which country will be bombed next?
category: general [glöplog]
It's difficult to rationally understand the Greeks' objections to simply calling the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia "Macedonia". There are several more examples of countries that have the same (or almost the same) name as a province of one of their neighbouring countries, for example: Luxemburg (Belgium), Azerbaijan (Iran), Mongolia (China), Mexico (USA), United Kingdom (Ireland), Benin (Nigeria). Apart from the conflict in Northern Ireland, I haven't heard about any recent conflicts regarding these territorities.
It's difficult to rationally understand the Greeks' objections to simply calling the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia "Macedonia". There are several more examples of countries that have the same (or almost the same) name as a province of one of their neighbouring countries, for example: Luxemburg (Belgium), Azerbaijan (Iran), Mongolia (China), Mexico (USA), United Kingdom (Ireland), Benin (Nigeria). Apart from the conflict in Northern Ireland, I haven't heard about any recent conflicts regarding these territorities.
I don't think they're going to do anything about Cuba any soon. It would be a waste. After all, Cuba is neither a big threat nor does it have a lot of valuable resources like Iraq. Moreover, Fidel Castro is an old man already, and maybe when he'll pass away Cuba will return to capitalism. The only reason for an intervention in Cuba I see would be to get votes from the Cuban minority in Florida, but if this had been Bush's aim, he'd have done it before the elections. ;-)
I don't think they're going to do anything about Cuba any soon. It would be a waste. After all, Cuba is neither a big threat nor does it have a lot of valuable resources like Iraq. Moreover, Fidel Castro is an old man already, and maybe when he'll pass away Cuba will return to capitalism. The only reason for an intervention in Cuba I see would be to get votes from the Cuban minority in Florida, but if this had been Bush's aim, he'd have done it before the elections. ;-)
but they need the island to ship in more suspected terrorists and non-patriots! and W gets to catch another well-known evil dictator.
I bet he'd like to go finish things up in Vietnam as well... :-)
I bet he'd like to go finish things up in Vietnam as well... :-)
"finish things up in Vietnam" sounds very good, like making this country stronger and saying "sorry"... ;)
Sounds like he'll be our new messiah:
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
(complete text)
Sounds like he'll be our new messiah:
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
(complete text)
Adok : What are you talking about man ? Don't you know about the disputes between Azerbaijan and Iran over Caspian sea boundaries, the long history of wars between China and Mongolia (which was named centuries ago), the US-mexican WAR in 1844, and the conflict between Nigeria-Niger and Benin over some rivers or something. (Don't know about Luxembourg/Belgium, they are probably too busy making money.. :-) Granted, the disputes are not over the NAME, but name could be a starting point - who knows. There are no recent conflicts (just turmoil), because in most cases, the issues has been 'resolved' by wars, or has been forgotten by the people who have greater problems (like survival - africa, north asia ..).
Anyway, this kind of reasoning (saying that , if others didn't have problems, you shouldn't have either) is rather silly in history and politics. No two situations are the same, things are alot more complicated than that.
Anyway, this kind of reasoning (saying that , if others didn't have problems, you shouldn't have either) is rather silly in history and politics. No two situations are the same, things are alot more complicated than that.
bomb the bass!
Adok: Comparing Macedonia / Greece (Macedonia) with the situation in Ireland is pretty stupid. The Republic of Ireland declared/got Independence from Great Britain (it still remains in the UK) in 1921, Northern Ireland kept British. The conflicts are based on the denomination (!) of the people (how stupid is that please?) and the thinking of one state of Ireland vs. the thinking of keeping N.Ireland British. For more information read the Wikipedia in [en] or [de].
moT, Navis: You should learn German, because the c in Macedonia is translated in two way: the traditional k and the more modern z, it's the same with the names, Makedonien is mostly referred to the historical Macedonia or to the region in Greece, Mazedonien is mostly referred to the state of Macedonia.
Anyway, demoparties keep cool because religion, nation and politic views keep out of the parties. If you think, it gets too much here, keep quiet and don't read or read our comments and have a good laught. :)
moT, Navis: You should learn German, because the c in Macedonia is translated in two way: the traditional k and the more modern z, it's the same with the names, Makedonien is mostly referred to the historical Macedonia or to the region in Greece, Mazedonien is mostly referred to the state of Macedonia.
