:57:49 by GbND GbND
Can't you just rip an Amy W(h)inehouse video?
i found salva divinorum extremely boring and useless for me. how much of that stuff do i have to take? more like a spoon full or two hands full?
added on the 2008-06-25 07:10:10 by jxn jxn
Hope you have a good time in the mental health wards once the schizophrenia kicks in.
added on the 2008-06-25 08:52:39 by xeron xeron
hemp, isnt that an "illegal to grow" plant!

it´s said hemp is able to solve many of a certain modern community´s problems ..
i wonder why its illegal

so is ratpoision, but it's still illegal. all the good stuff is illegal.
added on the 2008-06-25 08:53:27 by quisten quisten
jxn: I'll assume you don't live somewhere where salvia is illegal.
Usually people don't react to it their first time, only on the 2nd+ time.
Try smoking a 'bowl' of the 'enriched' stuff. 10-20x, which you can find anywhere, chewing 10-12 salvia leaves (correctly, see sagewisdom.org), or swirling 3-4 dropperfulls of Dan Seibert's 'emerald essence'. Dan's the guy who first isolated Salvinorin A, and has been spearheading the research. : D
You may just be a salvia hardhead. A small percentage of people just don't react. Remember onset for inhaled salvia is seconds, and peak/fade is in minutes. This aint your father's hallucinogen. : D I've found my own alcohol infusions of _ground_ 10x to be completely useless, where smoking the same was quite effective.
And be -careful-. Things get weird, and can be a little scary.
added on the 2008-06-25 09:06:48 by GbND GbND
That might be too revealing though!
added on the 2008-06-25 09:12:35 by Sander Sander
xeron: actually salvia's got promising potential to be a _treatment_ for schizophrenia. Have you got evidence to support your statement, or are you just passing on fear-mongering memes?
added on the 2008-06-25 09:22:45 by GbND GbND
Thanks for all replies and links.

Numtek: contact me on marchedi at gmail so we can talk about details.
Elsewhere: I totally agree with you, that's why I'm looking for help on demoscene. You know, I can make some crappy low quality vid, but what's the point? I can't stand most of these cannabis related websites/graphics/etc. Reggae related tune was only an Idea, I'm open for your thoughts. Like Zest's idea, I'll keep it in my mind.

Damn yea, you can post ideas if you want as well, more people involved = chance for making something fucking cool. (and then we can send it to bp09 so they can play it outside compos, like Linger In Shadows by Plastic :) ).

I'm looking for video made specially for this event, with dates, etc. I don't have a script or a basic idea, that's why I need you sceners!

btw, I had an Idea to make a video for Global Marijuana March all over the world and not only for Edinburgh's march so many people can use it.
If you go to globalmarijuanamarch.org you can see a list of the cities that's why I'll be probably putting this link on posters/leaflets.
We'll see when we find people to make this vid.

I'm also interested in projects of posters, leaflets and also some simple, good looking logo.

btw I'm looking for some free hosting as the untergrund.net people didn't replied to my emails yet and I can't start with sponsors and shit before I get the website up and running.

Any help you can offer will be much appreciated.
Thanks & Peace!
added on the 2008-06-25 12:42:25 by Marchedi Marchedi

I was talking about cannabis, not salvia. You see, my wife is training to be a mental health nurse, and its kind of depressing the number of people my taxes are paying to keep in wards that need £100+ a day of anti-schizophrenia drugs because they liked the weed too much.
added on the 2008-06-25 12:49:53 by xeron xeron
xeron: Correlation does not imply causality.
added on the 2008-06-25 12:57:33 by Preacher Preacher
xeron: the weed in your country is fucked up!!! :O

*walks into coffeeshop*

*legally smokes a joint*

Booyah, bitches!
added on the 2008-06-25 13:03:20 by okkie okkie
Reggae related tune was only an Idea

but definitely an innovative one!
Granted, but the opinions of the majority of my wifes colleagues are pretty convinced cannabis is the cause.

Besides, the wards on which my wife have worked have had a LOT of cases of schizophrenia, and the VAST majority were heavy weed smokers.

Proven causality or not, i wouldn't want to take that chance. Therefore i have no sympathy with people who smoke weed and get serious mental health problems, and find peoples claims that it is "harmless" laughable.

BTW, i am actually not entirely against cannabis use; i'm generally in favour of prescribed use in very specific cases.
added on the 2008-06-25 13:12:33 by xeron xeron
OK, that first sentence was messed up. I meant to say that most of my wifes colleagues are conviced that cannabis use is the cause.
added on the 2008-06-25 13:13:24 by xeron xeron
xeron: you wouldn't hate on Stu Wyatt, now wouldcha?
added on the 2008-06-25 13:13:31 by okkie okkie
Well, the whole "my body, my choice" idea is brilliant, as long as it's followed by "my choice, my consequence". It's a messy grey area, though, as some of the other stuff your taxes pay for are sports injuries, alcohol (ab)use, etc.
added on the 2008-06-25 14:04:29 by doomdoom doomdoom
Its true, but when you consider that sever schizophrenia incurrs the cost of residential care, plus drugs that cost upwards of £100 a day, thats quite a cost.

Also, the "correlation != causality" argument is a good one, but consider that while the strength of cannabis and number of users has increased, so have the number of schizophrenia cases. Also consider that the vast majority of schizophrenia sufferers that my wife has encountered were heavy weed smokers (vast majority is not an exagerration in this context), i personally feel cannabis use should be restricted (and i'm glad that it is in my country).
added on the 2008-06-25 14:26:38 by xeron xeron
added on the 2008-06-25 14:26:53 by xeron xeron
doom: we have taxes on weed! :P
added on the 2008-06-25 14:34:57 by el mal el mal
all the good stuff is illegal.

Yeah, damn those bad carrots. Healthy stuff oughtta be banned.


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