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category: general [glöplog]
well it's not free. this fee only applies to m. so, i guess i have to steal it. assuming i give a shit enough to do so.
added on the 2007-12-24 11:37:53 by hexen hexen
Merry xmas to you too. If straight quotation is twisting words i'll shut up from this nonsense. Besides, i wasn't targetting you at all with my words, i was just thinking aloud generally.
added on the 2007-12-24 11:41:30 by Serpent Serpent
well i didn't mean it the way you took it. so sorry if i pissed you off. but, that's not what i was going for. merry xmas to you to. unless that was complete sarcasm.
added on the 2007-12-24 11:43:07 by hexen hexen
the bartender has now stopped serving :)
added on the 2007-12-24 11:43:08 by keito keito
it's probably a good time for him to stop. drinking and talking to people isn't my thing apparently.
added on the 2007-12-24 11:43:52 by hexen hexen
nothing wrong with having an opinion, hell, here especially, people share alot of opinions, just a little tollerance and understanding goes a long way, having said that plenty of users dont have either of those qualitys, just i find being constructive leads to progression rather than degression which is destructive..

but keep on asking questions, ask as many as u can, read, and learn like you are already, but if you can, participate, contribute, and _share_ your creations :)
added on the 2007-12-24 11:48:49 by keito keito
i would if i was smart enough. that's what i'm here for. not to argue with the people i respect.
added on the 2007-12-24 11:51:34 by hexen hexen
unfortunately hexen is correct in that (at least our western way of) life _is_, in the end, about money.

merry consumerism festival to everyone!
added on the 2007-12-24 15:44:41 by uncle-x uncle-x
Ever heard of paragraphs?
added on the 2007-12-24 15:45:45 by xernobyl xernobyl
i understand that you guys do everything for free. to me it's more about why? in my day to day life if i do anything free. i get called stupid and i'm just trying to understand why people with so much more tallent with me would do what they do for free. i'm not trying to change anything. i'm just curious. i love how everything is free. alot of what was free in my life helped me learn. but, i can't help but being curious as to why people to that. even though i have done it as well.

part of it is technicality - usually making something for cash needs to involve a lot of ingoing cash as well, because you have to take care of the jurisdictional aspects as well (you have to have your income taxed, you need to trademark the brand, register patents, market the product, and so on - just some hypothetical ideas.) and of course that would need an actual business and setting that up would require a risk and abandoning our current jobs, etc. - i hope you can see the rift.

on the other hand, we're doing demos. demos aren't necessarily something the general public is dying to pay for - if they would be, this site would be a whole lot different :) we COULD try to shove down demos on the throat of ordinary consumers - hell, we do that even when they're free (*giggle*) - but then you backtrack to the "funds" part and realize you can RUN a business of it but you can't START one from it unless you have the rocket fuel already.

and these are just the technical reasons. the mental reason is a lot more simple: FUN. i didnt get into the demoscene to sell a product, because the scene was so little known that it was obvious that's not the purpose here. that said, it was still a lot of fun creating things, even if just for my own amusement... so in a way, i'm actually sparing money on movies and television by demos. :)

and yeah, some valid points you said.
added on the 2007-12-24 15:55:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
I don't even know what this thread is about, but I vote HeXen the new Pouet hero!!!

Merry Christmas one and all!
added on the 2007-12-24 16:35:18 by Flunce Flunce
Only an American guy to talk about money.
Do you help people if they ask you to help them, or do they have to pay you? :|
added on the 2007-12-25 02:57:12 by xernobyl xernobyl
Asking about that is probably normal if you come from a place where you have to pay for health care and decent education.
added on the 2007-12-25 02:59:16 by xernobyl xernobyl
How can you steal something that's free?
That's another way of talking about a ripper. :)

And to get to the point. This is how demo-making helps you make money:
If you're extremely talented, you'll get some extra $$$ for prices on big parties. But this is very limited, and nothing you can live on without working.
And: Demomaking can look good in your CV if you're good at it and got one or a couple good positions in compos.
Which is not without reason: It proves that you are a skilled coder, and demomaking helps you get those skills.
It's not just a hobby that you can pick that'll replace college. Rather, most sceners are college students (Or graduates) at least as far as I've understood.
So HeXeN, if you want to get started, start by going to college, preferably computer science. (Not a joke)
added on the 2007-12-25 03:14:26 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
Only an American guy to talk about money.
Do you help people if they ask you to help them, or do they have to pay you? :|

that seems a little racist. but whatever. i usually help them if i'm asked to help someone. if im capable of doing the job. but if i get paid i'm happy about it. it doesn't mean i don't do anything for anyone unless they pay me money. because i'll do most things for free.

