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An Apology

category: residue [glöplog]
Welcome to our ongoing webseries "How to make yourself look like an ass", your host is Scamp!
added on the 2021-08-16 16:23:17 by havoc havoc
Btw. Thanks Serpent for pointing out what i thought. :)

Absolutly the same happend on discord and nothing more.
Nothing more to say. It's just a big joke!
added on the 2021-08-16 16:27:30 by .. ..
I do not feel insulted, and did not. Again: I have been a controversial scener for 27 years now.

heh. N00b.
added on the 2021-08-16 16:29:28 by deathy deathy
Scamp: You might have missed it, but I did apologize. To those that got hurt. But not towards those who do hurt. Which is logical.

added on the 2021-08-16 16:34:28 by Klandox Klandox
Please, my friend Scamp, just make your alternative communication channel so we can join it and eventually abandon Discord (or just be on both).

There is no need to point to the flaws of Discord (being the platform or any particular server) without providing some practical solution.

Do it! Will you? I hope so.
added on the 2021-08-16 16:40:42 by ham ham
I hereby also want to apologise that you are all wrong. Very sowwy!
added on the 2021-08-16 16:43:16 by el mal el mal

There are a bunch of people working on building better platforms, yes. The goal is to make it democratic with elected moderators/mediators. The focus will be on people who actually still go out and party together, as the "we have online disputes, but then hug in real-life to compensate" part is an important factor.
added on the 2021-08-16 17:18:49 by scamp scamp
Great, so then we're done here. Enjoy the new platform!
added on the 2021-08-16 17:23:38 by sagacity sagacity
Some people, including the scene's #1 attention-seeking outrage queen, started to derail the conversation

You're talking about yourself in third person here, right?
added on the 2021-08-16 17:47:16 by leijaa leijaa
So what is the goal here?
I mean...this thread throws a kinda bad light on several writers here.

Whats next?
Will someone bring tar and feathers?

There have been incidents during the last months.
There have been insults, namecalling, harrassing by several people.
And no, that shouldnt be tolerated and pointed out.

But locking out ppl and bashing helps no one.
Talks, Reflecting and truly meant apologies do.

That would be a beginning for everyone who shitted in the bed.
And on the other hand, the bashers who jump right in here and in other threads, rethink if bashing on this topic helps solving anything.

I feel more and more like iam on a schoolyard wtching bullies or even watching bullies get bullied.

I really dislike the development here, there, everywhere.
added on the 2021-08-16 18:07:58 by _docd _docd

Just history repeating.
added on the 2021-08-16 18:23:50 by SiR SiR
oh...and an unpopular oppinion:

I wont drop a decades lasting friendship, just because that friend shits in the bed and is in fight woth another friend.

As mentioned in "the other" thread, i intervene, talk and offer mediation.

But when the goal is to erase an scene existence and creating trench warfares by gathering bias associates...wont end well i guess.
added on the 2021-08-16 18:28:32 by _docd _docd
SIR: more like "History still ongoing"
added on the 2021-08-16 18:29:26 by _docd _docd
SIR: more like "History still ongoing"
Yeah, I feel sorry for you, DocD. Really.
added on the 2021-08-16 18:31:40 by SiR SiR
Yeah, I feel sorry for you, DocD. Really.

No need to. I know my friends quite a while, still love all of them. :-)
added on the 2021-08-16 18:34:29 by _docd _docd
Very sowwy!

added on the 2021-08-16 18:36:01 by w00t! w00t!
No need to. I know my friends quite a while, still love all of them. :-)

The thing is, it's not the one person that suffers from NPD, instead it's everyone else near that person. Don't let 'em suck you dry.
added on the 2021-08-16 18:39:49 by SiR SiR
docd: what use is the kind of friend/acquaintance who doesn't warn his friend/acquaintance that he's making himself look like an ass in front of a large audience? or even worse, tries to defend him/egg him on instead?
added on the 2021-08-16 19:08:42 by havoc havoc
i did (last saturday in person at yodas place).
and i still do.
added on the 2021-08-16 19:12:45 by _docd _docd
...and i dont defend anyone.
Iam friend, not lawyer neither am i judge.
added on the 2021-08-16 19:13:53 by _docd _docd
after getting some background informations from some of my friends who experienced d4xx within the last weeks:
yeah. permban. welll deserved.
anyhoo...d4xx: you left the scene so often, that maybe you should avoid permbans by just be consequent and stay away from this community you despise its members so much.
Maybe there is another anthole you can stick a twig in.

So after "your friends" gave you background information, you had to go against me too one question: A fair person would have talk to me personally afterwards and asked "Tell me, did you say this and this to this and that?"

Did you do that?
added on the 2021-08-16 19:24:47 by .. ..
d4xx: With all due respect, can we please NOT have this thread being about you specifically again? Not saying this out of attentionwhoring, but people will use all their kind to derail this conversation and make sure my valid points are drowned.

In other words: I have enough to do with the controversies *I* am causing.

(But no, while you may have annoyed people or be annoying in general, I also never saw the claimed insults you are supposed to have given. I saw "moderation" on you done in bad faith instead of anyone actually trying to calm things down. You are proof that moderation and mediation is not working inside the online part of the demoscene today.)
added on the 2021-08-16 19:34:19 by scamp scamp
"all their kind" = "all they can"
added on the 2021-08-16 19:35:26 by scamp scamp
docd: fair enough, i just think the "tar and feathers" stuff doesn't make sense then.
added on the 2021-08-16 19:35:45 by havoc havoc
d4xx: With all due respect, can we please NOT have this thread being about you specifically again? Not saying this out of attentionwhoring, but people will use all their kind to derail this conversation and make sure my valid points are drowned.

In other words: I have enough to do with the controversies *I* am causing.

(But no, while you may have annoyed people or be annoying in general, I also never saw the claimed insults you are supposed to have given. I saw "moderation" on you done in bad faith instead of anyone actually trying to calm things down. You are proof that moderation and mediation is not working inside the online part of the demoscene today.)

Ok scamp. I'm sorry, Maybe docd can contact me on discord by pm.
added on the 2021-08-16 19:40:45 by .. ..


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