the big demoscene trivia thread
category: general [glöplog]
meister nadelöhr?
Did you know that "ps" stands for "psychic symphony" ?
Did you know that when Multiplex & me drove to Mekka-Symposium 2002 we saw a truck driver at a parking lot wearing a pretty familair t-shirt?

Did you know that ps had short hair and orange t-shirts?
Did you know that Censor Design is supposed have brought nazi skinheads with them to the Phenomena + Light party in Allingsås, Sweden 1992?
Did you know that Marvin/Trepaan is supposedly locked up in a Norwegian jail for selling drugs to kids?
Did you know, that the title of The tetris has you. by Illuminati was chosen because the enginecoder, marvin, was obsessed with playing Tetris for original GameBoy at the time?
Did you know that when Multiplex & me drove to Mekka-Symposium 2002 we saw a truck driver at a parking lot wearing a pretty familair t-shirt?
Did you talk to him?
did you know that you all are bunch of wankers?
especially el topo who hasnt contributed scene in any way
Did you know that the sprite record is, in fact, the first fascist release to win a german compo?
Did you know that uns3en_'s grammar isn't very good? :)
Shiftah: I thought it was a nazi release...
germans always confuse the two, so why can't I?
Did you know that uns3en lost his virginity to a vacuum cleaner?
shanethewolfdog: did i offend your buddy? boo-hoo: have a jesus band-aid to help you.

Did you know that Matti Nykänen died
Who is he? Is he related to Mataaki Mätäänen?
a legendary ex-skijumper burnout.
Did you know the guy who's breakdancing in Acme's 303 demo is Harlequin/SuccesS/Silicon Ltd.?

Who could imagine this.
This might be an occasion to reveal what "kb" stands for... but I'll leave that to somebody else. :)Did you know that "ps" stands for "psychic symphony" ?
I guess everybody knows what "adok" stands for?
I guess everybody knows what "adok" stands for?
Yeah, you just removed a space and an R from between the letters.
Did you know that the dutch guys who call themselves "Synesthetics" also act as dj+vj and they're performing on a large festival in Amsterdam next weekend?