Asking about that is probably normal if you come from a place where you have to pay for health care and decent education.

well, i wouldn't have asked in the first place. but, i was drunk and i was curious. but it is true. people expect you to pay for everything. even thinking which people do anyway.

How can you steal something that's free?

this was just a part of him saying he was going to exclusively charge me for his demos. because he apparently didn't get what i was talking about at the time. such as i'm trying to make money off demo's or whatever he might have been thinking. but what i was talking about was a question and not an answer and he decided to be a dick about it.

And to get to the point. This is how demo-making helps you make money:
If you're extremely talented, you'll get some extra $$$ for prices on big parties. But this is very limited, and nothing you can live on without working.
And: Demomaking can look good in your CV if you're good at it and got one or a couple good positions in compos.
Which is not without reason: It proves that you are a skilled coder, and demomaking helps you get those skills.
It's not just a hobby that you can pick that'll replace college. Rather, most sceners are college students (Or graduates) at least as far as I've understood.
So HeXeN, if you want to get started, start by going to college, preferably computer science. (Not a joke)

i'd love to goto college. but at the moment i don't have the money to go. so, i read ebooks and such to learn as well as current demoscene material that has already been released. i probably have enough information to start. but i don't know where to start.

i originally wanted to do it for fun as well. but when you've got to figure out shit by yourself. in my case i don't get far. but, i agree it's a great skill to learn and computer science would be great to take. but at the moment it's not something i can do. i would have loved to be smart enough to just know what i'm doing all the time. but my programming skills in computer graphics are shit. if i can get into college i'll do it though. i know it would help.

but still this whole thing wasn't about actually getting money. it was wondering why people do this for free. but then again i also did say it might have been about the conversation. seeing as how i was drunk. i'll admit it was a hell of a conversation and enjoyed the responses. but after the bartender went to bed. i figure i'd lay this topic down to rest as well. i'm surprised this got as many responses as it did. so, thank you all for your feedback and we'll have to have another great discussion about something else completey random in the future or maybe just have a not so random bucket with a seal thread. why should the seal always have the bucket? well i'm out. i had a great day and i hope you did as well. so, i'll talk to you all later. happy holidays.
added on the 2007-12-25 04:16:03 by hexen hexen
I suppose it's possible to sign your name on someone else's demo and not give credit to original authors. If there's not enough original content then that's not so good.

This 'money' argument is present in Canada too. A lot of people who I showed demos to immediately asked me "Why? Why don't they do something useful?". Really depressing.
added on the 2007-12-25 07:15:49 by bigcheese bigcheese
I suppose it's possible to sign your name on someone else's demo and not give credit to original authors.

and this is why i'm done with this thread. it's all good. remind me not to mention money around you people again. other than that you guys are great to have a conversation with.
added on the 2007-12-25 07:40:49 by hexen hexen
I've been laughing out loud after reading the second post =)
added on the 2007-12-25 07:59:31 by willbe willbe
demos aren't sold with money because there isn't a commercial demand for them. what i say here sounds unspirited in the scene sense but this must be true: if it was a business with chances of any profit, people would have been already selling their demos; it isn't.
I posted that comment after reading the comments at the first page, not realizing that there was a second page. Had no idea that it could be taken as explosive.
added on the 2007-12-25 10:28:12 by bigcheese bigcheese
It was particularly in response to this comment at the bottom of the page "preacher if you're going to be ignorant to then i'll show you the proper way to steal your demo's.", as a silly academic kind of remark. I put myself out of context I guess..
added on the 2007-12-25 10:31:33 by bigcheese bigcheese
that seems a little racist

The word is xenophobe.
added on the 2007-12-25 13:34:15 by xernobyl xernobyl
life is about money

added on the 2007-12-25 14:01:27 by NoahR NoahR
ill rephrase....my life isnt!
added on the 2007-12-25 14:02:26 by NoahR NoahR
dude, do like every decent american and move to good old fortress europe ;)
added on the 2007-12-25 14:06:25 by xernobyl xernobyl


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