[troll] random pictures
category: general [glöplog]

WTF Freeze! 30000 civilists died in February 1945 in that 2 day bombing by anglo-american fighters and you post such an offending pic? You are sick!
germans fight germans.

I have won 5 hours internet! Hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

touching optimus.. in a time where broadband is fuckass everywhere, some people are still happy with 5 hours of internet.. i find that touching..
MadenMann: Relax, soon someone will post a payback-picture with a Fluffy Kitten Concentration Camp Commander or something like that, and the universe will be in balance once again...

Remember this classic shot?

How did this ever get on my Hardrive, Had it for years now.
WTF !!
MadenMann: Take it easy. It's because of the Kittens, not because Dresden. :)
using my name in vain makes baby jesus cry...

i just found a zania-lookalike:


wtf dalezy! you mean to tell me that that is NOT zania?!?!
But it *is* :)
want the whole pic? :D
it's from maschinenfest 2004 in germoney .. and i didn't even know she was there. =)
it's from maschinenfest 2004 in germoney .. and i didn't even know she was there. =)
Shift0r: *it* is?