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tpolm lazy sunday radio

category: general [glöplog]
did anyone record it? :'(
added on the 2004-11-22 13:31:27 by mrdoob mrdoob
btw, thumbs up for the catalan, spanish and english with a tipical wrong spanish pronunciation version of the hold on message ogg \o/
added on the 2004-11-22 13:37:11 by mrdoob mrdoob
oh! i got it.. the recording
added on the 2004-11-22 15:46:29 by mrdoob mrdoob
236:00 \o/ \o/ \o/
added on the 2004-11-24 13:24:42 by mrdoob mrdoob
just one thing: why use ogg? it's non-standard and not widely supported. or well, atleast not on mac, and quite a few people seem to use that machine these days. i would _love_ an mp3 version of the recording!
added on the 2004-11-25 01:43:50 by gemini gemini
well gemini get used to it, ogg si teh futura and TEH FUTURA SI HERE!
added on the 2004-11-25 01:46:55 by stonda stonda
When I first used ogg vorbis to encode some audio, I was quite surprised to discover the sound quality noticeable better than mp3 at equivalent compression levels.

And while it may not be the most common compression format, .ogg isn't exactly "non-standard" -- to me that would refer to some proprietary format. Plus, the codec is readily available royalty-free for any and all platforms.
gemini: because the encoding sound artifacts are less noticable and we dont give a damn about popular file formats ^^
added on the 2004-11-25 03:05:23 by psenough psenough
in 7004 ogg is the shit ;)
added on the 2004-11-25 03:05:46 by psenough psenough
well, tell apple to support ogg then. or wait .. please don't. they've gotten flamed about that before.. and we know it's not happening. ogg is NOT the future.

regarding quality, why not choose aac instead? it's supported by winamp and xmms too, and also by apples programs. and yes, the quality is neat just like with ogg...
added on the 2004-11-25 07:01:49 by gemini gemini
gemini, ogg is about as much 'the future' as the macintosh is, so think about trading computers instead :)
added on the 2004-11-25 08:53:29 by skrebbel skrebbel
gemini: gp32 can play ogg, are you sure that mac can't?
added on the 2004-11-25 09:46:40 by mrdoob mrdoob
for playing ogg under mac os (X):

haven't tested any of these (got no mac), but atleast there seems to be some options if you really need to play some oggs.
added on the 2004-11-25 10:55:56 by skypher skypher
my iTunes have no problem with ogg-files (allthough for some reason it couldn't handle the ogg-streams last sunday, just the mp3-ones)
added on the 2004-11-25 11:26:39 by lithis lithis
tracklisting tracklisting!!!
added on the 2004-11-25 12:18:14 by mrdoob mrdoob
vlc (http://videolan.org/) also is useful on the mac to play ogg (and related streams)
added on the 2004-11-27 00:55:57 by _-_-__ _-_-__
and gemini, you're not welcome to discuss a choice that was made 1 week ago.
added on the 2004-11-27 00:57:07 by _-_-__ _-_-__


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