Anyway, demoparties keep cool because religion, nation and politic views keep out of the parties. If you think, it gets too much here, keep quiet and don't read or read our comments and have a good laught. :)
[size=xx-large][color=FF6600][font=Verdana]MOLOVIA !![/font][/color][/size]
i think he meant molvania.
We're already launching pre-emptive strikes against our schools. They'll deny it, but after seeing that IQ/vote chart I think they had a secret motive. :)
My bet is on Iran.
MadenMann, Navis: The histories of the conflicts are all different and cannot be possibly compared.
Navis: The Mexican-US war predates New Mexico becoming a part of the USA (it was actually a result of this war). Similarly, the legendary Mongol-Chinese rivalries were already history when (Outer) Mongolia became an independent country, while Inner Mongolia remained a part of China until today.
Navis: The Mexican-US war predates New Mexico becoming a part of the USA (it was actually a result of this war). Similarly, the legendary Mongol-Chinese rivalries were already history when (Outer) Mongolia became an independent country, while Inner Mongolia remained a part of China until today.
someone should bomb adok! :P
I guess the next country to be "liberated" will be Iran.
If the US invades any more countries they'll have to start a draft. BUT if they do invade North Korea we won't have to worry about anything anymore because there won't be anything left to worry about.
adok, maidenMann: If you look closer at my post, you will see that I was merely stating the arguments of the conflict, not taking sides in it. Both coutries have respectable arguments on this issue and both countries have handled it poorly in more than one occasions. However, both countries seem to have avoided military conflict so far. Which is what the U.S. would be more than happy to 'rectify'. And that was the whole point of my original post.
Indeed. It doesn't really matter what the proper name is, as it is something that has remained as such for many many years, and recently enough has been brought up. Both Hellas and Fyrom (and their respective governments) have been pretty edgy about the matter, but they wanted to avoid armed conflict at any cost. And so after loads of jaggies, the level of communication between the countries was quite high, and a diplomatic solution would surely arise (especially now that Fyrom is about to get into the EU). For Greece, giving in to this issue would mean a national and political failure.. but it is more a European failure..
US, wants to create turmoil and tension in the area, in high hopes that there will be unrest and upheaval. And the reason is simple as US considers Europe to be dangerous rivals and wants to have ways to manipulate it.. and what best way to do it other than striking with such means at Europe's weakest link, namely the Balkan countries? (And I say weakest link mostly due to the fact that the Balkan countries are struggling to get back on track after being targeted by Eastern wars, European Wars, Civil wars and recently enough USA wars (hello Clinton)..
It is paramount that Europe deals with the situation in a very careful manner. As long as the € closes the $1,30 limit, and as long as the threat of Petroleum being priced with euros rather than dollars, the provokation and acts as such will be more frequent.
US, wants to create turmoil and tension in the area, in high hopes that there will be unrest and upheaval. And the reason is simple as US considers Europe to be dangerous rivals and wants to have ways to manipulate it.. and what best way to do it other than striking with such means at Europe's weakest link, namely the Balkan countries? (And I say weakest link mostly due to the fact that the Balkan countries are struggling to get back on track after being targeted by Eastern wars, European Wars, Civil wars and recently enough USA wars (hello Clinton)..
It is paramount that Europe deals with the situation in a very careful manner. As long as the € closes the $1,30 limit, and as long as the threat of Petroleum being priced with euros rather than dollars, the provokation and acts as such will be more frequent.
moT: Ok, sorry. It reminded me to a sitiuation I once saw while browsing orkut, where a greek guy was pissed off because a group (for balkan states? I don't remember) was named in a way where FYROM appeared as Macedonia. :)
MadenMann: It's true many greeks don't react very well to this problem. Only time will fix this issue. Provided that the U.S. doesn't fuel up the conflict.
adok: bush did mention he was going to do something about castro when fishing for votes iirc..
civil war! civil war! civil war! hopefully the us will destroy itself.
civil war! civil war! civil war! hopefully the us will destroy itself.

My room was bombed when I came home from Hamburg111111!!
According to Australians, Lapland.
But no, better drop the bomb over here. I'm catching it already. :>
But no, better drop the bomb over here. I'm catching it already. :>