yet another wedding ..
category: general [glöplog]
He might have had his hands in his pockets, but his words showed a side of Rasmus i don't think any of us have seen before.. Quite touching actually :)
VI VIL SE DEM(O) NØGNE.. nej vent lidt, vi vil bare se flere billeder fra festen.
Greetings to Nina for marrying that BASTARD :) May she beat you into a bloody pulp each time you fuck up.
I say like thorsten, GREAT speech, by far the best that evening.
Greetings to Nina for marrying that BASTARD :) May she beat you into a bloody pulp each time you fuck up.
I say like thorsten, GREAT speech, by far the best that evening.

tænk at det kunne ske. tillykke... er du ikke efterhånden ved at være cand.nørd også..?
thanks everyone :)
the page has been updated with the profesional photographers pictures
the page has been updated with the profesional photographers pictures
yeah and he takes pictures of thorsten :) (or her, whatever).
we want more :)
we want more :)
Okkie: right, i'm just being envious. ;)
Congratulations, naturally, to Rasmus. Most important is trust and faith, so that's what i wish to you and your wife.
Congratulations, naturally, to Rasmus. Most important is trust and faith, so that's what i wish to you and your wife.
best wishes, macaw!
looking at photos i thought: omfg, i must be a freak but i would never marry like this:D
i'm glad for the freak rasmus tho:)
Congrats! Nice wife, nice pics in the nature and FAT Limo!!
Congrats, yo!
Congratulations! Can't think of anything witty scene-related here, so I'll just wish you the best of luck ! :)
I wish you tons of hapiness :D
I wish you tons of hapiness :D
Maybe it's time you tell her you're a scener, RA5MUS.